CARBOXYLIC ACIDS Contents Topic Page No. Theory 01 - 08 Exercise - 1 09 - 13 Exercise - 2 13 - 17 Exercise - 3 17 - 19 Exercise - 4 20 - 23 Exercise - 5 23 - 24 Answer Key 25 - 25 Syllabus Carboxylic acids, Methods of preparation, physical properties, chemical properties & formic acid Name : ____________________________ Contact No. __________________ CARBOXYLIC ACIDS INTRODUCTION (a) Organic compounds in which – COOH group is present are called as ‘Carboxylic Acid’. (b) These compounds are also called fatty acids because their higher members like Palmitic acid or stearic acid were usually obtained from animal fats. (c) The term ‘Carboxylic’ was firstly proposed by scientist ‘Bayer’. (d) Their general formula is CnH2nO2 or CnH2n+1–COOH (e) Hybridisation state of carboxylic carbon is sp2. (f) In carboxylic acids, both oxygen-carbon bond lengths are equal due to resonance. It is 1.28 Aº. (g) On the basis of number of –COOH group, they are called mono, di or tri carboxylic acid. (h) Acids shows chain and functional isomerism. They shows functional isomerism with ester. eg. (functional isomers) (chain isomers) & METHODS OF PREPARATION From Alcohol : (a) By oxidation : [ O] O] R – CHO [ R – CH2 – OH R – COOH H2 O Acidic KMnO4 or K2Cr2O 7 may be used in the above reaction. (b) By reaction with CO : – R –O – H+ BF3 CO 200300ºC 200 atm. From Aldehyde and Ketone : acidicKMnO 4 R – COOH R – CHO + [O] or K 2Cr2 O7 From Alkyl Cyanide : Cyanides gives acid on complete hydrolysis. H O 3 R – C N R – COOH From Trihaloalkane : 1,1,1- Trihaloalkane reacts with aq. KOH and forms respective acid. Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi H O A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) 2 Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acids_Advanced # 1 From Acid derivative (By hydrolysis) : R – O – C – R + H – O – H R – C – NH2 + H – OH From Dicarboxylic Acid (Decarboxylation) : glycerol H3BO 3 HCOOH CO 2 (110 º C ) NOTE : The above reaction is lab method to prepare formic acid. COOH CH2 H CO 2 ethanoic acid From Grignard Reagent : From Carbonylation of sodium alkoxide : High temp. Sodium alkoxide+CO Pr essure 3O RCOONa H NaCl + RCOOH From Alkenes : (CO,H2O) RCH = CH2 + CO + H2O / 3PO4 H highpressure R — CH — CH3 | COOH From Arndt-Eistert Process : This reaction is used in ascendig series. In this reaction alkanoyl halide reacts with diazomethane and acid is obtained on hydrolysis. Ag O HCl 3O CH3COCl+CH2N2 CH3COCHN2 2 CH3 – CH = C =O H N2 CH3 – CH2 – COOH Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acids_Advanced # 2 Manufacture of formic acid only : 210 o HCOONa NaOH+CO 6 10 atom. (a) 2 SO 4 HCOOH HCOONa H (b) high HCOOH CO + H2O pressure /BF3 200º CH3OH+CO HCOOCH3 (c) high pressure O4 2 S dil .H HCOOH + CH3OH METHODS OF PREPARATION OF CARBOXYLIC ACID Ex.1 Which of the following products is formed when adipic acid is heated (A) CH2 – CH2 (B) C=O CH2 – CH2 (C) CH2 – CH2CO O (D) CH2 – CH2CO (Ans.B) 300ºC HOOC(CH2)4COOH Sol. cyclo pentanone Ex.2 Malonic acid and succinic acid are distinguished by (A) Heating (B) NaHCO3 (C) Both A & B (D) None of these (Ans.A) Sol. CH2CO O CH2CO succinic anhydride CH3COOH + CO2 two – COOH group on one carbon atom gives CO2 on heating. two – COOH group an adjacent carbon atoms lose H2O to give an hydride on heating. CO 2 + H2O + CO, CH2 Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi COOH CH3COOH + CO2, COOH CH2 – COOH CH2 – COOH A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acids_Advanced # 3 Ex.3 Hydrolysis of 1,1, 1-trichloro derivative (A) of alkane gives a molecule (B) on alkaline hydrolysis which produces red coloration with aqueous FeCl3. The compound (A) is (A) CH3CH2CCl3 (B) CH3CCl3 (C) CHCl3 (D) None (Ans.B) Sol. 3 ( aq.) CH3CCl3 KOH CH3COOH Fecl (CH3COO)3 Fe (Red) Ex.4 Which of the following is the best representation of the structure of the carboxylate ion – (A) (B) R – C O (C) R – C O (D) None of these O O – (Ans.B) Sol. Both C – O bonds are identical and each O possesses partial negative charge. PHYSICAL PROPERT IES (a) Carboxylic acids are colourless with specific smell liquid. They are in liquid state upto 9 carbon and above 9 carbon they are solids. (b) Lower carboxylic acids are soluble in water. It is due to H–bonding. Higher carboxylic acids are insoluble in water due to increase in covalent character. (c) Their melting point and boiling point molecular mass. 1 No. of branches (d) Boiling point of acids are comparatively higher than equivalent esters due to H – bonding. For example, methyl formate (HCOOCH3) has a boiling point 57ºC whereas