Pollution Webquest Go To http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/tutorial_pollution/welcome.html Click on Point Source Pollution: 1. What are 4 possible sources of point source pollution? 2. How do factories contribute to point source pollution? 3. How do farms contribute to point source pollution? 4. What has NPDES done to reduce point source pollution Click on Non-Point Source Pollution: 1. Where does most non-point source pollution come from? 2. How does non-point source pollution affect the economy? 3. How can non-point source pollution be even more dangerous than point source pollution in higher concentrations? 4. Why is non-point source pollution so hard to control? Click on Urban and Suburban areas: 1. What makes urban areas so vulnerable to runoff pollution? 2. What actions of people in suburbia add to non-point source pollution? Click on Agricultural Operations: 1. How do lands used for agriculture increase non-point source pollution? Click on Atmospheric inputs: 1. How is acid rain created? 2. How does acid rain affect animal populations? 3. How does acid rain affect plant life? Click on Forestry and Mining Operations: 1. How do forestry operations contribute to the non-point source pollution in an area? 2. What effects do mining have on the point source pollution in an area? 3. What effects do mining have on the non-point source pollution in an area? Click on Marinas and Boating Activities: 1. How does boating and marinas contribute pollution to our waterways? Click on Nutrients: 1. What are the two main nutrients that are a concern for non-point pollution? 2. What is eutrophication? 3. How can eutrophication harm an environment? 4. What affect can HABs have on people? Click on Suspended Sediments: 1. How do suspended sediments harm plant life? 2. How do suspended sediments harm animals in the water? Click on Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals: 1. What are the two ways pesticides enter a waterway? 2. What is the danger of having pesticides in the water? 3. What are 3 ways that toxic chemicals can enter our waterways? Click on Bacteria, Viruses, and Trash: 1. How do bacteria and viruses get into the water way? 2. What dangers are posed by added levels of bacteria and viruses in the water? Click on Controlling Non-point source pollution: 1. List and describe 6 techniques used to control non-point source pollution in urban and suburban areas 2. List and describe 3 techniques used to control non-point source pollution in agricultural operations. 3. List and describe 3 techniques used to control non-point source pollution in forestry operations. 4. List and describe 3 techniques used to control non-point source pollution in marinas. Click on What Can I Do: 1. List 6 things you can do to help control pollution.