BRUSH UP THE THEORY TO DESIGN AN HIGH POWER CLASSE AMPLIFIER Contents 1. Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 2. Idealized Class-E operation .......................................................................................................................... 2 3. Basic assumptions for Class-E amplifier ....................................................................................................... 4 3.1 Design equations for infinite QL. ................................................................................................................ 4 3.2 Devices electrical stress. ............................................................................................................................ 7 3.3 Design equations for finite QL. ................................................................................................................... 8 3.4 Finite DC-feed inductance........................................................................................................................ 10 4. Design a 500W Class-E at 13.56MHz ......................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Device selection and circuit simulation ................................................................................................... 10 4.2 Gate driver ............................................................................................................................................... 14 4.3 Prototype and RF performances .............................................................................................................. 14 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Authors Biography ............................................................................................................................................. 19 References ......................................................................................................................................................... 20 1. Abstract Among several type of switched-mode PAs Class E is the most promising for RF applications due to a number of reasons: high efficiency, simplicity of the load network and a satisfying performances even with non-optimal drive signal. This article recalls the Class-E theoretical basis initially introduced in the 1970’s by Dr. N.O. Sokal and A.D. Sokal (1) and the idealized operation mathematically explained by Dr. Raab (2). Afterwards are discussed the effects caused by the various non-ideal effects present in the circuit (3) and finally is presented a 500W class-E amplifier designed with two SD4933 by STMicroelectronics in parallel. For Class-E amplifiers the theory offers useful equations to start a new design, all of them have been obtained making mathematical assumptions for the voltage at the device's drain and considering lossless components. Nevertheless when all these hypothesis are gradually removed it's difficult to obtain closed-form equations and the analysis of the circuit can be done using Electronic Design Automation Software (EDA). Keywords Class E amplifier, high efficiency, power transistor, nonlinear output capacitance, RF power, switching mode, zero-voltage switching (ZVS) 2. Idealized Class-E operation The basic form of a Class-E power amplifier is showed in Figure 1. The topology consists of a transistor, a shunt capacitor C, RF choke L1 and a series L2-C2 resonator followed by the load resistance R. 2 FIGURE 1- BASIC CLASS E AMPLIFIER The Class-E amplifier works in switched mode, i.e. the transistor is driven hard enough to saturate in order to acts as switch with two discrete states ON and OFF. The circuit operation is determined by the transistor when it is ON and by the transient response of the load network when the transistor is OFF. The previous circuit is equivalent to the one shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 - Equivalent schematic of the Class-E circuit. In Figure 2 the transistor has been replaced by a switch, the capacitor C1 comprises the external capacitance C and the transistor’s output capacitance. The series combination L2-C2 is tuned at the 3 frequency of operation . Moreover the series reactance jX (at the switching frequency fsw) can model a circuit mistuning or a change of the operating frequency. 3. Basic assumptions for Class-E amplifier Generally the analysis of the circuit is done with the ideal simplified assumptions: 1. The transistor is an ideal switch, i.e. a short circuit in the ON state and an open circuit in the OFF state, with an instant switching action. 2. The switch is operated with a 50 % duty cycle, at the switching frequency. 3. The switch can sustain the current running through it in the ON state and also must be able to stand the non-zero voltage that appears during the OFF state. 