acetic acid has a boiling point 118ºC. (e) Formic acid is used in leather industries, also known as corrosive. (f) 8 – 10% acetic acid is called ‘Vinegar’. (g) At 16–20ºC pure acetic acid converts into ice like solid called glacial acetic acid. (h) In industries, acetic acid is prepared by oxidation of ethanol and oxidation occurs by aceto bacter aceti or micoderma aceti bacterias. The process is called quick vinegar process. (i) Boiling point of formic acid is 100.5ºC while acetic acid has 118ºC. For removal of water from formic acid we can use reagent PbCO3 (lead carbonate) and H2S. Cl CH2 C – H O more acidic Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi :: :: (j) Acidic strength of an acid can be increased by the addition of – I groups in place of -hydrogen atoms. Acidic strength can be decreased by addition of + groups. CH3 C – H O less acidic A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acids_Advanced # 4 CHEMICAL PROPERT IES Chemical reaction of carboxylic acids are classified in five categories. Reaction of Hydrogen Atom of Carboxylic Acid. Reaction of – OH group of Carboxylic Acid. Reaction of group of Carboxylic Acid Reaction of – COOH group of Carboxylic Acid. Reaction of Alkyl group of Carboxylic Acid. Reaction of Hydrogen Atom of Carboxylic Acid (a) Carboxylic acid reacts with base and forms salt, thus showing acidic character. (a) (b) R – C – O – H + H – O – K R – C – OK O O Pottasium alkanoate (c) R – C – O – H + H – O – Ag R – C – OAg O O Sliver alkanoate O (d) R–C–O–H H–O + R–C–O–H H–O O Ca O R–C–O R–C–O O Ca Calcium alkanoate (e) O || R – C – NH2 + H2O Ammonium alkanoate Reaction of – OH group of Carboxylic Acid : (a) Reaction with PCl5 or PCl3 or SOCl 2 : R – C – O – H + PCl5 O R – C – Cl + SO2 + HCl O Alkanoyl chloride Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acids_Advanced # 5 PO 2 5 (b) Dehydration : (c) Reaction with Alcohol : H2O conc. H SO 2 4 H2O conc. H SO 2 4 H2O Reaction of – C – group of Carboxylic Acid : || O (a) LiAlH4 R – CH2OH Reduction : NOTE : In the above reaction group converts into – CH2 – group. Reaction of – COOH group of Carboxylic Acid For this reaction initially we form salt of carboxylic acid with base. (a) Alkane Preparation : R–C–O–H + H – O – Na O NaOH CaO R – C – OK R – R Kolbe's reaction O (b) Alkyl Halide Preparation : – AgOH (c) Ca NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi Br / CCl 2 4 Carbonyl Compound Preparation (Pyrolysis of calcium salts) : Physical & Inorganic By alkane distillation dry A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acids_Advanced # 6 (d) Alkyl Cyanide Preparation : O O .. || || NH3 R C OH R C ONH4 (e) O || P2 O 5 , R – C N R C NH2 Schimdt Reaction : O O || || .. .. N2 R C OH+ :NH N N ——— R C NH N N .. ——— O = C N R | H O 3 B RNH2 Reaction of Alkyl group of Carboxylic Acid (a) Hell – Volhard – Zelinsky Reaction : – Re d P NOTE : Formic acid does not show the above reaction due to absence of alkyl group. SPECIAL FEATURES OF FORMIC ACID (a) Formic acid shows acidic character due to the presence of – COOH group as well as shows reducing character due to the presence of – CHO group. (b) It reduces Tollen’s reagent and forms silver mirror. (c) It reduces mercuric chloride and forms black ppt. of mercury. (d) It decolourises the pink colour of acidic KMnO4. (e) It forms brown ppt. of MnO2 with basic KMnO4. (f) It converts the orange colour of acidic K2Cr2O 7 into green colour. (g) It reduces Fehling solution but benzaldehyde cannot reduce Fehling solution. Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acids_Advanced # 7 DISTINCTION BETWEEN FORMIC ACID AND ACETIC ACID S. No. HCOOH CH3COOH 1 Decomposes on heating to Stable give carbon dioxide and hydrogen. 2 With concentrated sulphuric Stable acid gives carbon monoxide and water 3 With halogens, there is no Substituted acids action are formed 4 Reduces ammoniacal silver No action nitrate and Fehling's 5 Calcium salt on heating Calcium salt on gives formaldehyde. heating gives 6 Sodium salt on heating gives No action sodium oxalate + hydrogen 7 Sodium salt + soda lime Methane is produced gives hydrogen on heating 8 Electrolysis of alkali salt Ethane is obtained solution gives hydrogen 9 Decolourises acidified No action KMnO4 Solution 10 Dichromate soln. Turns into No action green coloured solution Chemical Reactions Ex. 5 Reaction of CH3 COOH with CH3CH2 MgBr yields : (A) An alkene (Ans. C) Sol. (B) An ester (C) An alkane (D) A tertiary alcohol Grignard reagents with compounds containing active hydrogen atom form alkanes corresponding to the alkyl