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Human Rights in the Quran: An Islamic Perspective

Basic Human Rights in the Holy Quran
Definition of Right
• Right is defined as such type of behavior and action that is morally good
and justified. It is also required by law and it is a true and correct as a fact.
Giving respect to others’ right, especially parents rights, are obligatory for
• All human beings are created by Allah Almighty and He loves His creations.
Every society, either Muslim or Non-Muslim, has some human rights. The
society that does not look after the human rights cannot be called a
civilized society. Human rights are defined as “The rights of individuals to
liberty and justice”.
Shariat is the knowledge of the rights and duties whereby a man may fitly conduct
his life in the world and prepare himself for the future life. The purpose of Shariat
is to see that this great workshop of Allah Almighty should go on functioning
regularly and that man should make use of all his powers, make everything in this
world serve him and make use of all the means provided for him but he should
not miss use intentionally or through ignorance to harm himself or to harm
Human rights are defined as rights of individuals to liberty and justice.
Rights and duties play important role in the life of man.
The rights and duties of a man are divided into
1. The rights of Allah:
Man should have faith in Allah alone and His greatness. One should accept
the guidance of Allah and strictly obey Him by following the laws of Quran
and Sunnah (Prophet’ practices) and finally worship Him and must believe
in His attributes.
2. Personal rights:
Shariat aims at welfare of mankind and that is why it has enjoined various
rights of man upon himself. A man must keep himself away from all harmful
things, intoxicating drugs; from poisonous and unclean animals because all
these have undesirable affects upon his health as well as upon his morals
and spirituals powers. Man has been commanded to acquire knowledge in
order to develop his faculties and to understand the significance of the
creation of the universe. It instructs man to control and regulate his serious
desires and forbids him to resort to self suppression.
3. Social rights:
Important social rights are
a) Right of life
b) Right of ownership
c) Right of honour
d) Right of faith
e) Right of equality
f) Right of economics
g) Right of merit
h) Right of justice
4. Rights of others:
a. Rights of parents
b. Rights of neighbor
c. Rights of orphans
d. Rights of relatives
Some Important Social Rights
• Right of life:
Allah Almighty has given life to human being only once. Life is the greatest
gift and blessing of Allah. Life is the most valuable and precious thing. Allah has
set some rules for our life. We have no right to finish our life, such as suicide
attempting. We have no authority to kill anyone.
• Right of ownership:
• Every person has the right to own property according to the preambles
describe in the Holy Quran.
• In Surah Nisa(Ayat 29)
“O you who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves unjustly
except it is a trade amongst you, by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves
(nor kill one another). Surely Allah is Most Merciful to you”
• Right of Honor:
Honor and respect is the most valuable thing for any person, generally and
particularly for a Muslim. Any person who has lost his/her honor, he/she have lost
everything and that person has no value in the society.
• In Surah Al-Hujrat(Ayat 12)
“O you who believe”! Avoid much suspicion; indeed some suspicions are
sins. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the
flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allah.
Verily, Allah is the One who forgives and accepts repentance, Most merciful.”
• Right of Faith:
• Allah Almighty has given the human beings free mind and ability as well.
Islam respects all the other religious sentiments and there is no compulsion
to accept other religion.
• In Surah Al-Baqarah
“There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the right path has become
distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in
Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break.
And Allah is Al-Hearer, All-Knower”
• Right of Equality:
• Islam stresses on the basic principals of unity, brotherhood, justice
and cooperation. All human beings are the children of
HazratAdam(A.S) and He is created from soil. The equality of all
members of the society is same without any preference of common
race, color, creed and cast.
• Right of Economic:
This is the responsibility of a state and country and it is the right of every
citizen to be provided with basic needs of life. Islam has also accepted this right
which is mentioned in the last farewell sermon on Hajj, delivered by our beloved
Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). Every rich person must pay zakat and Nafal sadqa
as well because it is Allah’s order and is the right of poor and needy persons.
