Uploaded by Erick Sussin

Immune System: Body's Defenses Worksheet

Immune System
The Body’s Defenses
How Does The Body Protect Against Infection?
1st Line of Defense
2nd Line of Defense
3 important defenses
1) __________________________________: series of events that suppress infection
and speed recovery
 Cells release histamine- _____________________________________________
 Causes swelling and redness
 ________________ (white blood cells, dead cells, and dead pathogens)
2) __________________________________________:
 body temperature _____________________ several degrees above normal
when body begins to fight against pathogen
3) _________________________________:
 _____________________________: engulf and destroy pathogens (most
 release chemical that kills bacteria and themselves.
 ______________________________: ingest and kill pathogen - travel through
body in blood and fluid between cells.
 _______________________________:- attack cells infected with pathogens
 punctures cell membrane letting water in
3rd Line of Defense (IMMUNITY)
 Organs of immune system include bone marrow (makes WBC’s), thymus,
lymph nodes (filters), tonsils, and spleen (filters)
 These WBC’s are called ___________________________________
Active Immune System
 There are two main types of lymphocytes: __________________________
 _______________________– produced in bone marrow, and responsible for
producing ___________________________
 ___________________: attack and kill infected cells
 ____________________________ are regulated by ______________________
Autoimmune Diseases
How are Diseases Transmitted?
How Does One Become Resistant to Disease?
 Immunity:
There are two types of immunity
1) _____________________________________
2) _____________________________________
Active Immunity
 long lasting
Passive Immunity
- Naturally: through the placenta.
- Artificially: as by injection of antiserum
What Happens When the Immune System attacks Body Tissues?
Autoimmune Disease
 Affects organs and tissues throughout the body
 Example: Multiple Sclerosis
Destroys insulating material surrounding
nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord
 Type 1 Diabetes
 Affected area:
– Increased blood glucose level, excessive urine production, problems
with vision, weight loss, fatigue irritability
How does HIV Infection lead to Immune System Collapse?
How does one test for HIV?