group of the Grignard reagent. CH3 COOH+CH3CH2MgBr Ex. 6 alc. 2 /Fe Y Compound Y is : CH3CH2COOH Cl X KOH (A) CH3CH2OH (Ans.C) 2 /Fe CH3CH2COOH Cl Sol. Ex. 7 (C) CH2=CHCOOH (D) CH3CHCICOOH alc. KOH Benzoyl chloride is prepared from benzoic acid by : (A) Cl2, h (Ans.C) Sol. (B) CH3CH2CN (B) SO2Cl 2 (C) SOCl2 (D) Cl2, H2O C6H5COOH+SOCl2 C6H5COCl+SO2+ HCl Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acids_Advanced # 8 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS PREPARATION & TARGET COURSE 1. Which of the following products is formed when adipic acid is heated (A) (B) CH2 – CH2 C=O CH2 – CH2 (C) 2. CH2 – CH2CO O (D) CH2 – CH2CO Malonic acid and succinic acid are distinguished by (A) Heating (B) NaHCO3 (C) Both A & B (D) None of these 3. Hydrolysis of 1,1, 1-trichloro derivative (A) of alkane gives a molecule (B) on alkaline hydrolysis which produces red coloration with aqueous FeCl3. The compound (A) is (A) CH3CH2CCl3 (B) CH3CCl3 (C) CHCl3 (D) None 4. Which of the following is the best representation of the structure of the carboxylate ion – (A) O (B) R – C (C) R – C O (D) None of these O O – 5. Which of the following compounds does not have a carboxyl group : (A) Methanoic acid (B) Ethanoic acid (C) Picric acid (D) Benzoic acid 6. Hydrolysis of an ester gives acid A and alcohol B. The acid reduces Fehling’s solution. Oxidation of alcohol B gives acid A. The ester is (A) Methyl formate (B) Ethyl formate (C) Methyl acetate (D) Ethyl acetate 7. Which one of the following on oxidation will not give a carboxylic acid with the same number of carbon atoms (A) CH3COCH3 (B) CCl3.CH2CHO (C) CH3CH2CH2OH (D) CH3CH2CHO 8. Identify Z in the sequence (i) heat 2O (H ) Y H Z CH3COONH4 ( ii) P2 O 5 (A) CH3CH2CONH2 (B) CH3CN (C) CH3COOH (D) (CH3CO)2O 9. When oxalic acid is heated, which one of the following is formed along with CO2 (A) Acetic acid (B) Glyceric acid (C) Formic acid (D) None of these 10. Which one of the following reacts with Grignard reagent to form an addition product which can be hydrolysed to a carboxylic acid? (A) O2 (B) CO 2 (C) SO 2 (D) None Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 9 11. A halogen compound ‘A’ on hydrolysis with dilute alkali followed by acidification gives acetic acid. The compound X is (A) ClCH2CH2Cl (B) CH3CHCl2 (C) ClCH2CHCl2 (D) CH3CCl3 12. Acetic acid is obtained when (A) Methyl alcohol is oxidised with potassium permangnate (B) Formaldehyde is oxidised with potassium dichloromate and sulphuric acid (C) Acetonitrile is hydrolysed with a dilute mineral acid (D) Glycerol is heated with sulphuric acid 13. In Quick Vinegar Process, the aerial oxidation of ethyl alcohol to acetic acid is brought about by (A) Acetic (B) Maltase (C) Invertase (D) Mycoderma aceti 14. Sodium salt of formic acid on strong heating followed by acidification gives(A) Formic acid (B) Oxalic acid (C) Formaldehyde (D) Acetaldehyde 15. When malonic acid is heated, it gives (A) Formic acid (B) Oxalic acid (C) Acetic anhydride (D) Acetic acid PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 16. The acid D obtained through the following sequence of reactions is Br Alc.KOH KCN H O 3 2 A C2H5Br B C CCl 4 (A) Succinic acid 17. (excess) (B) Malonic acid (C) Maleic acid (D) Oxalic acid In the following reactions Δ (i) CH3CH2ONa CO, A under pressure H3PO 4 B (ii) CH2 = CH2 + CO + H2O under pressure 18. 19. A and B respectively are : (A) CH3CH2COOH in both cases (C) CH3CH2COOH, CH3CHO (B) CH3CH2CHO in both cases (D) CH3CHO, CH3COOH Acetic acid exists as dimer in C6H6 due to(A) Condensation reaction (C) Presence of a carboxyl group (B) Hydrogen bonding (D) Presence of hydrogen at -carbon Carboxylic acid group can be detected by (A) Sodium bisulphite test (C) Tollen’s reagent (B) Fehling’s solution test (D) With NaHCO3 20. The pKa values of the four carboxylic acids are given below. Which of the following is the weakest acid? (A) 4.38 (B) 2.87 (C) 1.26 (D) 0.64 21. Phenol is a weaker acid than acetic acid because (A) Phenoxide ion is better stabilized by resonance than acetate ion (B) Acetate ion is better stabilized by resonance than phenoxide ion (C) Phenol is less soluble in water than acetic acid (D) Both phenoxide ion and acetate ion are equally stable Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 10 22. Which of the following is the weakest acid ? (A) Cl3CCOOH 23. (B) Cl2CHCOOH (C) ClCH2COOH (D) CH3COOH Formic acid is a stronger acid than acetic acid. This is due to the fact that ? (A) Formic acid is a reducing agent (B) Formic acid molecule is of smaller size (C) There is no alkyl group on -carbon in formic acid (D) Formic acid does not undergo association 24. Which of the following dicarboxylic acids contains the most acidic hydrogen ? (A) Maleic acid 25. (B) Fumaric acid (C) Succinic acid (D) Malonic acid Increasing pKa of o, m- and p-nitrobenzoic acid is ? (A) p < m < o (B) o < m < p (C) o < p < m (D) m < p < o CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 26. Amongst the acids, (i) CH CCOOH (ii) CH2 = CHCOOH and (iii) CH3CH2COOH, the acid strength follows the sequence (A) (i) < (ii) > (iii) 27. 