Uploaded by Aidan Lafontaine

Whale Evolution Worksheet: Anatomy, Fossils, DNA

Whale Web Lab
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**Complete all 3 pages
1. What are the 3 types of evidence used to determine the pathways evolution has taken in
forming an organism?
a. Comparative Anatomy
b. Fossil Evidence
c. DNA
2. What are the 3 hypotheses about whales?
a. Whales evolved from a land animal
b. Whales evolved from nemonychids, an extinct group of perissodactyls
c. Whales evolved from a group of artiodactyls (even-toed land animals)
Click "Comparative Anatomy"
3. Give an example of how comparing anatomies can show relationships between organisms.
The pandas thumb
4. What is this extra digit used for in pandas?
The pandas extra finger, or its thumb
5. Define the term homologous.
Having the same relation or structure
6. Name the 4 parts of the anatomy that are compared in this section.
a. Pelvis
b. Radius/Ulna
c. Femur
d. Scapula
7. What does this word "vestigial" mean?
Of, or relating to, or being a vestige
8. Give 2 examples of vestigial organs.
a. Pelvis
b. Femur
9. What does the pelvis tell you about the ancestors of whales?
That it evolved from a land animal
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Click "Fossil Evidence"
10. What is something else besides rock that could be said to have strata?
11. What is the "Law of Superposition"?
Older rocks are generally found below younger rocks
12. Name the 4 fossils you found and tell how old they are.
a. Pakicetus – 50 million years old
b. Mesonychid – 60 million years ago
c. Ambulocetus – 49 million years ago
d. Cetotherium – 15 million years ago
Click on the magnifying glass at the bottom of the page and then click "DNA evidence"
13. What is DNA coding?
Pattern of amino acids used to build a actual DNA strand
14. What is a perissodactyl? Give some examples of ones that live today.
Horse, rhino
15. When did perissodactyls first arise?
60 million years ago
16. Give an example of an extinct perissodactyl.
Baluchitherium – largest land mammal ever
17. What is an artiodactyl? Give some examples of ones that live today.
Aniamls with even number of toes – goat, giraffe
18. What is an ungulate?
Hoofed animals
19. Name 4 characteristics of mammals.
a. Whales
b. Humans
c. Cows
d. Dogs
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Click "compare" DNA
20. Which group has the most similar DNA in whales?
Lions, cats, and humans
Click the check mark at the bottom of the screen and choose a hypothesis that matches all of
the data you have collected.
Which of the hypotheses have you verified through your studies?
That whales evolved from a land animal