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Crucible's Parris: A Bukowski Genius Analysis

In act one of The Crucible, which character fits Charles Bukowski’s definition of genius
in “The Genius of the Crowd?” Write a well-developed paragraph in which you use
support from both the poem and the play to support your assertion.
Paris best fits the characteristics of Bukowski’s definition of a genius because in
the crucible he is the minister and knows the most about witchcraft. Bukowski states
“beware the preachers beware the knowers,” this pertains to Paris because he s the
minister in he story, he has an obsession with Betty being cursed or a witch. If he does
not get his way in the story and is not known as the all knowing power he gets anger
very fast. “I have trouble enough without I come five mile to hear him preach only hellfire
and bloody damnation. Take it to heart, Mr. Paris. There are many others who stay
away from church these days because you hardly ever mention God any more.” This
quote is proctor speaking to reverend Parris about how he is preaching false information
not even necessarily about god. Even proctor is noticing parris being a little superiors
and know that he cannot be trusted.