TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Format No. Effective Date SWL-ENGG-01F02R0 10-04-2015 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROJECT: DEVELOPMENT OF 200MW SOLAR POWER PLANT AT KOM OMBO, ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT DOCUMENT NO. SWLD-GEOTECHKOMOMBO FOR INFORMATION STATUS DOCUMENT TITLE SPECIFICATION FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION UDG DKR ATS PRPD. BY CHKD. BY ISSUE AUTHORITY Rev Date: 0 03-04-2020 APPR.BY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION INTRODUCTION STERLING & WILSON (SW) has been selected as preferred an Engineering, Construction and Procurement (EPC) for solar photovoltaic project in Kom-Ombo, Egypt. SITE DESCRIPTION The Project is located at Kom Ombo in Southern Egypt, approximately 600 km south of Cairo and approximately 60 km north-west of Aswan in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The following screenshot provides the area for the 200MW proposed plant: PROJECT LOCATION Doc No: SWLD-GEOTECH- KOMOMBO Page 2 of 11 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION The project site area is approximately 3.94 km2. The coordinates for the proposed plant, as marked in the layout above are: Point P1 P2 P3 P4 Latitude (N) 24.579639° 24.574500° 24.591306° 24.596250° Longitude (E) 32.708833° 32.690083° 32.684167° 32.704167° PROJECT APPRECIATION The project involves the construction of Module Mounting Structure (Trackers) Area, Control Room, Switchyard, Security room and Transformer, Inverter Station Area, Parking area, internal road and trenches etc. The main aim of the geotechnical investigation is to ascertain geotechnical parameters for the construction of the proposed structure on the site. There will be heavy, medium and lightly loaded (MMS) on the site. The proposal of various structures are as per the table provided below: SNo 1 2 3 Description of Structure Module Mounting Structure (Tracker) Control Room Building / Warehouse/ Security Room Inverter Station 4 Fence / Gate 5 6 7 8 9 Transformer Foundation Road Drain Erosion / Sediment control measure Cable trenches Type of Foundation Rammed Steel/ Pre-drilled Steel Isolated Concrete foundation Grade Slab/ Isolated Foundation/Block Foundation Steel Post rammed Pile/Concrete Pile Concrete Pad with pit Dirt/Gravel road Earthen/ stone pitched As per practice Concrete Trenches Note: Exact type of foundation will be selected based on local practice along with cost effective option for the same. Doc No: SWLD-GEOTECH- KOMOMBO Page 3 of 11 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION CODES AND STANDARDS All field and laboratory tests, analysis and the recommendations for the foundation system shall be made as per the provisions in the latest revisions of Local Egyptian practices and applicable codes, Euro codes and American Codes and Standards. The test essential for the type of the project are to be included along with the said requirement in the specification. TEST LOCATION PLAN The preliminary plot plan of the area to be investigated with locations for boring/drilling is furnished in drawing. Field Tests - Bore Hole - Test Pits - Dynamic cone penetration test/SPT - Electro Resistivity Test - Thermal Resistivity Test - Plate Load Test - California Bearing Ratio test Note: All tests to be performed as per the table attached at the end of report (SCHEDULE OF QUANTITY FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION). REPORT The report shall include: - Detailed bore logs, subsoil sections, field test results, laboratory observations and test results in tabular as well as graphical form, practical and theoretical considerations for interpretation of results, the supporting calculations for the conclusions drawn etc. - Geological information of the area such as geomorphology, geological structure, stratigraphy and tectonic faults, seismicity of the region, core recovery and RQD etc. - Values of cohesion. Angle of internal friction, shear modulus and coefficient of subgrade reaction along with sample calculations shall be furnished. Calculation for allowable bearing pressure and corresponding total settlements, and load capacity calculation of piles (if recommended) shall be submitted. - Properties of soil for all strata. Doc No: SWLD-GEOTECH- KOMOMBO Page 4 of 11 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION - A plot plan in AutoCAD format showing the locations and reduced levels of all field tests e.g. bore holes, trial pits, dynamic cone penetration tests, plate load tests etc. - A desktop study of local geology based on a review of publicly available information including geological maps, water well records and satellite imagery along the test results. - Visual and Engineering Classification of soil, Sieve analysis and Hydrometer analysis, Liquid, Plastic, Shrinkage and Swell parameter, Specific gravity, Erosion Classification of soil. - Moisture content, Porosity and density, Hardness, Slake durability of rock - Chemical composition of soil (Carbonate, Sulphates, Chlorides, Organic matter etc.) - pH value of Subsoil/ground water - Rate of steel corrosion of structural steel in contact with soil RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations shall be made area wise duly considering the type of soil, structures and foundation in the area. The recommendations shall include, but not limited to, the following: a) Type of foundations to be adopted for various structures and equipment considering total permissible and differential settlements, water table, width and depth of foundation etc. The provision of relevant codes & standards shall be followed. b) For shallow foundation the following shall be indicated with detailed supporting calculations i) Net safe allowable bearing pressure for isolated