• Right of Merit:
• In Surah Nisa(Ayat 58)
“Verily, Allah commands that you should render back the trusts to those
to whom they are due; and that when you judge between men, you judge with
justice. Verily, how excellent is the teaching which He (Allah) gives you! Truly,
Allah is ever All-Hearer, All-Seer”
• Right of Justice:
• Every citizen has equal rights and all people are equal in the eyes of law.
• In Surah Nisa(Ayat 135)
“O you believe! Stand out firmly for justice as witnesses to Allah, even
though it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, be the rich or poor,
Allah is a better protector to both (than you). So follow not the lusts
(uncontrolled desires of your hearts), lest you avoid justice; and if you distort
your witness or refuse to give it, verily, Allah is ever Well-Acquainted with what
you do”.
• Right of Women:
• Islam gives the clear message to all that as a gender,(male and female) both
are equal in the sight of Allah, but their responsibilities and duties are
mentioned separately.
• In Surah Nisa(Ayat 7)
There is a share for men and a share for women from what is left by
parents and those nearest related, whether the property be small or large a
legal share”.
• Rights of parents
• Respect:
Respect means to honor and care someone verbally, heartily and
practically. Islam recognizes family as a basic social unit. The parents’ child
relationships have the most important value for every society.
• Obedience:
Obey means to do what one is told and required to do and not violate Allah
Almighty’s orders. Parents have a right to be obeyed by children. All parents are
the well wishers of the children.
• In Surah Luqman(Ayat 15)
But if they(both) strive with you to make you join in worship with Me
others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not, but behave
with them in the world kindly, and follow the path of him who turns to Me in
repentance and in obedience. Then to Me will be your return and I shall tell you
what you used to do.
• Kindness:
• Kindness means showing concern about the happiness and feelings of others
in a gentle and friendly way.
• In Surah Bani-Israel (Ayat 23-24)
And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you
are dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your
life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in
terms of honor. And lower to them the wing of submission and humility through
mercy, and say: “My Lord! Bestow on them. Your mercy as they did bring me up
when I was young”
• Thankfulness:
Thankfulness means remaining obliged and express pleasure and relieved
about good that has happened. It is good manner for children that first of all they
must be thankful to Allah and then to their parents. These rights and obligations
are not the demand of Islam only but such rights are also the demand of every
revealed and non-revealed religion.
• When we were small and helpless, unable to talk even, who took care of
our food, health, comfort and clothing? Who spent sleepless nights in
anxiety, when we lay knocked out with fever? Who toils hard day and night,
to provide financial support to us? Perhaps, with regard to everything our
parents have done for us up till now, we are heavily indebted.
• Thus, it is now our responsibility to satisfy the rights of our parents with
dedication, resolution and commitment.
Islam bids us to:
1. Conform to the orders of our parents, provided that they are in harmony to
Islamic teachings.
2. Refrain from all such activities which fuel their displeasure or sorrow.
3. Be polite, courteous and respectful to them
4. Help them around in daily chores
5. Fulfill all the responsibilities entrusted to us whose failure may hurt or
anger our parents.
6. Care for them according to our capacities when they fall unwell.
7. Support and serve them in their old age.
Allah says in the Quran:
“ ….be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy
life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in
terms of honour….”
 Among worldly relations, the relations between parents and children have
the highest status. Islam has given the great importance to this relation
placing respect and regards to our parents next only to the belief of Allah.
Important rights of parent
1. Obedience : The Holy Quran enjoins the Muslims to obedient to parents
and show kindness to them along with Oneness and worship of Allah in
such a manner that it appears that among human deeds to obey parents
and treat them with respect and kindness is next only to Divine Worship.
The Holy Quran has stressed the importance of the parents to the extents
that to disobey them or to be impertinent with them stands a far , to raise
our voice in their presence in reply has been made unlawful and
injunction of the Holy Quran is that “ Say not to them”.
Allah orders in Surah Bani Israil that one should be respectful and
obedient to the parents and more over should not speak hot words to
them nor speak in rebellious tone. In a tradition the Holy prophet (PBUH)
said “The parents of a person are his Heaven and Hell, He has further said
“Allah has forbidden for you disobedience of parents, miserliness, false
claims and burying alive of females.” Thus to obey ones parents is an
integral part of the faith, thus we are told to worship the One and the
only Allah and then to serve our parents. The reason for this is quite clear
that most deserving of good treatment in this world are our parents.
