Downloaded from by University of Salford Clifford Whitworth on 04/26/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. 414 ICSDC 2011 Implementing Lean Construction Theory to Construction Processes’ Waste Management S. A. Abbasian Hosseini1, A. Nikakhtar2, K. Y. Wong3, A. Zavichi4 1 M.Sc. student, School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, email: 2 M.Sc. student, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Malaysia, email: 3 Lecturer, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Malaysia, email: 4 PhD student, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering, University of Central Florida, email: Abstract Waste in the construction industry has been the subject of several research projects around the world in recent years. Researchers implement different methods to reduce the amount of waste in construction industry. One of effective methods is application of lean approach to construction industry. Lean construction is a result of the introduction of a new form of production management. Although lean construction is still evolving, the generic principles, techniques and tools of lean construction can already be applied. Waste reduction in order to improve performance is one of the basic concepts of lean thinking. In general, project managers tend to conceptualize “waste” as physical construction waste, but there are noticeable wastes in the construction processes which are named “non value-adding activities” by lean construction theory. In this paper, the waste quantity of construction processes in any format has determined through discrete event simulation based on lean thinking approach. Furthermore, a case study conducted to reveal the result of lean thinking application in a real manner. Results show that the construction processes have the high potential of optimization via implementing lean construction principles and computer simulation. 1. Introduction Construction industry has been suffering enormously from a serious drawback, which is “Waste” (Senaratne and Wijesiri, 2008). All the researches conducted in the area of construction waste imply the huge volume of waste generated during a construction project (see Esin and Cosgun, 2007; Wanga et al., 2010). During last decades, various methods are utilized in order to reduce construction waste and its effects. One of innovative approachs in this regard is “Lean Construction”, which was introduced to construction industry in 1990s based on a successful manufacturing theory, i.e. lean production. 414 Copyright ASCE 2012 ICSDC 2011 ICSDC 2011 Downloaded from by University of Salford Clifford Whitworth on 04/26/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. ICSDC 2011 415 Actually, Eliminating waste in a process is one of top priorities in lean construction theory (Mao and Zhang, 2008; Farrar et al., 2004; Dunlop and Smith, 2004; Al-Sudairi, 2007). In general, project managers interpret waste as physical construction waste, which dominantly includes material losses (Koskela, 1992). In addition to stressing on the physical waste, lean thinking specifically pay lots of attentions to the waste produced over a construction process. Waiting time, non valueadding works and material transportations are categorized in this group. This paper is based on evaluating the quantity of construction process waste according to lean thinking approach. Therefore, after describing various kinds of construction process waste, lean construction principles regarding to waste reduction are explained. To test and examine lean principles (due to waste reduction) in construction processes, an actual experiment is required; therefore a case study was conducted to depict the real application of lean principles. In contrast to the actual experiment which can be time consuming, risky and costly, computer simulation does not incur huge costs. In addition, Modeling is a powerful tool, which helps us in two important ways. The first one is revealing shortages related to designing the system and the other one is highlighting opportunities for improving the system performance (Sawhney, 1999). After simulating a selected process, the quantity of each kind of waste is revealed from model and finally, the potential of lean principles to decrease the process wastes are depicted. 2. Construction Waste Categorization via Lean Thinking Approach During last decades, many research efforts have been done in order to classify construction waste according to different attributes such as kind, quantity, etc. In spite of different classifications, all of them follow the same basic concept. Excess materials, delays, rework and defects are those waste commonly mentioned by researchers (Senaratne and Wijesiri, 2008) Although the term ‘construction and demolition waste’ has been defined as any kinds of solid waste generated during construction processes, Formoso et al. (2002) recommended broader definition of waste to include not only material waste but also waste generated in a construction project such as waiting times, transportation times, and etc. Actually, this issue (non-physical waste within construction processes), is the basis of waste concept from lean construction approach. Actually, these kinds of waste are those wastes that occurred during the construction processes. Koskela (1992) also states that a systematic attempt for identifying wastes in construction processes (flow wastes in lean thinking terms) has not been done by the construction management practitioners until lean construction concept was introduced. Innovative waste categorization, which is considered lean thinking concept, is illustrated in Fig. 1. In fact, lean construction thinking pay special attention to “construction process waste”, which itself can be devided into two main categories: waste due to the nature of processes and waste due to non value-adding work. It should be noted that each of waste mentioned in construction process category, is not wholly due to nature of process or due to non value-adding works, but since one categorie’s features predominates, it will be categorized in each subdivision. 