31. 33. (C) < < (D) < < (B) Benzoic acid (C) Salicylic acid (D) Oxalic acid (B) Acetic acid (C) Formic acid (D) Oxalic acid Formic acid reacts with PCl5 to form (A) Acetyl chloride (B) Methyl chloride (C) Carbon monoxide and hydrogen chloride (D) formyl chloride The Hell-Volhard Zelinsky reaction is used for preparing a/an (A) -Haloacid 32. (B) < < Which of the following acids combines the properties of an aldehyde and an acid ? (A) Benzoic acid 30. (D) (i) = (ii) > (iii) Which of the following is a polyprotic acid (A) Acetic acid 29. (C) (i) = (ii) = (iii) The increasing order of acidity of and -chlorobutyric acids is (A) < < 28. (B) (i) > (ii) > (iii) (B) -Haloacid (C) Acid halide (D) -Haloacid When excess of chlorine is passed through acetic acid in presence of red phosphorus, it forms (A) Acetyl chloride (B) Chloral (C) Trichloroacetic acid (D) Methyl chloride Mg Dry Y Cl 2 Z Identify Z in the following reaction sequence CH3I X Ether (A) CH3COOH Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi (B) CH3MgI ice (C) CH3COCl A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) RedP (D) ClCH2COOH Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 11 34. 35. Ethyl alcohol can be obtained in one step from acetic acid by reduction with (A) Zinc and acetic acid (B) Lithium aluminium hydride (C) HI and red phosphorus (D) Nickel and hydrogen Kolbe’s electrolysis of aqueous potassium ethanoate leads to the formation of (A) Ethene 36. 37. 38. (B) Methane (C) Ethane (D) Ethyne When a bee bites, it mainly injects into body : (A) Formic acid (B) Acetic acid (C) Carbonic acid (D) Hydrochloric acid Carboxylic acids do not give the characterstic properties of (A) R – group (B) – COOH group (C) > C = O group (D) None is correct In the molecule CH3CHCl – CH2COOH, Cl atom is attached to (A) – Carbon atom (B) –Carbon atom (C) –Carbon atom (D) –Carbon atom 39. Which of the following test is not carried out to examin the presence of –COOH groups (A) Litmus test (B) Sodium bicarbonate test (C) Ester test (D) Bromine water test 40. Reaction of a fat or oil with alkali is called (A) Esterification (B) Saponification (C) Etherification 41. 42. Which of the following lacks chirality (A) 2-Hydroxy propanoic acid (C) 2,3-Butene-dioic acid (D) Epoxidation (B) 2-Aminopropanoic acid (D) 2,3-Dihydroxy butanoic acid (CH3)2C = CHCOCH3 can be oxidised to (CH3)2C = CHCOOH by (A) Chromic acid (B) NaOI (C) Cu at 300 ºC (D) KMnO4 43. Select the compound which does not give acetic acid on hydrolysis (A) CH3CCl3 (B) CH3CN (C) CH3COCl (D) CH3CH2Cl 44. The simplest dicarboxylic acid is (A) Vinegar acid (B) Carbolic acid 45. 46. (C) Oxalic acid (D) Succinic acid The acid formed when propyl magnesium bromide is treated with CO2 is (A) CH3CH2COOH (B) C3H7COOH (C) CH3CH2CH2CH2COOH (D) None Which of the following skeleton gives the strongest acid if COOH is attached to the free valency C | (A) C – C – 47. red P A HI (B) C – C – C – CH3COOH (C) H – (D) C – C – LiAlH4 B. What is not true for A and B - (A) A is hydrocarbon of general formula CnH2n+2 while B belongs to alkanol (B) A can be obtained by reducing CH3CH2Cl while B by its hydrolysis (C) A is alkene while B is alkanal (D) A and B both belongs to different homologous series Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 12 48. Heat Heat The product A, B, C and D in the reaction A + B H – COOH C + D are given H2 SO 4 by the set (A) CO, H2O, CO2, H2 (C) CO2, H2, CO, H2O (B) CO2, H2O, CO, H2 (D) CO, H2, CO 2, H2O 49. Ozonolysis of fatty acid is carried out to ascertain (A) Number of –OH group (B) Number of – COOH group (C) Position of carbonyl group (D) Position of double bond 50. Dry distillation of calcium acetate gives (A) Acetaldehyde (B) Acetone (C) Ethane (D) Propanal 1. When crystalline oxalic acid is heated to 110º with ... a monocarboxylic acid containing one carbon atom is obtained (A) 1,2-Propane diol (B) Ethylene glycol (C) 1,2,3-Propane triol (D) Glyoxal 2. Ka will have the highest value for which of the following acids. (A) Fluoroacetic acid (B) Trichloroacetic acid (C) Trimethyl acetic acid (D) Lactic acid P red [ Product ] The product of the above reaction is 3. 