2. Special care during old age:
The time when the parents need to be looked after most carefully is their
old age. To serve them devotedly in that state is most pleasing to Allah
and it is easy way to attain Paradise.
The Quran says” Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him
alone and do well to parents, if either of them or both of them attain old
age in your life say not to them a word of contempt nor repeal them but
address them in term of honor and out of kindness and lower to them the
wings of humbleness out of mercy and say my Lord bestow on them your
mercy and they have cherished me in my childhood.(as they have raised
me up when I was young)
When the parents of a person are in need of his help and attention than it
is preferable for him to serve them than to go to Jihad
3. Love and affection:
The children should shower love and kindness to their parents. The
prophet (PBUH) said” no obedient son looks toward his parents with
kindness, but Allah writes for him one pilgrimage for every such look”.
They inquired if he looks 100 times every day “Yes, said, He, Allah is the
greatest and most beneficent”.
4. Financial care:
It is the duty of the children to fulfill their material and financial needs,
A man came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said” I have got wealth and my
father is in need of my wealth”, The Prophet said both you and your
wealth belongs to your father, verily your children are the best of your
earnings, so eat of the earnings of your children.
The parents should be respected even if they are polytheists and they
want him to follow their faith, he should refuse, but he should continue to
be kind and respectful to them.
5. Parents rights after death:
The rights of the parents do not come to an end with their death. In facts
some of their rights take effect after their death. It is the religious
obligation for the children to ask Allah to have mercy on them after their
death, fulfill their promises and be kinds to their friends.
And say my Lord have mercy on both of them
As they cared for me when I was little
 Disobedience of Parents is a sin:
There is great sin for the disobeying the parents. The Prophet(PBUH) said
“To abuse one’s parent is also a major sin”, He was asked “ Can anyone abuse
his parents” Yes the Prophet (PBUH) replied “If he person abuse someone
else’s parents and that person, in retaliation, abuse his parents and then it is
as though he himself had abused his parents.
 Status of Mother:
The suffering which the mother has to bear at child birth and in the bringing
up of the children has been mentioned along with the emphasis of expressing
kindness to parents. One can attain paradise by serving her well being
obedient to her. The rights of the mother are three times more than the rights
of father.
Abu Hurairah(RA) narrates that a person asked the prophet (PBUH): Who has
the greatest claim on me with regard to service and kind treatment? “. The
prophet (PBUH) replied” Your mother, and again your mother and once again
your mother. After her is the claim of your father.
• Rights of Relatives
• Islam enjoins mankind to observe kind, supportive and mannerly treatment
with one’s relatives, since they form the basic component of a family setup.
The most effective way to strengthen family ties after exhibiting reverence
to parents is to maintain healthy relations with one’s relative.
• Following are basic means to do so:
1. If one has poor relatives, they must not be treated inferior or with disdain,
nor interaction with them avoided on the basis of poverty.
2. Relatives must be aided and supported in times of trouble.
3. Sharing occasions of grief and sorrow increases love and feelings of care
4. Backbiting should be avoided and peaceful relations established.
Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said:
“That who severs the bond of kinship will not enter paradise”
• Rights of Orphans and the Needy
• Allah command us to do good to the orphans since they have lost their
supporter , the father or the mother or both and seldom can one of the two
fully care of their upbringing and sustenance.
• Neglect of an orphan converts him into a dangerous element of the society
due to moral, and at times, financial deprivation. Extend of support can
help them to overcome their shortcomings, arising from the lack of
financial and moral strengths.
• On the other hand, the actual needy and the destitute must be financially
aided according to one’s capacity.
• Hence all kinds of attitude must be averted which may cause them
emotional or physical pain.
• Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) said:
“ I and the man who takes care of an orphan will be in Paradise like this?”
(he pointed his index finger and the middle finger to show the distance between
the two)
• Rights of Husband and Wife
• In Islam, both the husband and the wife enjoy certain rights, and are
entrusted with certain responsibilities intended to promote welfare of the
human community. A man must treat their wives kindly and support them
financially and safeguard her interest in all matters.
