Uploaded by Michael Broadhead

Energy Conservation & Climate Change Worksheet

Justify the choices of conserving energy.
PART A: Footprint
Carbon Footprint:​ The carbon emissions from the fossil fuel energy used to
power our activities or make the products we consume.
Go to: ​whatismycarbonfootprint.com/sg
What is your carbon footprint? ________
1. How does your carbon footprint compare to the world average and sustainable
2. What changes can you make that would most effectively reduce your carbon
PART B: Privilege
1. What are your thoughts on carbon inequality and climate change? How can
we, as the richest in the world, do better?
The most effective ways to use less energy / reduce carbon emissions at home:
Use fan instead of air con.
Turn water heater off except before needed, or take cold showers.
Use LED lights and turn them off when out of room.
Choose energy efficient appliances and turn them off when not needed.
Choose to live in smaller homes (the less space you use, the less energy)
Switch your electricity provider to one that is carbon neutral. Here is a list
in ​Singapore​.
1. Are there any changes you can encourage your family to do at home to
reduce energy? How would you get your family to make the changes like
switching to a carbon neutral provider?
Carbon Positive
One of our school’s sustainable living habits is ​Carbon Positive​. This means
everyone in the world should take steps to have their life remove carbon from the
air. This is mostly done through carbon offsetting and planting projects.
For example, if your carbon footprint above is 10 tonnes, then you could offset
more than 10 tonnes to become carbon positive.
On the Bintan Excursion, CIS students plant mangroves. As mangroves grow,
they take in carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. Thus growing plants and
leaving them to grow is carbon positive. Bintan is also an excursion by sea, so
there is no flight footprint.
1. Are you willing to take steps to make your life carbon positive? What
would you need to do and what would you need to learn about?
The United Nations has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals for our civilisation
to work together to achieving by 2030. Some of those goals are:
To make this happen, everyone needs to advocate for change to replace fossil
fuels as an energy source.
Making an impact in whatever career you are choosing.
Al Gore
Used his career in politics to create new
environmental protection laws and help spread
international awareness of climate change.
Dr Sandhya Sriram
and Dr Ka Yi Ling
Began a clean meat start-up to develop technology to
make meat production less carbon intensive.
Unsung heroes in
Banking / Finance
Banks like Standard Chartered and OCBC have
stopped funding coal plants in Asia. This is due to
those working in those banks advocating for change
in company policy, in addition to their customers
advocating for change.
Unsung heroes in Oil
Barney Swan
Many environmentalists have joined the top fossil fuel
companies to drive change from within the company.
Some investors have bought large amounts of stock
in oil companies so that they have a voice to influence
the company’s management.
Started a charity called Climate Force to remove
carbon from the air.
Donate money or expertise to effective charities advocating for change.
For example, if you become a lawyer, donating certain numbers of your legal
expertise to an environmental charity will be beneficial. If you are an artist,
creating art to fundraise for the charity will be beneficial. Some choose careers
where they make the most money so they can donate more to charity. Read
more about earning to give ​here​.
Vote for political parties with strong climate action plans.
1. Do you think you have an obligation to help solve the climate crisis? Why
or why not?
2. What way(s) do you think you can make the most positive impact?