MUSIC SCHEME OF WORK Year 1 Term 1 Year 3 Year 2 Year 4 Year 5 Recognise music from a historical era/cultural context Recognise music from a historical era/cultural context Recognise music from a historical era/cultural context Recognise music from a historical era/cultural context Recognise music from a historical era/cultural context Recognise and identify pitch, duration and tempo Identify changes in timbre, dynamics and pitch in music To be able to describe the quality of sounds created through layers (describe music effect) To be able to join several layers of sound and understand the effect Understand how sounds fit together to create an overall effect Sequence musical sounds to a simple structure Use symbols to record compositions for performance (e.g shapes) To create visual symbols to represent sounds and structure (beginning middle and end) Recognise a steady beat in a tune Repeat a rhythmic pattern following symbols To be able to keep a steady pulse and rhythmic pattern responding to signals Recognise and explore a variety of sound sources (e.g using body, outdoors etc). Recognise and explore a variety of sound sources (e.g using body, outdoors etc). Use a variety of sound sources Use a variety of sound sources Identify and respond to rhythmic and melodic patterns Use symbols to represent different parts Use notation, crochet, to indicate number of beats to play Use a variety of sound sources Choose sounds for effect Perform from pictures using tempo, dynamics, timbre and texture to create effect Join several layers of sound to create effects Create moods using different types of sounds Create moods using different types of sounds Listen and discuss different styles of music Listen and discuss different styles of music Listen and discuss different styles of music To evaluate music, describing likes and dislikes using musical vocabulary Compose, evaluate and improve their compositions Compose and perform using symbols to represent sounds Term 2 Recognise music from a historical era or cultural context Recognise music from a historical era or cultural context Recognise music from a historical era or cultural context Recognise music from a historical era or cultural context Recognise music from a historical era or cultural context Recognise the difference between a beat and a rhythm Identify a beat within a tune Recognise the difference between a beat and a rhythm Identify a beat within a tune Recognise and play pentatonic scales Recognise and use a range of notes for effect Create several rhythmic patterns whilst keeping to a steady beat Recognise and use a range of notes for effect Create several rhythmic patterns whilst keeping to a steady beat Recall and perform rhythmic patterns to a steady beat Identify high and low notes Perform simple patterns and keep a steady pulse Perform simple patterns and keep a steady pulse Understand how tempo creates different effects and apply it into their own work Combine layers of sound and rhythmic patterns Use untuned and tuned instruments and voice to create texture Use untuned and tuned instruments and voice to create texture Use untuned and tuned instruments and voice to create texture Use untuned and tuned instruments and voice to create texture Use untuned and tuned instruments and voice to create texture Change pitch and singing for an intended effect Use different musical elements to create mood Use non-standard symbols to record compositions and use to perform Recognise and use pitch to create intended effect Recognise and use pitch to create intended effect Use dynamics to create a particular effect Write song lyrics to match their composition Compose and perform Compose and perform own music Compose and perform in a group Evaluate and improve their work Compose and perform in a group Evaluate and improve their work Perform and evaluate performances Improve compositions Term 3 Create rhythmic patterns with a steady beat Identify dynamics within music Recognise and perform simple rhythmic patterns Improvise rhythmic patterns Make a rhythm pattern with a steady pulse Improvise melodic and rhythmic patterns Identify the duration of sounds Explain the effect of dynamics Identify high and low sounds Respond to signals Identify high and low sounds Respond to signals Lead and follow changes to dynamics Vary pitch Sequence notes into a structure Sequence long and short sounds Control changes in pitch and use them expressively Use tempo to create different moods Recognise how tempo can affect the mood of the music Recognise and use dynamics for effect Recognise and use time in their compositions Use range of sounds to create mood Perform their compositions Compose and perform to another audience Compose and perform Perform compositions Make improvements to their compositions and comment on the effect Improve their compositions Perform their compositions