4. 5. (A) -Dibromo acid (C) ,’,’’-Tribromo acid (B) ,’ - Dibromo acid (D) No reaction takes place HVZ reaction is specific for (A) Replacement of - hydrogen (C) Replacement of - carbons (B) Replacement of - hydrogen (D) Replacement of - carbons Bifunctional organic compound is (A) HCOOH (B) CH3COOH (C) (CH3)2CO (D) HCHO 6. Acetic acid vapours when passed over aluminium phosphate forms (A) CH3CHO (B) Ketene (C) C2H6 (D) C2H4 7. The rate of esterfication of acetic acid with methyl alcohol (I), ethyl alcohol (II) , isopropyl alcohol (III) and tert. butyl alcohol (IV) follows in the order (A) I > II > III > IV (B) IV > III > II > I (C) II > I > IV > III (D) III > IV > I > III 8. Arrange the following compounds in decreasing order of acidity ClCH2CH2CH2COOH CH3CHClCH2COOH CH3CH2CHClCOOH I (A) I > II > III 9. II (B) III > II > I III (C) I > III > II (D) III > I > II Arrange OHCH2COOH ( I ), HOCH2CH2COOH (II) and CH3COOH ( III ) in order of acidity (A) I > II > III (B) III > II > I (C) I > III > II (D) II > III > I Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 13 10. The rate of esterfication of HCOOH (I), CH3COOH (II), (CH3)2CHCOOH (III) and (CH3)3CCOOH (IV) with ethanol follows in the order (A) IV > III > II > I (B) I > II > III > IV (C) II > I > IV > III (D) III > IV > I > II 11. 3O X and Y in the reaction sequence R – C N H X diazomethane Y, are given by the set : (A) Carboxamide , Carbonitrile (B) Carboxylic acid, Carbonitrile (C) RCOOH, RCOOCH3 (D) RCONH2, RCOCH3 12. In the electrolysis of the aqueous solution of CH3CH2COONa, anion goes to anode the possibility of formation of following compounds takes place (A) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH3 (B) CH2 = CH2, CH3 – CH3 (C) CH3CH2COOC2H5 (D) All the above 13. Which of the following organic acid decolourises bromine water as well as forms anhydride (A) HOOC – COOH (B) HOOC – CH2 – COOH 14. 15. (C) (D) The general formula of dicarboxylic acid is (A) (COOH)2 (B) (CH2)n(COOH)2 (C) (CH2)n–2 (COOH)2 (D) (CH2)n–1 (COOH)2 The product A, B and C in the reaction sequence Heat NaOH A B C are - 360º C (A) HCHO, HCOONa, CH3OH (C) HCHO, HCOONa, (COONa)2 16. 17. 2 / HCl CH2COOH NaNO CH2COOH | | X Y glycine glycollic acid Here X and Y respectively are (A) OH, NH2 (B) NH2, OH (B) HCHO, Na2CO 3, NaHCO3 (D) HCHO, HCOONa, Na2CO 3 (C) Cl, OH The reagent used to step up in the homologous series of acids is (A) (CH3)2SO 4 (B) Diazomethane (C) CH3NH2 (D) None (D) CH3 – C N 18. A compound with molecular formula C4H10O4 on acylation with acetic anhydride gives a compound with molecular formula C12H18O 8. How many hydroxyl groups are present in the compound (A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four 19. The carboxylic acid that does not undergo HVZ reaction is (A) CH3COOH (B) (CH3)2CHCOOH (C) CH3CH2CH2CH2COOH (D) (CH3)3C COOH 20. The end product ‘C’ in the following sequence of chemical reactions is CaCO NH2OH 3 A heat B C CH3COOH (A) Acetaldehyde oxime (B) Formaldehyde oxime (C) Methyl nitrate (D) Acetoxime Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 14 21. Which of the following carboxylic acids undergoes decarboxylation easily? (A) C6H5 – CO – CH2 – COOH (B) C6H5 – CO – COOH (C) C6H5 – CH – COOH (D) C6H5–CH–COOH OH 22. NH2 Alc.KOH Cl2 a b CH3CH2COOH red P The compound b is (A) CH3CH2OH 23. (B) CH3CH2COCl (C) CH2 = CHCOOH (D) CH3 – CHCl – COOH A compound undergoes the following sequence of reactions : Hydrolysis Cl /P C3H5N C3H6O2 2 (a) NH 3 C3H7NO 2 C3H5O2Cl (b) (c) The compound C is (A) 1-Nitropropane (C) 2-Aminopropanoic acid (B) 2-Nitropropane (D) 2-Hydroxypropanamide 24. R – CH2 – CH2OH can be converted into RCH2CH2COOH. The correct sequence of reagent is (A) PBr3, KCN, H+ (B) PBr3, KCN, H2 (C) KCN, H+ (D) HCN, PBr3, H+ 25. The correct order of decreasing acid srength of trichloroacetic acid (a), trifluoroacetic acid (b), acetic acid (c), and formic acid (d) is (A) a > b > c > d (B) a > c > b > d (C) b > a > d > c (D) b > d > c > a 26. Which of the following compounds will react with NaHCO3 solution to give sodium salt and carbon dioxide (A) Acetic acid 27. (B) n-Hexanol (C) Phenol (D) Both (B) and (C) Which of the following statements are false about HCOOH (A) It is a stronger acid than CH3COOH (B) It forms formyl chloride with PCl5 (C) It gives CO and H2O on heating with conc. H2SO 4 (D) It reduces Tollen’s reagent 28. 