7 Benefits of Digital Flashcards in Learning for Children Remember the old paper flashcards that teachers used to put to the test when it was time to try and get kids to memorize facts, math problems, and more? You can still find them in some stores if you really want to use them. You can also have kids create their own flashcards. But these days, more and more teachers are turning to digital flashcards as opposed to paper ones. They're finding that they're way more effective when it comes to communicating with students and helping them with learning different topics. There are so many benefits that you'll get to enjoy when you use digital flashcards to teach kids. They're great for learning inside and learning outside the classroom. Check out seven of the biggest benefits of using digital flashcards below. 1. They're Perfect for Any Subject When kids are on the younger side, many teachers used flashcards to teach them things like the proper spellings of words and their multiplication tables. But those aren't the only kinds of things that kids can learn when they use flashcards. You can use digital flashcards for almost any subject that you want. Whether you use them for spelling and math or biology and history, they're great tools for any topic. 2. They're Designed to Hold the Attention of Students Sitting down and trying to study can be very overwhelming for a lot of students. Many of them end up sitting and staring at an open textbook or notebook filled with words that they can't seem to memorize. Before long, their eyes are glazed over and they're no longer able to study. This won't be an issue with digital flashcards. Flashcards are, by nature, designed to keep things interesting for kids. They're able to learn one word or one math problem or one fact on each flashcard before moving on to the next one. As a result, flashcards are fun to use and will keep kids' attention for a lot longer than textbooks and notebooks. 3. They're Repetitive (in a Good Way!) If you tell a child not to forget something important, what's the first thing they'll usually do? Most of them will say whatever it is you need them to remember a bunch of times in an effort to remember it. Repetition has been called the "mother of all learning" by some people, and it's easy to see why. When someone repeats something to themselves over and over again, it starts to stick in their brain before long. Digital flashcards help build up repetition by repeating things several times during a single study session. Kids will see the same words, math problems, and/or facts come around again and again, which will make it easier for them to remember them later on. 4. They're Easy to Take Anywhere Paper flashcards were already easy to take almost anywhere kids wanted. Since they don't take up much space, it's always been simple enough to stuff them into a kid's pocket without a problem. But digital flashcards have made it even easier for kids to take their flashcards with them wherever they go. As long as they have a smartphone, a tablet, or a computer on them, they can pull out their flashcards and spend time studying with them in no time at all. 5. They're Super Easy to Share Kids can do more than just use digital flashcards themselves nowadays. They can also share flashcards with friends whenever they want. They can take their flashcards and email them. They can also find out how to share them in other ways by visiting https://setapp.com/how-to/facebook-messenger-app-for-mac-finallyarrives. Kids no longer have to be sitting in the same room to study with their friends. They can do it by passing flashcards back and forth during digital study sessions. 6. They're More Eco-Friendly Than Paper Flashcards Every year, Americans throw out about 1 billion trees worth of paper. Because of this, there has been a huge push from every corner of the country to try and find ways to use less paper. Making the switch from paper flashcards to digital flashcards is one great way to avoid wasting paper on your end. You won't have to worry about kids wasting paper by losing flashcards, damaging them, or doing anything else. Going with digital flashcards is the more eco-friendly option by far. It'll allow kids to take advantage of the benefits of flashcards without wasting a ton of paper in the process. 7. They're Effective At the end of the day, all the other benefits of using digital flashcards are great. But if they don't help kids to learn and do well on their tests, then what good are they? Fortunately, you don't have to spend any time pondering that question because flashcards are highly effective tools for kids. One study after another has shown that flashcards are effective when it comes to helping kids perform better on tests. Does that mean that every student is going to ace every test simply because they use flashcards? No. But students who use flashcards will often do better than those who don't when taking the same test. It's one of the top reasons why you should start incorporating digital flashcards into the mix when attempting to teach kids something new. Give Digital Flashcards a Try Today to See How Well They Work It doesn't matter if you're a teacher trying to get your students to learn a new lesson or a parent trying to reinforce the lessons your child is learning in the classroom. Digital flashcards are excellent tools for helping children of all ages to learn more effectively. If you've never put these flashcards to good use, you should change that today and see firsthand how well they work. You might be surprised to discover just how much kids enjoy using them once you put them into their hands. Interested in finding other ways to help kids learn in and out of the classroom? Go take some of the tips on our blog for a test drive.