4. The RF choke (DC-feeder) has a very large inductance and accordingly allows only DC current to flow through it. 5. The loaded Q-factor (QL) of the series resonator L2-C2 is high enough so it can be considered that a purely sinusoidal current is running through the load R. 3.1 Design equations for infinite QL. Under the above ideal conditions it’s possible to obtain design equations for each components of the circuits. It’s hypothesized that the circuit has reached a steady-state operation and the RF ON-OFF cycles are equally divided. In Figure 3 are displayed the well-known ideal Class E waveforms in the switch plus the shunt current through the capacitor C1. From now on, the angular phase is defined as Ө = ω with ω is the operation frequency. 4 Figure 3 – Class E waveforms Due to the large reactance of the RF choke at the frequency of operation, we can consider that only DC current IDC flows from the power supply. Moreover with the assumption of QL=∞ for the series resonator L2-C2 only the fundamental frequency current can flow through the load. The current delivered to the load R is: = sin + Equation 1 Where denotes the amplitude of the load current and is the initial phase. At OFF state the currents flowing through switch and shunt capacitor C1 are: =0 = Equation 2 − sin Equation 3 5 + The current is charging / discharging the shunt capacitor C1 (see Figure 2). Since we assume that during the ON state the voltage across switch/shunt capacitor is equal to zero, the capacitor voltage in the OFF state can be found as 1 = Equation 4 If we substitute Equation 3 into Equation 4 and perform the integration in the given boundaries we will obtain that the capacitor voltage at any instant in the OFF state is given by: = 1 ! + cos + − cos $ Equation 5 A feature of the Class-E operation that distinguishes this class from the others switching-mode PA configurations, is the so-called “soft switching”. In other words, the switch closes precisely at the instant where the shunt capacitor is completely discharged. Therefore to achieve the soft switching at the drain voltage the output’s network must force at the turn ON the electrical boundary conditions as initially introduced by Sokal: =% =0 & Equation 6 '( =0 Equation 7 After some calculations each component of the output network can be found by the following equations: ωR = % 8 ≅ 0.1836 +4 %+ Equation 8 1 =1 %+ + 4 ≈ 1.734 ∙ R 8 Equation 9 5 7 8 7 + = 56 = ≈ 0.5768 ∙ 1 %+ + 4 R + Equation 10 PDC and RDC are respectively the power absorbed from the power supply totally delivered to the load and the resistances DC supply sees. The idealized model already presented in addition with the boundary conditions (Equation 6 and Equation 7) produces a theoretical power efficiency of 100%. In the reality the power efficiency will decrease because the ideal assumptions are not met and also because we must add the power losses of each component. 3.2 Devices electrical stress. The output capacitance C1 reach the max voltage when his current became zero (Figure 3): 9 =0 Equation 11 From Equation 3 follows: − sin 9 + =0 Equation 12 Using the boundary conditions for class-E (Equation 6 and Equation 7) in Equation 5 (voltage across C1) we get: = 2 cos % = − sin Equation 14 Equation 13 Comparing the two equations, for a duty cycle of 50%, we obtain: 2 = arctan >− ? = −0.563 @A % Equation 15 In Equation 12 replacing IDC with Equation 14 we get: sin 9 + + sin Equation 16 7 =0 Using the Prosthaphaeresis identities we get: 9 = −2 Equation 17 Finally are obtained the popular equations for peak voltage and current for the active device: 7BC = 9 = −2% 7 = 3.5627 Equation 18 BC = + = − sin = 2.862 Equation 19 For a duty-cycle of 50% the peak voltage at the drain terminal exceeds by more than three times the supply voltage of the circuit. Dr. Raab in (2) has presented all the equations that govern an idealized class E RF power amplifier, in particular, he has proved that a duty-cycle of 50% represents an optimum in terms of output power capability. Moreover, the device’s breakdown voltage determines the maximum allowable supply voltage and it is in direct relation to the output power. 3.3 Design equations for finite QL. When QL (defined as 2πfL2/R) decreases the above equations progressively produce less-accurate results. In some cases the Dr. Raab’s equations (2) have been represented in tabular form with the output power, C1 and C2 as function of QL. 8 Table 1 – Tabular Raab’s equations vs QL Even if QL is a free-choice design variable from the theory it must satisfy the condition QL ≥ 1.7879, when QL =∞ we may recognize the results already found. In (4) Dr. Sokal found compact design equations representing the data showed in Table 1 using polynomial functions in QL. 1 = 0.576801 ∙ 7 − 7D 5 + ∙ !1.001245 − 0.451769 0.402444 − $ FG FG + Equation 20 Equations for C1 and C2 were found through similar fitting process used for R. = 