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Title of Poem
The Road Not
Robert Frost
The Poem’s Literal Meaning (What It Is About)
it is known for letting readers think hard about the choices they
make in life, and how life is just a journey and we take different
paths than others
The Poem’s Theme(s)
separating paths
“road less traveled” and taking risks
Edgar Allan Poe
The main meaning of this poem is about the main person is not
able to leave his lover and let her go, and the memory of her
haunts him for his life even though she brings him pain and
letting go of things that bring you pain even if its
hard because the end result may bring you more
happiness or more pain
Robert Burns
describes ones love and how beautiful love can be and how
meaningful it is
“a blooming flower”
a love story
Emily Dickinsion
It is comparing hope to a feathered bird, and that every human
has and should have and hold on to hope and keep it to inspires
oneself or others
doing good and giving strength to move on
The Raven
A Red,Red Rose
“Hope” is the
thing with