Uploaded by Catherine Jamie

Discussion Rubric: Chemistry Participation

Discussion Rubric
Discussion Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning
Outcome Question or Comment.
Every student is required to ask at least one
question about the chapter and/or the
tutorial video. The question must be specific
to a subject of the chapter or video. Ask
questions like "Why are tertiary carbons
favor for Sn1 over Sn2?" Avoid questions or
comment like "I do not understand chapter
2" or "Can you explain NMR?" Before you
post the question or comment please read
all the students comments and question.
Make sure your comment and question has
not been asked yet. Have a backup.
This criterion is linked to a Learning
Outcome. Reply to comments/questions
Students are required to reply to at least
another student's comment or question.
Avoid replies like "I agree" or "yes". All
replies have to be in complete sentences. I
am not asking for you to reply in the size of
an assay, but to in a complete sentence and
to the point. Do not reply with another
Total Points: 100.0
50.0 pts
Specific question/comment.
The question has to be
specific. Example: I do not
understand why a terciary
cabron favors Sn1 over Sn2?
25.0 pts
Question or comment is too
The question or comment is not
specific enough or too general.
For example: "I do not
understand Nucleophilic
substitution reactions?" or "I do
not understand anything from
chapter 2."
50.0 pts
Specific question/comment.
Do not just use "I agree", "you are
correct", "yes", etc. Write in full
sentences when you comment or reply
to a classmate's comments/questions.
25.0 pts
Question or
comment is too
Your reply does
not address the
question or
10.0 pts
Repeated comment or
Before you post the
question or comment please
read all the students
comments and question.
Make sure your comment
and question has not been
asked yet. Have a back up.
10.0 pts
Incomplete comment or
Your reply is not in a
complete sentence and to
the point. You may have
used "I agree", "yes",
0.0 pts
question or
No question
or comment
was posted.
0.0 pts
No question or
You did not reply
to at least another
student's comments
or questions.
50.0 pts
50.0 pts