29. The only acid which contains a carboxylic group is (A) Sulphanilic acid (B) Picric acid (C) Carbonic acid (D) Glycine Which of the following acid does not form anhydride (A) Formic acid (B) Acetic acid (C) Propanoic acid (D) Phthalic acid Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 15 30. In a set of the given reactions, acetic acid yields a product C C H MgBr C H 6 6 B 25 C Product C would be CH3COOH + PCl5 A Ether Anhy. AlCl3 C2H5 (A) CH3CH(OH)C2H5 31. 32. (B) CH3COC6H5 (C) CH3CH(OH)C6H5 (D) CH3–C–(OH)C6H5 Lactic acid, CH3CH(OH)COOH molecule shows (A) Geometrical isomerism (B) Metamerism (C) Optical isomerism (D) Tautomerism In the given reaction final compound (C) isO NaOH (i)NaOH/ (A) (B) (C) CO2Et (ii)H3 O OH O OH (A) 33. (B) OHO (D) OH O Methyl malonic acid on heating to 160°C yields (A) Formic acid 34. (C) O (B) Propanoic acid (C) CO + CO2 (D) Acetic acid Which of the following sets of reagents X & Y will convert propanoic acid into alanine (an amino acid)? NH3 Br O O X Y CH3–C–OH CH3–CH–C–OH CH3–CH–COO– X 35. 36. Y (A) Br2 NaNH2 (B) Br2/P NaOH (C) Br2/P NH3 (D) Br2/HBr NaNH2 Formic acid and formaldehyde can be distinguished by treating with (A) Benedict’s solution (B) Tollen’s reagent (C) Fehling’s solution (D) NaHCO3 Which of the following has the highest pKa value ? O (B) NO2 (A) OH Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi O (C) + O NMe3 OH A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) (D) NC OH O OH Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 16 37. (A), (B) and (C) are three dicarboxylic acids such that (a) carboxylic acid + CO2 (b) acid anhydride + H2O (c) cyclic ketone + H2O + CO 2 then : (a) (A) adipic acid (B) Malonic acid (b) malonic acid adipic acid (c) succinic acid succinic acid (C) adipic acid succinic acid malonic acid (D) Malonic acid succinic acid adipic acid Statement based Questions (A) (B) (C) (D) Each of the questions given below consist of Statement – I and Statement – II. Use the following Key to choose the appropriate answer. If both Statement- I and Statement- II are true, and Statement - II is the correct explanation of Statement– I. If both Statement - I and Statement - II are true but Statement - II is not the correct explanation of Statement – I. If Statement - I is true but Statement - II is false. If Statement - I is false but Statement - II is true. 1. Statement I : Acetic acid does not give haloform reaction. Statement II : Acetic acid has no -hydrogen. 2. Statement I : Formic acid reduces mercuric chloride solution. Statement II : Formic acid has reducing aldehydic group. 3. Statement I : (CH3)3C–COOH does not give HVZ reaction. Statement II : It does not have any -hydrogen. 4. Statement I : Carboxylic acids have a carbonyl group but it does not give the test of carbonyl group. Statement II : Due to resonance, the bond character of group is greatly reduced. 5. Statement I : Carboxylic acids O have a carbonyl group but it does not give the test of carbonyl group. || R – C – OH O Statement II : Due to resonance the double, bond character of C 6. group is greatly reduced. Statement I : Acetic acid does not give haloform reaction. Statement II : Acetic acid has no -hydrogen] Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 17 Passage based Questions Passage-1 (Q. 7 to 9) Carboxylic acids having at least one -hydrogen react with Cl2 or Br2 in the presence of phosphorus (or a phosphorus halide) to give -halo acids. This reaction is known as Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction (HVZ reaction), Br P / Br2 R–CH2–COOH R–CH–COOH The HVZ reaction is limited to the formation of -chloro and -bromo acids and it is sometimes awkward to carry out. The reagents (X2 and P) are noxious and the reaction time is often long and the conditions of reaction are harsh. 7. Which of the following carboxylic acids will not give HVZ reaction ? CH3 CH3 (A) CH3–COOH (B) CH 3–CH–COOH (C) CH3–CH2–COOH (D) CH3–C–COOH CH3 8. Which of the following will be obtained when acetic acid is subjected to HVZ reaction ? (A) BrCH2COOH 9. Br Br (B) Br–C–COOH (C) Br–C–COOH H Br (D) All of these 2 /P (A) NaCN (B) CH3–COOH Br HOH/H . The product (C) will be : COOH (A) CH 2 (B) COOH CH2–COOH CH 2–COOH (C) CH 2–CO CH 2–CO CO O (D) CH3–CH CO O Passage-2 (Q. 10 to 14) Variety of products are obtained when dicarboxylic acids are heated. The nature of products depends on the carbon chain length separating the two carboxylic groups. (I) 1,2 and 1,3-dibasic acids on heating give monocarboxylic acid. (II) 1,4 and 1,5-dibasic acids on heating give cyclic anhydride. (III) 1,6 and 1,7-dibasic acids give cyclic ketones. Indicate whether the following reactions are right or wrong. 