BEST FEATURES OF HIKVISION THERMAL CAMERAS Quality is the main thing in every Product we buy. Hikvision Thermal Cameras provide high-quality Vision in different weather Condition and Lighting Condition. HIKvision’s Security Camera uses high standard thermal Detectors which Provides high Definition Images of any time. Hikvision is also a Leading in Help to find the suspect of coronavirus with its quick thermal scanning it helps to prevent it and not spread it into another especially Public Places. SUPERIOR IMAGE STABILITY Hikvision Thermal Camera works in even worst weather condition for 24 hours, such as fog, zero light, bright light, backlight, shadows, smog and rain. when other cameras can not work HIKvision is making it more powerful for capturing High-Quality Images. Bad weather affects on camera stability while hikvision is providing a clear and stable image in that weather too. AI ACCURATE ALARMS • It Provides high accuracy at such works like crossing its area, any type of trespassing, and exit. By using the latest Artificial Intelligence and high Integrated Graphics Processing Units (GPU) can Decrease Fake warnings which are done by non-human and non-vehicle in inside or outside its limited defence Applications. ENHANCED IMAGING • Hikvision thermal Cameras comes with BISpectrum Image Fusion technology, which provides Best Clarity in Images. It is very helpful to Identify Hidden things and be clear about unusual things. It’s Latest Dualmodule design decrease the cost which is requiring in Installation for double thermal and optical Cameras. CONTACT US OFFICE: +971 4 3251610 FAX: +971 5 26058892 Find us on :