415 Copyright ASCE 2012 ICSDC 2011 ICSDC 2011 Downloaded from by University of Salford Clifford Whitworth on 04/26/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. 416 ICSDC 2011 Waste related to Construction Site • • • • • Waste due to wait periods Waste due to design errors Equipment wear and tear Resting time Excess materials on site External Factors • • • Excess materials Safety costs Clarification needs Lean thinking emphasizes Due to nature of operations • • • Defects Rework Over production Non valueadding work • • • • Transport/handling time Waiting Unnecessary inventories improper choice of methods Construction Processes Figure 1. Waste categorization considering lean thinking approach 3. How Lean Construction Principles Reduce Processes’ Waste Koskela (2000) believed that construction is mainly managed based on transformation concept, and principles related to the flow and value generation concepts as the basis of lean thinking are largely neglected. In order to apply flow and value views to construction processes, researchers enumerate various principles. Explanation of all the lean principles is not in the scope of this paper; therefore, three basic concepts applied to the case study (conducted in this paper) are explained in following paragraphs. Value generation through flow production of processes. Lean thinking divides the activities that are flow in a process into value adding and non-value adding activities. Value-adding activities are those that directly affect on producing the final product and considered as a value by the customer, while non-value activities do not. Koskela (1993) believed that while all activities expend cost and consume time, only value adding activities add value to the material or piece of information being transformed into a product. Therefore, lean thinking attempts to re-design the processes in order to achieve two goals: (1) Omit or at least minimize the share of non value-adding activities; and (2) Enhancing the labor’s time consumed on value-adding activities. Implementing concept of pulling (just-in-time delivery of materials). One of the usual problems in construction industry is related to delivering materials (Thomas et al., 2002). Equipment and labors are often kept waiting because delays occurred in supplying materials and in finishing prerequisite works. This problem decreases the productivity and extends the project duration (Tommelein, 1998). On the other hand, supplying the downstream’s requirements sooner than they need, generates unnecessary inventories and it may cause extra cost. “Pulling” is another basic lean production principle that ensures just-in-time coordination between upstream and downstream tasks. It is based on that the upstream should not produce a product/service until the downstream request it (Womack and Jones, 1996). 416 Copyright ASCE 2012 ICSDC 2011 ICSDC 2011 417 Downloaded from by University of Salford Clifford Whitworth on 04/26/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. ICSDC 2011 Mistake-proofing of processes. Research shows that estimated costs of defects in construction project have been reported to be 5% of total project price (Mills et al., 2009). Therefore, construction defects are always the key concern of the construction industry. In this regard, lean thinking attempts to prevent occurring mistake through simple way of mistake-proofing. This concept, in the production industry of Japan, is called Poka-yoke. Mistake-proofing’s objective was to eliminate or minimize the requirement for inspection (which is believed as waste in lean philosophy) by eliminating errors before they occur rather than detecting and mending activities which simply make it fall under unfavorable category of “rework”. 4. A Case Study To test and evaluate the waste reduction due to lean principles implementation in construction processes, an actual experiment is required. Therefore, this study conducted a case study by focusing on reinforcement operations of a six-floor building construction. Reinforcement operation is a repetitive process, which contains several activities, labors and resources that interrelates to each other. Hence, it seems to be appropriate process for testing and evaluating lean principles application. To do the experiment, a safe and standard trend for simulation was regarded. As can be seen in Figure 2, data collection, model development and validaition constitutes the main parts of the trend. Observing the process Collecting data for activities Model development Validating the model Applying lean concepts Analyzing the results Figure 2. Standard trend of simulation model development Data were collected through precisely observing reinforcement operations of the first floor. Afterwards, various continuous distribution functions were tested against the collected data, and the most promising ones according the goodness-of-fit tests were selected. It should be noted that each activity repeated several times during each cycle of reinforcing, therefore the number of durations were recorded for each of activity of reinforcement operations is enough for statistical analysis. After finding the best fitting distribution of activities, it is time to develop simulation model of chosen process (reinforcement operations). The distribution’s parameters and actual behavior observations were used to accurately model the conventional reinforcement process via ARENA simulation software. To do so, various kinds of modules in ARENA were implemented to close the model to what happened in actual process. Figure 3 illustrated the simulated model for the reinforcement process. It should be noted that some extra modules or linkages were also used to meet the logical aspects of the way that process done. 417 Copyright ASCE 2012 ICSDC 2011 ICSDC 2011 Downloaded from by University of Salford Clifford Whitworth on 04/26/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. 