Uploaded by Kinsley Rausch

Residential Evening Activity Planning Form

Please create a copy of this document and then rename it including your name in the
title. Fill out the form and additionally please include two Evening Activity Ideas. Email
this back to me by Monday morning June 3rd at 9:00 am. Thanks
Residential Evening Activity (Something you can lead from start to finish)
Activity Name:
Supplies Needed:
Ideal Number of Students:
Things to Think About:
General Preferences
Rate each activity from 1-4, according to your level of comfort leading (1=heck no,
4=bring it on)
____ Crafts
____ Sports (kickball, soccer, etc)
____ Yard Games (corn hole, etc)
____ Trips Off Campus
____ Cooking
____ Baking
____ Magic the Gathering
____ Dungeons & Dragons
____ Video Game Tournament
____ Chess
____ Board Games
If you’ve done this before (or even if you haven’t), what would you like me to know?
What has worked? Not worked? Ideas for this year?