square footings and continuous strip footings of sizes 1.0, 1.5 & 2.0m at different foundation depth of 1.0, 1.5 & 2m below ground level considering both shear failure and settlement criteria, giving reasons for the type of shear failure adopted in the calculations. ii) Total settlement criteria for different structures shall be considered as per codes & standards. Doc No: SWLD-GEOTECH- KOMOMBO Page 5 of 11 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION iii) Modulus of sub-grade reaction, modulus of elasticity from plate load test results along with Time Settlement curves and Load Settlement curve. iv) If piling is envisaged, the type of pile with reasons, suitable founding strata for the piles, estimated length and safe capacity for 300 mm dia & 350mm dia, shall be furnished. End bearing and skin friction shall be indicated separately. Magnitude of skin friction, if any, and pile spacing to be adopted in design shall be furnished. In case of socketing, recommended length of socketing for each dia of pile, strata & type, where socketing shall be done is to be recommended. v) If Ramming is envisaged for module mounting structure foundation, then recommendation for rammed/predrill foundation depth should be provided. c) Electrical Resistivity of soil based on in-situ electrical resistance tests including electrode spacing vs commutative resistivity curve. d) Suitability of the excavated soil for back filling purposes. e) Protective measures against aggressive chemical constituents (if found through chemical analysis), sulphate and acidity in soil shall be detailed. Susceptibility of soil to termite attack and remedial measures for the same. f) Susceptibility of sub soil to liquefaction in the event of earthquake. If so recommendation for remedial measures. g) Any other information of significance like dewatering schemes which have a bearing on the designs and constructions. Identification of any other potential geotechnical problems and their remedial measures. h) Recommendation of Geo-physical properties of soil (features of textures, pore size, characteristics of different soil layers, presence of impervious layers, voids etc.) i) Additional Geotechnical Investigation beyond the scope of this work which, in the opinion of the Sub-Contractor, are required to make conclusive assessment on the soil parameters for the designs. j) Identification of corrective measures required for the improvement of sub surface conditions such as removal of poor sub soil/ material, in-situ densification etc. If ground improvement is recommended then its detailed specification, specification for materials to be used, construction methodology, equipment’s to be deployed etc. shall be furnished. Doc No: SWLD-GEOTECH- KOMOMBO Page 6 of 11 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION k) Calculation for possible negative skin friction/drag. RATES AND MEASUREMENTS Rates: a) Schedule of Quantities describes the work of Geotechnical Investigation under various items. The item of work covered in the short description shall include all operations as detailed in the technical specifications. b) No claim shall be entertained if the details, shown in the drawings (e.g. location, depth for tests and number of tests etc.) vary during execution of the works. c) The unit rates quoted shall include minor details which are obviously and fairly intended, and which may not have been included in these documents but are essential for the satisfactory completion of the work. d) The bidder’s rates shall be inclusive of providing all equipment, men , material, skilled and unskilled labor, making observations, establishing ground levels and co-ordinates at location of each hole, test pit etc. by carrying levels and distances from bench mark pillars and grid lines given by the Contractor. e) The quoted rates for pits/plate load test shall be inclusive of dewatering and backfilling. g) The rates quoted for laboratory tests shall include preparation of samples, performing tests, recording and analysis of data and submission of one set of above information, every week for review by the Contractor. h) Quantities of work indicated in this schedule are only approximate. No claim (other than item rate charges) will be entertained by the Contractor if the actual quantities differ from those indicated in the Schedule of Quantities. The Owner (here SW) reserves the right to modify the scope of work in each area to be surveyed at any time during work. i) Rates and amounts shall be written in ink and shall be entered both in figures and words. In case of any discrepancy between the figures and words, the latter shall govern. All corrections shall be initialed by the bidder. In case of any mistake in computation of amount from rate and quantity, the same shall be corrected with the value arrived at by multiplying the quantity with the correct rate. Doc No: SWLD-GEOTECH- KOMOMBO Page 7 of 11 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION j) Rates shall be firm for ±25% variation in the total Contract Price with the provision that quantity of individual items may vary to any extent. k) Unit rates and prices shall be quoted/ submitted for all items listed in the schedule of quantities. If unit rates and/or prices are not quoted against any item, it shall be deemed to have been covered in the rates and prices quoted elsewhere and accordingly the item rate will be taken as NIL. l) Rates quoted shall include the supply of all documents, drawings, maps, computer diskettes, and etc. all as per bid documents. The rates shall also be inclusive of the cost of power, water, cutting of vegetation, transportation of men and equipment, boarding and lodging of personnel, stationary, wages of temporary and permanent personnel and any other incidentals required