No. 733,337. - PATENT-ED JULY 14, 1903.. W. J. FORSTER. DEMAGNETIZER. APPLICATION FILED MAR. 15, 1902. N0 MODEL.‘ 3339333355330 "53: nonms PETERS ca. PNGTOLITNO" wnsmuamn, u. c. Patented July‘ 14, 1903. No. ‘733,637. UNITED STATES PATENT DFEICE. XVILLIAM J. FORSTER, OF MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. DEMAGNETIZER. ‘SIPEGIFICATION forming part of Letters PatentNo. ‘733,637, dated July 14, 1903. Application ?led March 15, 1902. Serial No. 98,278. (No model.) : To (/l/ZZ whmn it near/y concern: Be it known that 1, WILLIAM J . FORSTER, a P, that may be closed on one or the other of electric contact - points Q B, one of these points being electrically connected to electro citizen of the United States, and a resident of magnet M and the other in like connection 55 Milwaukee, in the county of Milwaukee and with electromagnet N. I-Ience either of these State of Wisconsin, have invented certain new and usefulImprovements in Demagnetizers; electromagnets can be readily put in circuit the pole-changer. and I do hereby declare that the following is a with In practice the local circuit is closed with - full, clear, and exact description thereof. of the electric-service line or with My invention has for its object to provide aconductors generator of suf?cient electric current, and simple economical apparatus having utility , with an electrical current of sufficient inten sity as means for demagnctizing various de vices, especially watches and tools, said in vention consisting in what is hereinafter par ticularly set forth with reference to the accom one or the other hollow-core electromagnets is put in the circuit by means of the switch, the pole-changer being then actuated to cause frequent reverses of the direction of current 65 that goes through said magnet. Each brush L is alternately on contact - pins of both panying drawing and subsequently claimed. K wheels E and a contact- pin of one of said The drawing is a diagram in perspective, Hence there is alternate shunting illustrating electric-service conductors and wheels. and energization of the magnet, the fre apparatus in accordance with my invention quency of the alternations being in propor for electrical connection with said conduc tion to the rotary speed of the pole-changer tors. and number of the contact-pins thereof, this Referring by letter to the drawing, A indi-,, number always preferably such as will cates a spring-plug connecting positive and insure a being cool pin of each wheel at each con 75 negative conductors of an electric-service tact with a brush. Shunting of the magnet 25 line, and B another such plug connecting throws pressure of the current into the lamp local - circuit conductors having insulated J or other resistance to prevent the damag spring-brush terminals 0 D, the latter plug ing sparking that would otherwise take place being engageable with the one aforesaid to between pole-changer pins and the brushes energize the local circuit. The brushes 0 D L, due to alternations of said current. have contact with the hub portions of a pair K Hence durability of the pole-changer is of wheels E, of conductor material, in rigid insured.the The lamp J as a resistance being insulated connection with a spindle F, pro always included in the circuit will have full vided with a pinion G, that meshes with a power when the magnet is shunted, but less 85 spur-wheel II, that is turned by a crank I to power when said magnet is energized, the impart rapid rotation to the wheels, an in 35 being then divided in said lamp and candescent lamp J or other resistance being current magnet, there being constant ?ickering of the put in the circuit. Each wheel E is provided with an even-number series of inwardly-pro jecting contact-pins at intervals of ‘a circle, aforesaid lamp when the pole-changer is in operation. A watch, tool, or other device that has become magnetized is placed in the those of one wheel alternating with those of core of the electromagnet that is for the other.‘ Insulated spring-brushes K L hollow the time circuit aforesaid and demag have cam end opposition to the pins of the netized asinathe result the above-described op wheels E, and the arrangement of these eration, there beingof continuous actuation of 95 brushes is such that they are alternately in the pole-changer while the device under treat 45 contact with a pair of pins of each wheel ment is exposed in said clectromagnet. The when both are in rotation, the function of electromagnct M is designed for the two pin-wheels on the same spindle being larger watches and the one N for narrow tools; but that of a pole-changer. Brush K is elec either one of said electromagnets may be omitted and the one remaining put in per nets M N of diiferent uses, and the brush L manent electroconnection with the brushes is electrically connected to an electric switch trically connected to hollow-core electromag 738,633? that oppose the pole-changer without depar ture from what I seek to cover as my inven tion. in matter of size, a pair of conductor-wheels. insulated on a common spindle and each pro vided with inwardly~extending contact-pins Having thus described myinvention, what at intervals of a circle, the pins of one wheel I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters alternating with those of the other, cam end Patent, is— spring-brushes each alternately in touch with 1. Ademagnetizercomprisingahollow-core the contact-pins of both wheels and a single electromagnet, a pair of conductor-wheels in pin of one wheel, a switch arranged to close an electrical circuit including either of said vided with inwardly-extending contact-pins magnets and said brushes, means for rotat at intervals of a circle, the pins of one wheel ing said spindle, other brushes in contact alternating with those of the other, cam end with said wheels, the latter brushes consti spring-brushes each alternately in touch with tuting terminals of a circuit for electric cur contact-pins of both wheels and a single pin rent of suitable intensity, and aresistance in of one wheel, means for electrically connect the circuit. ing said brushes and magnet, means for ro In testimony that I claim the foregoing I tating the spindle, other brushes in contact have hereunto set my hand, at Milwaukee, in with said wheels, the latter brushes consti the county of Milwaukee and State of VVis— tuting terminals of a circuit for electric cur consin, in the presence of two witnesses. rent of suitable intensity, and a resistance in W'ILLIAM J. FORSTER. sulated on a common spindle and each pro IO 20 the circuit. ‘ 2. A demagnetizer apparatus comprising a plurality of hollow elect-ro'magnets different , \Vitnesses: H. G. UNDERVVOOD, W; S. UNDERWOOD.