0.1836 0.91424 1.03175 ∙ H0.99866 + − I 1 FG FG + Equation 21 + = 1 1 1.01468 ∙J K ∙ J1.00121 + K 1 FG − 0.104823 FG − 1.7879 Equation 22 L+ = FG 1 Equation 23 9 3.4 Finite DC-feed inductance Use a finite DC feed inductance instead of an RF-choke has significant benefits (5), (6) : • Higher load resistance then less losses on the output matching network (7) • Possibility to use devices with lower breakdown voltage. To analyze a circuit with DC finite feed inductance is quite complex, a practical approach (3) is to choose the RF choke reactance large in comparison to the reactance of the shunting capacitor, i.e. L > 10 ∙ 1 Equation 24 Using Equation 8 (Class E at optimal operation) this condition become: 1 L > 10 ∙ ≅ 551 0.1836 Equation 25 4. Design a 500W Class-E at 13.56MHz Hereafter the target specifications for the design: Table 2 - Target specifications 4.1 Device selection and circuit simulation Using the Advanced Design System (ADS) from Keysight (Agilent) we have analyzed the RF performances of the switch mode Class-E power amplifier. The analysis of the circuit was done using the transient envelop and the harmonic balance simulation. With the transient envelop we optimized the values of the output components (Figure 4) in Class-E conditions (Equation 6, Equation 7) 10 Figure 4 - Transient envelop simulation In simulation we implemented the Equation 20, Equation 21 Equation 22, with capacitors and inductors lossless and loaded quality factor QL (resonant load) chosen high as 10. The measure equations include the conditions when the switch voltage and its voltage derivative is zero just before the switch is turned ON. Were considered 20th periods in order to reach the steady-state condition and check the class-E conditions. Figure 6 –Zoom of transient at 20th period Figure 5 – Transient to reach the steady-state To evaluate the relationship between the device’s RDS(on) and the required R_load required from theoretical class-E we did a switching voltage simulation at different coefficient factor R_load_factor defined as ratio between the RDS(on) and the R_load (Figure 6). 11 At Switch-ON the class-E conditions were met with R_load_factor = 0.03 and RDS(on) =82 mΩ. In Figure 7 and Figure 8 are showed voltage and current with the value of the components as optimized. Figure 7 – Current waveform of the MOSFET Figure 8 - Drain voltage of the MOSFET For the project we selected the SD4933 from STMicroelectronics, the device is a 50 V N-channel MOS field-effect RF power transistor specially designed for ISM applications up to 100 MHz (7). Since the SD4933 has RDS(on) =170mΩ at ID = 20A using two devices in parallel we have RDS(on) =85mΩ, that is similar to the value obtained before. In simulation we found a drain peak voltage of 173V, this value is compatible with the breakdown voltage reported in the datasheet of SD4933. In order to get an amplifier with high efficiency we estimated the losses of each component. To build the amplifier we used ATC 100B capacitors with high Q. To minimize the total losses we used multiple capacitors in parallel (C1 and C2), for them we estimated an equivalent ESR=5mΩ. The wire wound inductors used in the amplifier were hand-made, we did preliminary trials to obtain an ESR=100mΩ for each of them. 12 Figure 9 – Harmonic Balance simulation Implementing the equations for Class-E plus the device’s losses inside the harmonic balance (Figure 9) we got the following results. FIGURE 10 – Voltage of the MOSFET Figure 11 - Current of the MOSFET From simulation we got an efficiency of 93.4% and a power out of 512W at 13.56MHz (Figure 12) . Using two SD4933 in parallel we have halved the RDS(on) and the stray inductances but we doubled the equivalent capacitance Coss. At this point of the design the nonlinear characteristic of the Coss versus the drain voltage was under particular consideration. To depower the negative effects of Coss we introduced the advantages offered by the finite feed inductor already introduced. 13 separately. At the drain’s leads of each SD4933 were added external ceramic capacitors in parallel, the value of these capacitors has been chosen to be about one half of the Coss. These additional capacitors have a balancing effect against the nonlinearity of Coss. Moreover, the finite feed inductor (dynamically in parallel with the drains) helps to reduce the impedance’s module without change the Figure 12 – Power Spectrum capacitive behavior of the impedance (a new C1 Two SD4933 in parallel at VDS=0 have an in fig.2). This new C1 with reduced value and equivalent Coss= 800pF. Instead to consider two better linearity is the capacitance at the devices in parallel as an equivalent single entrance of the resonant output thank C2-L2 device, we decide to address the two Coss (see fig.2). 