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Language Games & Vocabulary Retention in EFL Learners

The third study was entitled ‘The Effect of Using Language Games on Vocabulary
Retention of Iranian Elementary EFL Learners’ which is study that was undertaken
by Ms. Marzieh Taheri in 2014. At the university of Islamic Azad in Iran. The present
study aimed at investigating the effect of using language games on elementary
students’ vocabulary retention , were 32 student selected from the same level of
dexterity , then into groups of 16. First one which is the control group adopted the
traditional method of teaching vocabulary , for example: definitions and drill,..ect.
For the second group of experimental which adopted language games as a technique
of treatment which was continued for 4 weeks by arranging one session every week.
The teachers after the treatment administered three vocabulary tests for both
groups. The fisrt posttest was about investigating the students’ immediate
vocabulary learning in two different methods, whereas, the second posttest was
about the delayed effect of learning again with and without the treatment. The third
posttest undertaking after four weeks to determine the students’ ability of retention
in both groups. Then applying a homogenizing test, which is A nelson English
language test received by both groups of the same level of skillfulness which consist
of 50 multiple choice item to three simple level classes in order to sympathize the
students. The findings of the conducted research revealed that the vocabulary
knowledge of the both groups developed after four sessions of instruction but the
improvement in the experimental group using language games was higher than the
control group but the difference between groups was not very significant. In addition
to that this study shows that language games are useful techniques in English
vocabulary teaching in Iran learners were students become more cooperate with
each other which increased their confidence .