10. COOH COOH Oxalic acid 200 C CO 2 + CO + H2O (A) Right 11. CH2 (B) Wrong COOH COOH Malonic acid (A) Right Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi CH3COOH CO 2 Acetic acid (B) Wrong A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 18 H–C–COOH 12. H–C–COOH Malaic acid CH2 CH – COOH CO 2 Crotonic acid (A) Right (B) Wrong O 13. (CH2)4 COOH COOH Cyclohexanone Adipic acid (A) Right (B) Wrong CH2–COOH 14. CH 2–COOH Succinic acid CH2–CO O + H2O CH2–CO Succinic anhydride (A) Right (B) Wrong True/False 15. The IUPAC name of acetic acid is methanoic acid. 16. Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction is given by those acids which have -hydrogen. 17. All the C–O bond lengths in carboxylate ions are identical. 18. Formic acid acts as a reducing agent while acetic acid does not show this property. Match the following Q.19 Match the Column (A) Acetic acid (1) Soda lime (M) ClCH2COOH (B) Formic acid (C) Decarboxy- (2) Poisonous (3) Phosphorus (N) Dicarboxylic acid (O) Soap lation (D) Hell-Volhard -Zelinsky (E) Oxalic acid (F) Electrolysis (G)CH3COOC2H5 (H) Formic acid (4) Kolbe’s synthesis (5) Saponification (6) Vinegar (7) Dehydration (8) Red ants (P) Fermentation of sugar reaction (Q) Carbon monoxide (R) Alkane of CH3COOK (S) Reducing acid + NaOH (T) Ethane + conc. H2SO 4 Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 19 PART - A : IIT-JEE PROBLEMS (PREVIOUS YEARS) 1. 2. The major product of nitration of Benzoic acid is (A) 3-Nitrobenzoic acid (B) 4-Nitrobenzoic acid (C) 2-Nitrobenzoic acid (D) 2,4-Dinitrobenzoic acid [IIT-1993] I LiAlH 4 The organic product formed in the reaction C6H5COOH II H O [IIT-1995] 2 (A) C6H5CH2OH (C) C6H5CH3 & CH3OH 3. (B) C6H5COOH & CH4 (D) C6H5CH3 & CH4 Which of the following carboxylic acids undergo decarboxylation easily – (A) C6H5CO — CH2COOH (B) C6H5COCOOH (C) C6H5 — COOH (D) C6H5 CH2 — COOH | NH2 [IIT-1995] 4. The molecular weight of benzoic acid ;in benzene as determined by depression in freezing point method corresponds to – [IIT-1996] (A) Ionization of benzoic acid (B) Dimerisation of benzoic acid (C) Trimerisation of benzoic acid (D) Solvation of benzoic acid 5. Br2 NH3 ( alc.) X CH3CH2COOH Y.. Y in the above reactions is Re d P (A) Lactic acid 6. (B) Ethylamine 8. (D) Alanine When propionic acid is treated with aqueous NaHCO3, CO2 is librated. The ‘C’ of CO2 comes from [IIT-1999] (A) Methyl group (C) methylene group 7. (C) Propylamine [IIT-1996] (B) Carboxylic acid group (D) bicarbonate Benzoyl chloride is prepared from benzoic acid by – (A) Cl2, h (B) SO2Cl2 (C) SOCl2 [IIT- 2000] (D) Cl2, H2O Which of the following acids has the smallest dissociation constant ? (A) CH3CHFCOOH (B) FCH2CH2COOH (C) BrCH2CH2COOH [IIT- 2002] (D) CH3CHBrCOOH Acidic Products formed by P & Q can be differentiated by [IIT- 2003] Hydrolysis 9. (A) 2 & 4 DNP (B) Lucas reagent (ZnCl2) conc. HCl (C) NaHSO3 (D) Fehlings solution Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 20 Passage (Q.10 to Q.12) In the following reaction sequence, products I, J and L are formed. K represents a reagent. 1. Mg / ether 1. NaBH H K . CO2 4 I 2 Hex-3-ynal J Me 2. PBr3 3. H3O 2 Cl L Pd/BaSO4 quinoline O 10. The structure of the product I is(A) Me 11. [IIT-2008] Br (B) Me Br (C) Me Br (D) Me Br The structures of compounds J and K, respectively, are- OH (A) Me (C) Me 12. (B) Me COOH and SOCl2 O (D) Me and SOCl2 COOH and SO2Cl2 COOH and CH3SO2Cl The structure of product L is(A) Me CHO (B) Me CHO (C) CHO Me (D) Me CHO 13. The compound that does NOT liberate CO2, on treatment with aqueous sodium bicarbonate solution, is : [JEE Advanced_2013-P-1] (A) Benzoic acid (B) Benzenesulphonic acid (C) Salicylic acid (D) Carbolic acid (Phenol) 14. The total number of carboxylic acid groups in the product P is : [JEE Advanced_2013-P-1] Paragraph for Question Nos. 15 to 16 P and Q are isomers of dicarboxylic acid C4H4O4. Both decolorize Br2/H2O. On heating, P forms the cyclic anhydride. Upon treatment with dilute alkaline KMnO4, P as well as Q could produce one or more than one from S, T and U. [JEE Advanced_2013-P-2] S Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi T A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) U Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 21 15. In the following reaction sequences V and W are, respectively : H2 /Ni V Q (A) and V W (B) and V W (C) and V W (D) and V 16. W Compounds formed from P and Q are, respectively : (A) Optically active S and optically active pair (T, U) (B) Optically inactive S and optically inactive pair (T, U) (C) Optically active pair (T, U) and optically active S (D) Optically inactive pair (T, U) and optically inactive S Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 22 PART - B : AIEEE PROBLEMS (PREVIOUS YEARS) 1. End product of the following reaction is – [AIEEE-2002] CH3CH2COOH (1) CH3CHCOOH OH 2. (2) (3) CH2 = CHCOOH (4) In the anion HCOO— the two carbon-oxygen bonds are found to be of equal length. What is the reason for it ? [AIEEE-2003] (1) The anion HCOO— has two resonating structures (2) The anion is obtained by removal of a proton from the acid molecule (3) Electronic orbitals of carbon atom are hybridised (4) The C=O bond is weaker than the C—O bond 3. 