Age Developmental Changes NEWBORN/INFANT TODDLER PRESCHOOL SCHOOL-AGE ADOLESCENT 0 to 1 year 1 to 3 years 3 to 6 years 6 to 12 years 11 to 20 years Adjusted age= Premature age minus (-) chronological age *use this to determine outcome STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS Deep Sleep- quiet w/o moving Light Sleep-w/ movement, startle Drowsiness-dozing Quiet Alert-open eyes/calm Active Alert-face/body active Crying-disorganize movement REFLEXES Primitive: MRS BAGS M- 4 mos B- 12 mos R- 3 mos A- 4 mos S- 2-5 mos G- Palmar- 4-6 mos Plantar- 9 mos S- 4-8 weeks Protective: Right & Parachute RESPIRATORY INFANT VS ADULT •narrow passages, bronchi/ioles •large tongue, funnel larynx •fewer alveoli PHYSICAL-1 YR.: Cardio: ♥ x2, HR=100, BP=100/50, risk of heat loss r/t peripheral capillaries close to skin, effective thermoregulation *Eruption of teeth at 6-8 mos, and stool becomes formed IgG= from mom for 3-6 mos. =40% (adult) by 12 mos. IgM=after birth; adult level-9mos PROBLEMS: SENSES/LANGUAGE Weight gain= 3-5 lbs/yr Height increase= 3 in/yr Fontanels= close by 18 (anterior) Head & body proportionate at 3 yr Weight gain= 5 lbs/yr Height increase= 2.5-3 in/yr Loss of baby fat/muscle growth Length of skull ⭡ slightly Lower jaw=more pronounced Upper jaw=widens ORGAN SYSTEM • Myelination of spinal cord=controlled pee/poo=3y/o • ⭡ # of alveoli • Eustachian tubes=short/str8 • Cardiovascular: HR ⭣ , BP ⭡ • Murmur may be heard • 20 deciduous teeth=present • Urethra =short =UTI • Bones ⭡ in length SOCIAL SKILLS DEVELOPED • Cooperation • Sharing (things/feelings) • Kindness/Generosity • Affection display • Conversations/feelings expression • Help other/Making friends EMOTIONAL/SOCIAL •Friendships= learns to keep/make friend •Fears=variety of fears, parents to acknowledge •Temperament COGNITIVE: Magical thinking=thoughts are all-powerful Imaginary friend=creative way to sample activities/behaviors Transduction=extrapolates from 1 situation to another Animism=attributes life-like qualities to inanimate objects LANGUAGE • Symbolic thought • Concept of death= no understood • Acquisition of language =express thought/creativity • Transition=telegraphic speech (3y/o) to adult-like sentences (5y/o) Weight gain= 4-6 lbs Height increase= 1 ft Growth=average of 2 in/yr Secondary sex characteristics appear ORGAN SYSTEM Neuro: brain/skull grow slow, facial proportions Resp: RR⭡, diaphragmatic Cardiovascular: BP ⭡, PR ⭣ GI: deciduous teeth to permanent, fewer GI upset, caloric need=lower GU: bladder ⭡ (age in yr+ 2 oz) Musculo: muscle still immature, can easily injure Immune: mature at 10 y/o, fewer infections LANGUAGE • Vocab from 8k to 14k words. • Culture specific words used. • Reading=improves language • Complex grammar used • Metalinguistic awareness • Metaphors=begin to understand Sexual characteristics Reproductive maturity PUBERTY • Girls earlier than boys • Girls= 9-10 y/o =estrogen =Peak height at 12 y/o = fat deposits increase • Boys=10-11 y/o =testoste. =Peak height at 14 y/o =Muscle mass increases ORGAN SYSTEM Neuro: myelin s. growth =faster neural process Resp: RV/VC=⭡ Cardio: ♥ size/strength ⭡, SBP ⭡, HR ⭡ GI: full set permanent teeth, see Table 27.2 (Ricci) Coordination/balance/rhythm = 2-wheel bike, jump rope, dance, sports Continued development see Table 27.2 (Ricci) Myelinations of the CNS= refined fine motor skills Continued development Use of computer=increased fine motor skills If by: 4 mos=do not make sound/ =do not start to babble =do not turn to find sounds 6 mos= do not squeal/laugh =crosses eyes most of time 8 mos= do not babble 12 mos= do not use single word w/ meaning (i.e. dada/mama) SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL •Separation/Stranger Anxiety •Temperament •Cultural differences Gross Motor Skills •cephalocaudal fashion Fine Motor Skills • develops in proximodistal fashion- maturation of hands/finger use ORGAN SYSTEM Neurologic: Brain 90% at 2 y/o Respiratory: ⭡ alveoli until 7 mos Cardiovascular: HR ⭣ , BP ⭡ GI: stool passage ⭣ GU: bladder/kidney mature at 1624 mos Musculo: sway back/pot belly until 3 y/o SENSES/LANGUAGE •Receptive- understands what’s being asked •Echolalia-repetition of words •Telegraphic- uses only important words •Uses all sense to explore •Mature sense of smell •Hearing at adult level •Taste not completely developed SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL Separation- separates oneself from parents Individuation- forms sense of self -learns to control one’s environment= emotional lability Egocentricism- focus on self SLEEP: 18 mos= 13.5hr/day 24 mos=13hr/day 3 y/o= 12hr/day =d/c day nap 30 mos=full set primary teeth FYI: Typical toddler sleep thru the night & take 1 daytime nap TYPICAL BEHAVIORS • Rely on security item • Aware of gender differences • May display aggressive behavior • Show fear=loss of parents & of strangers •Separation anxiety=reoccur •Resist invasive procedures running, climbing, jumping, pushing/pulling a toy/throwing ball/ pedaling a tricycle Progress: holding/pinching to the ability to manage utensils, hold crayon, string bead/use computer SENSORY • All senses=mature. • 20/20 vision • Ocular muscle control, peripheral vision, color discrimination= developed by 7 y/o SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL ISSUES • Temperament • Self-esteem development • Body image • School-age fears • Peer relationships • Teacher/school influences • Family influences enlarge digestive organs Musculo: ossification =incomplete until late adolescence in boys/occurs earlier in girls, shoulder, chest, hip ⭡ Integument: Skin= thick & tough/ sebaceous glands=more active/ sweat gland=adult level LANGUAGE •Uses correct grammar/parts of speech •Uses slang CHANGE IN RELATIONSHIPS • Families/parents experience changes & conflict=required adjustments • Adolescent-family relationship=essential for RN when caring • Peer groups= important role in identity SEXUALITY/INFLUENCE OF DATING •Interest in the opposite sex r/t physical dev/body changes/peer group pressure/curiosity Erikson’s Theory NEWBORN/INFANT TODDLER PRESCHOOL SCHOOL-AGE ADOLESCENT Trust VS Mistrust •Crisis of infancy Autonomy VS Shame & Doubt •exerts independence=sense of control •imitates adults •negativism •games= take turns at 3 y/o Initiative VS Guilt •Inquisitive/enthusiast learner •Accomplishment=succeeding in activities •Pride in accomplishment stimulates initiative •Overextending=sense of guilt • Superego (Conscious Dev.) =completed/basis of moral dev. Industry VS Inferiority • Developing sense of selfworth • Developing cognitive and social skills Identity VS Role Confusion •task of developing their own sense of identity by revisiting each of the previous stages of development Sensorimotor Stage •experiments= see what happens Preoperational stage Progresses from a concrete framework of thinking to an abstract one in the formal operational period Nutritional Plan • Lay foundation • High in nutrient-rich foods • Toddlers w/ vegan diet= deficiencies in: vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and iron. Weaning: no later than 15 mos Daily Req: 16-24b oz milk/day No toothpaste: before 2 y/o Developmental Concerns: -Toilet teaching -Negativism/Temper tantrums -Thumb sucking & pacifiers -Sibling rivalry/Aggression Safety: home/car/injury prevention Teach: Strategies with Sib. Rivalry •Keep the toddler’s routine=build self esteem • Spend individual time w/ toddler daily • Involve the toddler in caring sib. Focus of Discipline for Tod • Limit setting/Negotiation • Techniques to learn prob. solvng -time out= use 2.5-3 y/o. I min/age Signs Tod is ready- Toilet • Reg. BM/diaper not wet always • Expresses need to poo/pee • follows instruction/walk alone & pull pants/follow caregiver to BR • Toddler climbs on potty/toilet Promoting G/D Thru Play • Play = social medium • 30 