4.2 Gate driver Dedicated consideration was done about the current gate driver’s capabilities and his role on the overall efficiency. In order to drive the parallel of two SD4933 we used a gate driver with high peak current capability like the DEIC515 from IXYS (8). This gate driver can source and sink 15A of peak current while producing voltage rise and fall times of less than 4ns, and minimum pulse widths of 8ns. 4.3 Prototype and RF performances The schematic and the BOM of the project are here presented: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GND 50 V GND J2 VCC 3 2 1 Vcc 1 2 3 GND C66 VccIN A C2 D2 R2 Vout_reg 5V R39 GND A C4 C1 RK1 GND C3 R1 GND GND R15 C7 GND VG C6 GND U1 R7 0 1 2 3 4 C12 GND GND 8 7 6 5 C8 R33 Short C9 C13 C14 GND GND LP2951ACM R4 C15 C16 GND 1 C10 GND C11 4 Vbuffer C17 GND C76 GND U3 C20 C65 C18 C72 C70 C73 GND 3 GND GND R3 GND C23 RG1 RG2 Q1 C24 0 R16 C25 C26 C27 GND R14 GND C22 GND R9 2 C50 R19 C28 GND R17 C29 GND GND C32 GND SD4933 GND B C31 B GND GND +10 V 3 X R22 GND L1 C33 P3 1k R20 C39 GND 4 Cap Var ~53nH C42 C38 1 2 3 4 P1 500 4 X R18 GND 8 7 6 5 U6 GND GND +10 V GND GND C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C51 GND R29 C44 Vcc GND R30 3 X R22 LT1818CS8 U4B SN74ACT74D GND N_Female C43 U5 GND 50 Ohm GND C40 100pF Cap Var C41 R27 C56 C74 C71 C75 C53 C54 C55 GND C78 GND C5 GND C30 GND C77 GND 12 11 C21 C37 GND R24 0 Ohm R31 C34 C35 GND 14 Vcc CLK PR Q 6 D1 LED 7 Q CLR 1 R25 J1 Out L2 L3,L4,L5 5 C36 GND Vcc T1 D R21 GND GND 2 3 U4A SN74ACT74D Q2 SD4933 GND P2 U2 GND Vout_reg 10 R10 R12 short GND Q PR D GND 1 2 3 4 C63 8 7 6 5 LP2951ACM 9 13 Q CLR C CLK C57 8 15 Figure 13 - Schematic GND C19 GND Vinp 10 V C C58 RG3 GND R8 R11 Short C52 GND C59 R34 GND GND U4 SN74ACT74D GND J3 C61 RK2 R13 Vcc C62 Vbuffer 3 2 1 GND RG4 GND VG GND VCC GND C60 C67 GND GND GND D D Title Size Number Revision A3 Date: File: 1 2 3 4 5 6 11/27/2014 Sheet of C:\Documents and Settings\..\schema_articolo.SchDoc Drawn By: 7 8 Table 3 - BOM 16 After an extensive hand-on lab activity was required to refine the RF performances of the power amplifier, the results are here shown. In Figure 14 we see Pout and the Efficiency versus the supply voltage. When Vdd= 50V the Pout reach 500W while the Efficiency settle to 88% which is slightly lower than expected. Figure 14 - Pout and Efficiency vs VDD Figure 15 – Drain Current and Voltage Peak vs VDD 17 In Figure 15 we can see the peak current and voltage at the device’s drain. When Vdd=50V we can see that the drain peak voltage is a little bit higher than expected from the theory, however the value is still inside the device’s specification. In Figure 16 we can see the demo of the amplifier, in particular in Figure 17 is visible the finite feed inductor made with thin copper located in the back side of the board. Figure 16 – Demoboard for Class-E Figure 17 – Finite Feed-Inductor beneath the Demoboard 18 Conclusion This article has recalled the theoretical guidelines and the practical aspects for synthesizing the matching networks of a high power RF class-E amplifier. The performance of a SD4933 from STMicroelectronics has been studied thoroughly. It was shown that the high efficiency operation of such amplifiers is determined mainly by the output load network. Nevertheless the power efficiency is a little bit lower than expected (declared at the beginning of the design), we deem that with a different gate drive and a proper input matching network the performance of the amplifier can be substantially improved. Authors Biography Alfio Scuto ( received the Master’s degree in Microelectronics engineering from the University of Catania, Italy. In the 1999 he joined the STMicroelectronics - RF Power Design Center in Montgomeryville (PA) USA - as RF Application Engineer he was involved in the characterization of high-power and high-frequency transistors (DMOS and LDMOS). In the 2002 he moved to STMicroelectronics in Catania (Italy) to support the RF products marketing group developing power amplifiers in order to evaluate and verify product performances in reference to customer specifications. Today he works as High Power Application Engineer supporting customers and exploring new applications for High Power MOSFETs device. Roberto Cammarata ( Received the Master’s degree in Electrical Engineer from the University of Catania , Italy. He begins in hearth satellite ground stations (Selenia_Marconi Comm.) microwave field in 1985, after he works in Space Satellite Projects (Alenia Aerospace) and finally (Richardson and STM) in power amplifiers design for Communications and ISM RF applications. 19 References 1. Class E - A new class of high-efficiency tuned single-ended switching power amplifiers. N. O. Sokal, A. D. Sokal. s.l. : IEEE , June 1975, IEEE - Solid-State Circuits, pp. 168-176. 2. Idealized Operation of the Class E Tuned Power Amplifier. 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