for completion of the work. m) The Contractor reserves the right to split the contract. However, the rates and prices shall remain valid. n) The total amount quoted shall be valid for a period of 6 (six) months from the date of receipt of bids. Also, no escalation of rates shall be permitted during the work. Measurements: a) All measurements shall be in SI Units. b) Length shall be measured in meters (m), correct to two decimal places. Areas shall be worked out in Square meters (Sq.m) and volume in Cubic meters (Cu.m), rounded off to two decimal places. c) Bore holes and trial pits, in which more than one tests are conducted, shall be measured only once. d) The depth of penetration due to DPT at the bottom of bore hole shall not be considered for the measurement of borehole depth. e) Boring in rock with diamond bit shall be measured in length in meters (m) correct to two decimal places for the actual core length. COMPLETION TIME Work shall be completed in all respects within 20 days from the date of receipt of letter of intent including mobilization, field work, furnishing of all drawings and final reports. Doc No: SWLD-GEOTECH- KOMOMBO Page 8 of 11 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION The draft report shall be submitted before 1 weeks from start date of work and final report shall be submitted before 3 weeks from start date of work. SCHEDULE OF QUANTITY FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Sl. No. ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Mobilization of plant, men, equipment and materials for Geotechnical Investigation and Demobilization on completion of work. 2 2a i ii 2b i ii Setting up boring rigs at each borehole locations including clearing and removing of all vegetation, obstructions, bushes, shrubs etc., and Making Bore Holes as per Technical Specifications at various locations in all types of soil, performing Dynamic Penetration Tests as per specifications, collection of soil and water samples complete including storing, transporting of sample to laboratory, back-filling of boreholes all complete as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer in charge in charge. a) From natural ground level to 5 m. b) Installation of Piezometer (Casagrendeo Type) in bore hole as per the specification to measure ground water level upto 10 m depth from NGL. Core drilling in rock strata using double tube core barrel using Nx size diamond bit and collection of rock cores and water samples, keeping record of core recovery, RQD, 2b. conducting SPT if core recovery is less than 20%, keeping cores in wooden samples including storing, transportation of samples to laboratory, backfilling of bore holes all complete as per specifications and as per the direction of Engineer in charge in charge.(If Required) From 0 to 1 m within rock Same as item 2b(a) but any depth above 1 m to 5 m Doc No: SWLD-GEOTECH- KOMOMBO RM – Per meter run LS – Lump sum Unit Unit Price Quantity (in CLP) LS 1.00 NOS 100 MTR 500.00 NOS MTR MTR Amount (in CLP) 5 20.00 30.00 Page 9 of 11 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION 3 4 a 5 6 a b 7 a b c d e f g Making Trial Pits of specified size (0.6 m x 2.0m) at various location upto 3.0 m depth in all type of soil and weathered rock which can be excavated by using mechanical means, including sheeting or shoring the sides for the purpose of stability dewatering and maintaining the pit dry at all times, collecting disturbed/undisturbed samples at 1.0 m interval, backfilling of the pits all complete as per the specification and direction of the Engineer in charge in charge. Plate Load tests at various trial pit locations including providing and erecting equipment, supporting beams, jacks and instruments and removing same and clearing site after test all complete as per specification and direction of Engineer in charge in charge. Ordinary Plate Load Test (60 cm X 60 cm) Laboratory CBR Test at various locations all complete as per specification, layout and direction of Engineer in charge in charge. The test is to be done after area grading. Electrical Resistivity Test (ERT) & Thermal Resistivity Test (TRT) all complete as per specification, layout and direction of Engineer in charge in charge. ERT TRT Conducting various Laboratory Tests on soil samples at an approved laboratory including preparation of soil sample to determine the following propertiesBulk Density Moisture Content Particle size analysis incl. sieve/hydrometer Analysis Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, Shrinkage Limit and plasticity index. Specific Gravity Swell Pressure & Free soil Index determination Relative density (for sand) Doc No: SWLD-GEOTECH- KOMOMBO NOS 40 NOS 40 NOS 25 NOS NOS 50 50 NOS NOS NOS 80 80 80 NOS 80 NOS NOS NOS 80 80 80 Page 10 of 11 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION 8 Chemical Test on subsoil & Water samples for Carbonate, Sulphate, Chloride, pH value, organic matter, and turbidity complete as per specification. a Sulphate NOS 80 b Carbonate NOS 80 c Organic matter NOS 80 d e Chloride pH (as per ASTM D4972/95) NOS NOS 80 80 NOS NOS NOS 50 50 50 50 9 a b c d e f Laboratory Test on rock samples as per specification for determining the following properties - if rock is encountered Moisture Content, Porosity and Density Specific Gravity Hardness Unconfined Comressive Strength (both saturated and insitu water content) Point Load Strenght Index Deformability Test (both Saturated and dry samples) NOS NOS NOS 50 50 10 Taking photographs of rock samples of rock cores, rock exposures, geological features, pits all complete to cover field testing. SET 1 11 Submitting Report (in PDF) with all field and laboratory test records, graphs, charts, recommendations complete as specified LS 1 Doc No: SWLD-GEOTECH- KOMOMBO Page 11 of 11