mins/day=structured physical • unstructured 1-3 hrs/day • Creative/physical play, not TV • Engage in parallel play (w/ another child) instead of cooperative play • Egocentric=don’t like to share • Short attn span=change toy freq. • No to expensive toys. Daily Requirements • 500- to 800-mg calcium • 10-mg iron • 19-mg fiber • Fat intake no < 20% & No > 30% daily calories • Saturated fats < 10% • Diet=high nutrient-rich foods • Limit=poor, high-calorie food Risks of overweight/obesity • Hypertension • Hyperlipidemia • Insulin resistance Developmental Concerns: • Lying •Sex education, masturbation Issues in Promoting G&D • Building self-esteem • Maintaining routine & ritual • Setting limits •Remaining consistent w/them • Knowing signs of dev. delay Concrete Operational (7-11) • Sees info. in diff. dimension • Sees other’s POV • Anticipates consequences • Stores memories of past • Knows about conservation Average-Weight (20 to 35 kg) • 70 calories/kg/day (1,400 to 2,100 calories/day) • 1,800 to 2,100 mL of water per day • 28-g protein • 800-mg calcium • Promote healthy eating habits Safety Issues • Safety=pedestrian, bike/sport, fire, water, abuse Developmental Concerns • TV/ video games/School phobia/Latchkey/Stealing Lying/Cheating/Bullying Benefits of Physical Activity • CV fitness, weight control • Emotion tension release • Dev. of leadership/follow skill Vision Probs Freq ID • Amblyopia (lazy eye)/Cross eyed/Near/Farsightedness/ Astigmatism/Uncorrected eye defects/Strabismus Promote Appropriate Discipline • Logical consequences of discipline/Rules by the family, values, social rules of conducts/Discipline=focus on dev/Discipline with praise Factors Det. Type of Discipline • Developmental level of both the child and the parents • Severity of the misbehavior • Established rules of fam • Temperament of the child • Response of child rewards Promoting Sleep/Rest • 12 hours sleep required • Bedtime expectations/wakeup time • Night terrors/sleepwalking may occur, resolve by age 8-10 Safety Concerns • Unintentional injuries/Safety in Motor, Firearm, Water Piaget’s Theory Nutrition Concerns Nursing Implications 6 mos= milk + solid food = solid food introduced Q 4-7 days to check food allergies. 4-6 mos= disappearance of extrusion reflex No to Breastfeeding if: •galactocemic baby •mom uses drug/contra med •mom untreated active TB/HIV •Safety= usecar seats/rear facing/center •Suffocation concerns (Crib) Role of RN • Promote early learning, safety, proper nutrition, healthy sleep and rest, healthy teeth and gums, and appropriate discipline techniques Anticipatory Guidance • Parents need tools to support their infant’s development in a safe fashion • Parents can promote growth and development of an infant through solitary play Hospitalization • Explore the environment • Engage in make-believe play Nutritional Requirements • ⭡ r/t growth/sex maturation • ⭡calories, Zn, Ca, Fe for growth Nutritional Assessment • Evaluation of foods eaten • # of times-fast foods, snacks, junk food/week =guidance in food choices Developmental Concerns • Violence/Suicide • Homicide • Substance use Areas to Encourage G&D • Sports, physical fitness/ Participation in school activts /Safety issues/Prop. nutrition /Healthy sleep, rest/Personal care/Healthy sexual life/Discip. Risks of Being Involved in Unhealthy Rom. Relationship • Dating violence/Risky sexual activity (STIs)/Premature preg. Promote Proper Hygiene • Encourage: frequent bathing /shampoo of hair/deodorant use/washing face 2-3x/day • Discourage squeezing acne /vigorous face scrub/ sun tan • Teach care-piercings, tattoos Caring for the Hospitalized • Opportunities to maintain independence /Allow to participate in decisions / Encourage socialization w/ friends thru phone/email/visits Common Substances Abused • Alcohol/prescribed meds/ Hallucinogens/Sedatives /Analgesic/Anxiolytics/Steroids /Inhalants/Stimulants/Opiates/ Club drugs: ecstasy, GHB/LSD