The two tables represent the chi square formula that we used in order for us to determine if there is a relationship between the Gender and the English Language. We used eleven (11) factors that are commonly experience by a student that cause for them too hard to learn how to be used English Language Properly. TABLE 3 CHI SQUARE Interpretation in Female Respondents FACTORS OBSERVED EXPECTED RESIDUAL (OBSERVEDEXPECTED)^2 COMPONENT ATTITUDE 14 21 -7 49 2.33 CONFIDENCE 38 41 -3 9 0.22 ENVIRONMENT 21 17.42 3.58 12.8164 0.74 GRAMMAR 34 36.90 -2.90 8.41 0.23 KNOWLEDGE 27 26.13 0.87 0.7569 0.03 PEER PRESSURE 20 17.93 2.07 4.2849 0.24 PERSONALITY 16 13.83 2.17 4.7089 0.34 PRONUNCIATION 32 30.23 1.77 3.1329 0.10 PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES 36 31.76 4.24 17.9776 0.57 TEACHER COMPETENCE 19 23.06 -4.06 16.4836 0.71 SOCIAL ISSUES 12 9.74 2.26 5.1076 0.52 TOTAL 269 269 0 131.6788 6.03 In this table, it shows what factors that a female student experience the most in using English Language. Moreover, we average the top 5 factors based on the tally scored that we collect on our survey questionnaire. As the result on the survey that we conduct, the factors that is commonly experienced by the Female student is the CONFIDENCE this factor got 38 responses out of 50 respondents it means to say that this factor got a 76%. The second one is the PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES, this factor got 36 responses out of 50 respondents also this factor got an average of 72%. The third one is the GRAMMAR, this factor with 34 responses out of 50 respondents in an average of 68%. The fourth one is PRONUNCIATION; this factor got 32 responses out of 50 respondents and got an average of 64%. And lastly the fifth factor is KNOWLEDGE; this factor got 27 responses out of 50 respondents and got an average of 54%. These five factors that we considered the most is based on the tally score on our survey. TABLE 3.1 CHI SQUARE Interpretation in Male Respondents FACTORS OBSERVED EXPECTED RESIDUAL (OBSERVEDEXPECTED)^2 COMPONENT ATTITUDE 27 19.99 7.01 49.1401 2.46 CONFIDENCE 42 39.01 2.99 8.9401 0.23 ENVIRONMENT 13 16.58 -3.58 12.8164 0.77 GRAMMAR 38 35.11 2.89 8.3521 0.24 KNOWLEDGE 24 24.87 -0.87 0.7569 0.03 PEER PRESSURE 15 17.07 -2.07 4.2849 0.25 PERSONALITY 11 13.17 -2.17 4.7089 0.36 PRONUNCIATION 27 28.77 -1.77 3.1329 0.11 PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES 26 30.23 -4.23 17.8929 0.59 TEACHER COMPETENCE 26 21.94 4.06 16.4836 0,75 SOCIAL ISSUES 7 9.26 -2.26 5.1076 0.55 TOTAL 256 256 0 131.6164 6.34 In this table, it shows what factors that a Male student experience and suffering the most in using English Language. Moreover, we average the top 5 factors based on the tally scored that we collect on our survey questionnaire. As the result on the tabulation that we did, the First factors that is commonly experienced by the Male student is the CONFIDENCE this factor got 42 responses out of 50 respondents it means to say that this factor got an average of 84%. The second one is the GRAMMAR, this factor got 38 responses out of 50 respondents also this factor got an average of 76%. In the third rank, there is an equal response this two factors that got an equal response are the PRONUNCIATION and ATTITUDE, these two factors got 27 responses out of 50 respondents and got an average of 54%. Also in the fourth rank, there is an equal percentage this two factors are PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES, TEACHER COMPETENCE these two factors got 26 responses out of 50 respondents and got an average of 52%. And lastly the fifth factor is KNOWLEDGE; this factor got 24 responses out of 50 respondents and got an average of 48%. These five factors that we considered the most is based on the tally score on our survey. In this Table, it appears the result of the computation of Chi square formula or the Contingency formula that we used. The result of our computation each factor will help a lot for us to identity if we can get a large sample of Chi square or a small sample of chi square, if we get a small sample it means to say that there is a relationship between the Gender and English Language Difficulty. However, if we get a large sample of Chi square it means to say that there is no relationship between the two variables. TABLE 4 The Comparability Analysis of Gender and Factors Attitu de Confid ence FEMALE 2.33 0.22 MALE 2.46 TOTAL 4.79 Environ ment Gramm ar Knowle dge Peer Press ure Person ality Pronu nciati on Psych ologic al Issues Teache r Compet ence Social Issues 0.74 0.23 0.03 0.24 0.34 0.10 0.57 0.71 0.52 6.03 0.23 0.77 0.24 0.03 0.25 0.36 0.11 0.59 0.75 0.55 6.34 0.45 1.51 0.47 0.06 0.49 0.70 0.21 1.16 1.46 1.07 12.37 As a result of the computation that we did to be able to determine if there is a relationship or there isn’t between the two variables. We sum all the result of each factors based on the formula that we used. After we sum the result of female and male components, we got a chi-square critical value of 12. 37. This critical value will be the one that will be used to get the cumulative probability. Using the degree of freedom which has a value of 10 and the chi-square critical value of 12.37, in the Chi-square Distribution Table it is equivalent to a cumulative probability of 0.74 or 74%. This percentage that we got, led us to a very large Chi-square value which means that our null hypothesis which states that there is no relationship between gender and English Language Difficulty should not be rejected. And using this it proves that gender does not affect the English Language Difficulty of an individual. TOTAL