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Scent Of A Woman ....Tango On!

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Woman"....Tango On!
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1. When Charlie and the Colonel took their First Class seats on the
plane from Logan to NY, they were served by a stewardess named
Daphne. What was the name of the cologne that the Colonel noticed
Daphne wearing?
Your Answer: Floris
Charlie was getting to know the Colonel. He had heard that at
times, when a person was blind, their other senses became
extra sensitive. However, he was shocked when the Col.
guessed the fragrance that Daphne was wearing. Many more
surprises were to come during this unique holiday weekend in
NY, that perhaps would teach young Charlie more than he could
ever learn while attending Baird.
52% of players have answered
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2. When Charlie and Col. Slade entered their suite at the Waldorf, the
Colonel requested that Charlie check the bar and make sure it was
filled with his favorite liquor. What was it?
Your Answer: Absolute
The correct answer was John Daniels (Jack Daniels)
Charlie was in awe of the Waldorf and was beginning to be in
awe of the Colonel. He also noticed the Colonel's fondness for
drinking. He wondered where this blind retired officer got the
money to pay for all this.
94% of players have answered
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3. Once seated in the Oak Room at The Plaza, Charlie noticed the
prices on the menu. He asked the Colonel what this trip was all about,
or if he was a rich miser. The Colonel explained that he saved up his
disability checks for this and that the reason Charlie was along was to
act as his guide dog. What name did the Colonel give this trip?
Your Answer: a vacation from mediocrity
The correct answer was a tour of pleasures
Charlie watched as the Colonel enjoyed himself. To Charlie's
dismay, the Colonel then gleefully informed Charlie that he had
missed his plane back to New Hampshire and asked him to stay
another night. Charlie had no choice, but to agree. The Colonel
needed him, and at this point, Charlie was beginning to
understand the sadness that was beneath the bravado that was
so much a part of Col. Slade.
67% of players have answered
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4. When the bellboy arrived in their suite at the Waldorf, what was the
first thing the Colonel asked him about?
Your Answer: a seamstress
The correct answer was the escort scene
Charlie remarked that the Colonel had a one-track
mind...women. The Colonel then said his second favorite thing in
the world was a Ferrari.
77% of players have answered
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5. What was their limo driver's name?
Your Answer: Vincent
The correct answer was Manny
The limo driver was the next one the Colonel asked about
getting escorts. He agreed to look into it for him. The limo driver
was a nice guy and was becoming quite fond of the Colonel and
89% of players have answered
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6. The Colonel sensed a darkness in Charlie's spirit and commented
on it. Charlie then explained the trouble he was facing at Baird when
he returned after the Thanksgiving break. Where did this
conversation take place?
Your Answer: at the Oak Room
The correct answer was in the limo, on the way to the Oak
As the Colonel listened to Charlie's problem, his own life
experiences rose up before him and made this situation very
clear. Charlie was on student aid, in this Ivy League school, and
the other boy involved was not. The outcome was clear as ice.
69% of players have answered
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7. According to Colonel Slade, why was the bread west of the
Colorado not as good as it was in NYC?
Your Answer: water was too alkaline
As the Colonel pulled apart a dinner roll, he said they had been
in his dreams when he served in the army.
75% of players have answered
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8. When the Colonel sensed Charlie saluting him, he knew the
gesture of respect was insincere. After he told him that many men far
better than him had executed that gesture he warned him. What did
he say?
Your Answer: "Oh, an infantry man. Thank you".
The correct answer was "If you're smart you won't try that
again. This bat's got better radar than the Nautilis."
Charlie was beginning to see the depth of this man. His own
experinces in life, up to that point, were meager. Little did he
know that his time with this man, would teach him lessons he
could never learn from a book.
70% of players have answered
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9. As Charlie awakened on Thanksgiving morning, the Colonel was
being fitted for a suit by a seamstres in their suite. What was her
Your Answer: Rachel
The correct answer was Sophia
Charlie was then told that he would be fitted too. To Charlie's
surprise the Colonel announced that they were going to visit
with the Colonel's older brother, Willie, for Thanksgiving. When
Charlie asked if he knew they were coming the Colonel laughed
and said "He doesn't even know I'm coming"!
75% of players have answered
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10. Charlie was on the phone with George Willis, Jr. as the Colonel
was trying on his suit jacket. He overheard Charlie's side of the
conversation. Colonel Slade quickly grasped where the situation was
headed. What two kinds of people did the Colonel tell Charlie there
were in this world?
Your Answer: cheaters and jerks.
The correct answer was those who stand up and those who
run for cover.
Charlie was beginning to see that the plan he had made with
George Willis, not to tell their parents, was unravelling before his
eyes. Charlie also was beginning to see the depth of the man he
was looking after for the weekend. Fear was turning to
58% of players have answered
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11. What did Colonel Slade smell when they entered his brother's
home on Thanksgiving?
Your Answer: sweet potatoes
The correct answer was prunes
Colonel Slade was secretly hoping his sister-in-law made Turkey
Ma Bere (with prune sauce). Charlie, although feeling awkward
as an uninvited guest and not part of the family, felt sorry for
Colonel Slade when the Colonel's nephew Randy answered the
door. Charlie observed that no one seemed too happy to see
Colonel Slade. He suddenly felt protective of Slade, instead of
the other way around, as it had been until this moment. He
sensed animosity and Randy brought it to fruition in a very short
25% of players have answered
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12. What was Randy's job at Snow Flake Sugar?
Your Answer: Vice President in charge of Marketing
Colonel Slade was never known to respect anyone with a 9 to 5
corporate job. His sarcasm was obvious, when he asked his
nephew about his job in the corporate world. Randy was very
resentful that his uncle gave up a very promising Army career
because of foolishness. He made this known in a very
disrespectful way. Charlie tried to smooth this over. He was
embarrassed for Colonel Slade.
52% of players have answered
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13. According to Randy, how did Colonel Slade lose his eyesight?
Your Answer: a jeep explosion.
The correct answer was juggling live grenades while
Randy felt his uncle should take responsibility for losing his
vision while acting in such an irresponsible way.
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14. To everyone's discomfort, while seated at his brother's
Thanksgiving table, Colonel Slade distastefully went on to describe
an amusing sexual situation he once found himself in. What was his
description of the two women involved in "building a bridge', and
letting "east meet west"?
Your Answer: a female FBI Agent and a Female CIA Officer
The correct answer was an Asian Flower and a tough Navy
His brother's family was shocked and uncomfortable. Thinking
of his plan for suicide, Slade's intention was to indirectly alienate
his family. He had come to say goodbye to his big brother Willie,
who had in the past come between Col. Slade and disaster. As
the Colonel and Charlie left, you could sense the Colonel's
feelings in what he said to his brother.
74% of players have answered
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15. While Charlie and Colonel Slade descended the stairs to get to
Donna, what was the word the Colonel used to guide Charlie,
referring to how they walked?
Your Answer: perambulate
Though blind, the Colonel's past with women was the pleasure
he remembered clearly. He eluded confidence with women and
was trying to convey this fact to young Charlie. He was amused
and pleased to sense Charlie's interest in this young lady, sitting
48% of players have answered
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Woman"....Tango On!'
How well can you do? -- The lessons of life are clearly taught to
young Charlie, by a man he later learns, is a master. The final
speech Co...
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