• On the other hand, a virtuous and a God –fearing wife is bound to love her
husband, be obedient and dutiful, take care of his needs, and in his
absence, guard his reputation, property and her own virtue.
• Rights of Neighbors
• Since neighbors are residents at close proximity to our house, they have
certain rights in accordance to which we are obliged to act, and thus
maximum endeavors must be to do so. Islam directs us to:
1. Abstain from hurting them by word of mouth or action.
2. Help them if they request for it
3. Visit them when they are unwell.
4. Buck up their spirits when bad times befall.
5. Congratulate them on achievements or success.
6. Aid them financially if they are needy.
7. Converse kindly, courteously and respectfully with them.
8. Avoid irritating them by throwing garbage or stirring kinds of trouble.
• Once Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was informed about a woman who
kept fast, engaged to a great extent in prayer, but used to trouble her
neighbors with her tongue.
• Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) replied:
“This woman will go to hell” (Mishkat)
• Once Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) said:
“He is not believer who eats to his content while his next door neighbor is
hungry.” (Bayhaqi)
• Rights of Non-Muslims
• Islam is a religion of love, mercy and tolerance and it preaches freedom of
belief and faith. It recognizes the rights of non-Muslims living in an Islamic
state. They were called protected people or zimmies because they lived in
peace and harmony under the practiced of the Islamic state.
• The messenger of Allah practiced religious tolerance towards non-Muslims
and didn’t use force to compel people of other religion to embrace Islam as
it would have been against the commands of the Quran:
• “Let there be no compulsion in religion.” (2: 256)
• Muslims are commanded here not to force Islam on people of other
religion, because belief in any religion depends on faith, and faith cannot be
induced by force.
• Hazrat Abu Bakr said:
• “If a province or people receive you, make an agreement with them and
keep your promise. Let them be governed by their laws and established
customs; and take tribute from them as is agreed between you. Leave them
in their religion and their land.”
• Hazrat Umar treated non-Muslims very kindly and justly. While imposing
taxes upon them, he was very careful that enough was left for their
maintenance. Even on his deathbed, he left instructions that non-Muslims
should be treated justly and not overburdened with taxes. Such were the
injunctions of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and his immediate successors
about the right of non-Muslims.
• Rights of Children
• Children are the blessings of Allah. Islam orders us to treat them with
• . The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, “The one who does not show mercy to
the children and does not respect the old people is not amongst us”.
• Rights of Friends
• The best example of friendship for Muslim is the friendship of the
Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) with Abu Bakr (R.A).
• We should be very careful in making friends as a person can never avoid
the influence of friends.
• The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, “The parable of a good companion is like
the owner of musk. If you do not get the musk, you get the good smell of
it and parable of a bad companion is like the blacksmith’s bellows, if you
do not the dirt, you cannot avoid the smoke.”
• Rights of Enemies
• Although Islam condemns enmity but sometimes it becomes unavoidable,
the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) also had enemies who did everything to disturb
him but he never took revenge from his enemies for their ill-treatment. But
he impressed them with his good behavior.
The old lady who used to throw trash on the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
accepted Islam, when she fell ill and the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) served her.
• The Holy Quran says, “People a bad thing with a good one and then the
one between whom and you there was enmity will become your close
friend.” (41:34)
Rights of Business Partners
• The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) worked as a partner in trade with
Hazrat Khadija (R.A) and proved to be honest in all of his dealings as
Maysarah witnessed him throughout the journey.
• The Holy Quran says, “O you who believe! Do not eat your property
amongst yourself by wrong means except it to be trade amongst you, by
mutual consent.” (4:29)
• Rights of Animals
• Animals are also given rights as they are living beings and they have
feelings. Islam does not allow killing of animals without any valid reason.
The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) ordered not to overburden the domestic
animal. Once he saw a camel very hungry and tired. So he called his owner
and told him that he was answerable about the rights of these speechless
• Once he saw a person slaughtering a goat with a blunt knife so he said to
him, “You killed it twice; sharpen your knife before slaughting animals.”