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1.a Computer Programming Methodologies

Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Sequential Programming
lines of code are written and executed one after the other
“First do this, then do this, then do this, etc....”
The disadvantage to this method is that you sometimes have to repeat the
same code over and over again.
2. Procedural Programming
 In procedural programming lines of code are grouped together
into a bundle to perform a specific task
 Java refers to the code as functions
 Other programming languages refer to the code as procedures
 When you want to perform that task, you simply direct the
program to run the code in the function or procedure
 When a program runs a function (procedure) we refer to this as
calling the function (procedure)
 Writing code in functions (procedures) is more efficient than
sequential programming
 Once a function is written and then just call the function when
you need it
3. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
 you create separate files called classes that defines the:
o data type of a data structure and
o types of operations or functions that can be applied to
the data structure
 classes interact together to create a working program.
 In procedural programming, the basic building block is the
function, but in OOP, the building block is the class (data and
 Your program creates an object from one of the classes.
 Custom classes can be written from scratch to produce specialized types of content such as
a car in a racing program.
 Java also provides pre-made classes (native classes) that are used to manipulate basic
types of information, such as numbers and text.
 To understand the concept of objects, it often helps
to think of a real-world object such as a dog.
 A dog could be said to have properties such as
name, colour, breed, and age as well as behaviours such
as barking, eating, and running.
 OOP objects also have properties and behaviours.
Using object-oriented techniques, you can model a realworld object.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
 Continuing with the real-world analogy of a dog, consider that there are
dogs with different names, colours, breeds, and ages and with different
ways of eating and behaving. However, regardless of their individual
differences, all dogs are members of a general type or class - the class
of dogs.
 A class is a definition of a type, while an object is an instance of a
class. In other words, the instance is the actual object that can be
manipulated. The difference between classes and objects is critical.
You cannot pet the class (the concept dog) but you can pet the object
(the instance) of a dog.
 The act of creating an object is called instantiation. This means that
they create an object of a given type as defined by the class definition.
 In OOP, a class defines a blueprint for a type of object. The
characteristics and behaviours that belong to a class are jointly
referred to as members of that class. The characteristics (in the dog
example, the name, age, breed, and colour) are called properties of
the class and are represented as variables; the behaviours (barking,
eating, and running) are called methods of the class, and are
represented as functions.
 One of the primary benefits of OOP is that you can extend a class to
create a subclass. Writing subclasses lets you reuse code. Instead of
recreating all the code common to both classes, you can simply extend
an existing class.
 When you extend a class, the subclass inherits all the properties and
methods of the original class. The subclass usually defines additional
methods and properties or overrides methods or properties defined in
the superclass.
 For example, you could build a superclass called Animal, which
contains common characteristics and behaviours of all animals. Next,
you could build several subclasses that inherit from the Animal
superclass and add characteristics and behaviours specific to that type
of animal.
 The word ‘poly' means many and the word ‘morph' means form. The
idea behind polymorphism is that an object can take many forms. Using
polymorphism, classes can override methods of their superclasses and
define specialized implementations of those methods.
 For example, you might start with a class called Mammal that has
play() and sleep() methods. You then create Monkey and Dog
subclasses to extend the Mammal class. The subclasses override the
play() method from the Mammal class to reflect the habits of those
particular kinds of animals. Monkey implements the play() method to
swing from trees and Dog implements the play() method to fetch a ball.
Because the sleep() functionality is similar among the animals, you
would use the superclass implementation.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Native Classes
 The following table lists some of Java's native classes.
textual data (e.g., a string of characters)
logical states (e.g., true and false)
floating-point numbers (e.g., numbers with a decimal value)
integer numbers (e.g., no decimal value)
an ordered list
program errors (e.g., a problem in your code)
a specific point in time
common mathematical values and operations
defines tools for searching and replacing text
represents a reusable set of instructions that can be called.
defines the basic features of every object in Java
 The Math class is an example of a pre-made class in Java.
 The Math class groups together math functions and constants.
 You can use the Math class to generate random numbers
(Math.random), round numbers (Math.round), or to access constants
like pi (Math.PI).
Advantages of OOP
 a program is no longer in one big file.
 classes are separate files that can be worked on by different people at
the same time
classes are also generally reusable
the more you program, the more classes you have to work with.
When you start a new project, you are never starting from scratch,
because you have a library of classes upon which to draw
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
A. Open the document from today entitled, “Getting To Know You” and post
the completed version in the DropBox on D2L
B. Answer the following questions in the Discussion Forum on D2L
1. Explain the benefits of object-oriented programming.
Improved software-development productivity: Object-oriented programming
is modular, as it provides separation of duties in object-based program
Improved software maintainability: Since the design is modular, part of the
system can be updated in case of issues without a need to make largescale changes.
Faster development: Object-oriented programming languages come with
rich libraries of objects, and code developed during projects is also reusable
in future projects.
2. Discuss the difference between a class and an object.
A class is a blueprint from which you can create the instance, i.e., objects,
whereas an object is the instance of the class, which helps programmers to
use variables and methods from inside the class.
A class is used to bind data as well as methods together as a single unit,
whereas an object acts as a variable of the class.
The class must be declared only once, whereas objects can be declared
several times depending on the requirement.
Classes have logical existence, whereas Objects have a physical existence.
3. Discuss the difference between properties and methods of a class.
The characteristics (in the dog example, the name, age, breed, and colour)
are called properties of the class and are represented as variables;
The behaviours (barking, eating, and running) are called methods of the
class, and are represented as functions.
4. What is code reuse? How does it relate to inheritance?
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Code reusability defines the methodology you can use to use similar code,
without having to re-write it everywhere. In inheritance, writing subclasses
lets you reuse code. Instead of recreating all the code common to both
classes, you can simply extend an existing class. When you extend a class,
the subclass inherits all the properties and methods of the original class.
The subclass usually defines additional methods and properties, or
overrides methods or properties defined in the superclass.
5. What is polymorphism? How does it relate to methods?
Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms. Using
polymorphism, classes can override methods of their super classes and
define specialized implementations of those methods.