418 ICSDC 2011 Figure 3. Simulated model for the reinforcement process Simulating an accurate model is completely dependent on the development of the model that certainly shows the actual various tasks and their interrelationships (AlSudairi, 2007). Therefore, before experimenting with simulation to evaluate the effect of lean principles, it is necessary to validate the model. One of the appropriate factors to show how actual process and simulated process are alike is cycle time which is used for validation by many researchers (see Al-Sudairi, 2007; Hassan and Gruber, 2008). After each testing, necessary modifications were done to close the simulated model to the actual process. As can be seen in the results of last validation in Table 1, variation between actual and model outputs is 1.5%, which is acceptable. After construction and validation the base model, it is time to apply the aforementioned lean thinking concepts. Flow considering of a construction process is one of basic principles of lean construction. In the observed reinforcement process, in each workstation, all the rebars delivered to the next workstation together. To flow the entities in whole the process concurrently, first, the batch size delivered in each step is decreased and then the labors are allocated to all the operations depend on their abilities. In fact, the labors do not move from a workstation to another and just deliver entities to the next station. By this work, all the operations in a reinforcement cycle performing together and the problem of overstuffing and waiting time became minimum. Table 1. Final results of validation based on 10 replications of the model Replication Cycle Time (min) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Actual 589 595 591 535 564 572 581 589 582 602 Simulated 601 561 569 577 556 574 575 576 556 561 model St. Dv. Average Variation Cycle time (%) 19.2 583 13.4 571.11 1.5 418 Copyright ASCE 2012 ICSDC 2011 ICSDC 2011 419 Downloaded from by University of Salford Clifford Whitworth on 04/26/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. ICSDC 2011 Being late in hauling rebars from a workstation to next one cause waiting time and therefore it increase cycle time directly. On the other hand, providing rebars sooner than needed generate the unnecessary storages of rebars which can increase double handling and distance to working area. Furthermore, extra accumulations of materials increase the probability of making mistake through tiring worker’s mind. To implement the concept of pulling in the reinforcement operations, upstream workstations such as “cutting” can be model in the way that produce and send the products (rebars) to the downstream stations such as “tightening” only in the right amount and at right time. The general practice of mistake-proofing is to find a defect and problem in current process of working and find the ways not to let the problems happen again. For example, one of the most important mistakes in reinforcement operations is to deliver, cut or bending the rebars with wrong size. To prevent this kind of mistakes, one of mistaking-proofing method is coloring the end of bundled bars in to avoid misuses. Totally, defective rebars in reinforcement operations includes 5% of all the rebars. It is predicted that the defective entities can be reduced to almost 1% with implemeting the mistake-proofing devices. To evaluate the effect of lean construction principles application on the waste reduction, the menntioned construction processes’ waste calculated in both conventional and lean model and the results are summarized in Table 2. Table 2. Process waste generation between the conventional and lean model Conventional process Type of waste (in each cycle) Number of defects Labor time on rework (min) Number of over produced rebars at the end Transport/handling time (min) Total waiting time (hrs) Lean process Improvement (%) 18 4.2 76.667 40.13 15 160.45 4.95 7.81 1.2 64.1 4.95 80.53 92 60.04 -4.84 Note : The quantities is the average of 20 replications for both conventional and lean model. 5. conclusion The research contained in this paper presents a systematic approach for the application of lean production principles to construction process emphasizing on construction processes’ waste reduction. Results of the study affirmed the great potentiality of such principles in improving construction processes and also reducing waste generated during the processes. Although, the construction industry witnesses noticeable share of waste in construction process, an effective practices for reducing them are performed rarely. However, lean construction thinking, through considering integrated view of production, attempts to show the importance of neglected concepts in designing and engineering of the construction processes. Actually, high share of non value-adding works in the construction processes brings about excellent opportunities of lean principles application. Sometimes, changes or modifications in the construction operations may have to be made in order to better apply these principles. However, costs of these modifications always will be considerably less than the benefits made by lean principles. 419 Copyright ASCE 2012 ICSDC 2011 ICSDC 2011 Downloaded from by University of Salford Clifford Whitworth on 04/26/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. 420 ICSDC 2011 Finally, it should be concluded, while this study is just dedicated to one of many operations in a construction project, it can be predicted that the construction operations have high potential of optimizing through application of lean principles and simulation which finally lead to a drastic promotion in construction industry. References Al-Sudairi, A. A. (2007) Evaluating the effect of construction process characteristics to the applicability of lean principles, Construction Innovation, 7 (1), 99-121. Dunlop, P. and Smith, S. D. (2004) Planning, estimation and productivity in the lean concrete pour. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 11 (1), 55-64. Esin, T. and Cosgun, N. (2007),“A study conducted to reduce construction waste generation in Turkey”, Building and Environment, 42, pp 1667–1674. Farrar, J. M., AbouRizk, S. M. and Mao X. (2004) Generic implementation of lean concepts in simulation models. 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