4. Which one of the following does not have sp2 hybridized carbon ? (1) Acetone (2) Acetic acid (3) Acetonitrile [AIEEE-2004] (4) Acetamide Consider the acidity of the carboxylic acids : [AIEEE-2004] (a) PhCOOH (b) o – NO2C6H4COOH (c) p – NO2C6H4COOH (d) m – NO2C6H4COOH Which of the following order is correct ? (1) a > b > c > d (2) b > d > c > a (3) b > d > a > c (4) b > c > d > a 5. The compound formed as a result of oxidation of ethyl benzene by KMnO 4 is : [AIEEE-2007] (1) benzophenone (2) acetophenone (3) benzoic acid (4) benzyl alcohol 6. A liquid was mixed with ethanol and a drop of concentrated H2SO4 was added. A compound with a fruity smell was formed. The liquid was : (1) CH3OH [AIEEE-2009] (2) HCHO (3) CH3COCH3 (4) CH3COOH 5 NCERT QUESTIONS 1. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of their property as indicated : (i) Acetaldehyde, Acetone, Di-tert-butyl ketone, Methyl tert-butyl ketone (reactivity towards HCN) (ii) CH CH CH(Br)COOH, CH CH(Br)CH COOH, (CH ) CHCOOH, CH CH CH COOH (acid strength) 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 (iii) Benzoic acid, 4-Nitrobenzoic acid, 3,4-Dinitrobenzoic acid, 4-Methoxybenzoic acid (acid strength) 2. How will you prepare the following compounds from benzene? You may use any inorganic reagent and any organic reagent having not more than one carbon atom (i) Methyl benzoate (ii) m-Nitrobenzoic acid (iv) Phenylacetic acid (v) p-Nitrobenzaldehyde. Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) (iii) p-Nitrobenzoic acid Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 23 3. How will you bring about the following conversions in not more than two steps? (i) Propanone to Propene (ii) Benzoic acid to Benzaldehyde (iii) Ethanol to 3-Hydroxybutanal (iv) Benzene to m-Nitroacetophenone (v) Benzaldehyde to Benzophenone (vi) Bromobenzene to 1-Phenylethanol (vii) Benzaldehyde to 3-Phenylpropan-1-ol (viii) Benazaldehyde to -Hydroxyphenylacetic acid (ix) Benzoic acid to m- Nitrobenzyl alcohol 4. Complete each synthesis by giving missing starting material, reagent or products. (ii) 5. (vi) Give plausible explanation for each of the following : (iii) During the preparation of esters from a carboxylic acid and an alcohol in the presence of an acid catalyst, the water or the ester should be removed as soon as it is formed. 6. An organic compound contains 69.77% carbon, 11.63% hydrogen and rest oxygen. The molecular mass of the compound is 86. It does not reduce Tollens’ reagent but forms an addition compound with sodium hydrogensulphite and give positive iodoform test. On vigorous oxidation it gives ethanoic and propanoic acid. Write the possible structure of the compound. 7. Although phenoxide ion has more number of resonating structures than carboxylate ion, carboxylic acid is a stronger acid than phenol. Why? Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 24 EXERCISE - 1 Qus. 1 Ans. B Qus. 26 Ans. B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A B B C A A C C B D C D B D A A B D A B D C A C 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 D D C C D C D B C A C B D B C B D C B C C C D B EXERCISE - 2 Qus. 1 2 4 5 6 Ans. C B D B A Qus. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Ans. C D A B D A 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 B A B A C D B B C C D D C A B C B B D D D A C C A D EXERCISE - 3 Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ans. C A A A A C D D A A A B B A 15 16 17 18 FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE Q.No. 19 Ans. A -6-P, B-8-S, C-1-R, D-3-M, E-2-N, F-4-T ,G-5-O, H-7-Q EXERCISE - 4 SECTION-A Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Ans. A A A B D D C C D D A C D 2 A B SECTION-B Physical & Inorganic By NV Sir B.Tech. IIT Delhi Q.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ans. 3 1 3 2 3 4 A-479 Indra vihar, kota Ph. - 9982433693 (NV Sir) 9462729791(VKP Sir) Organic Chemistry By VKP Sir M.Sc. IT-BHU Carboxylic Acid_Advanced # 25