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Agatha Christie Novels: Similarities & Differences

Have you ever read two novels and notice the things they have in common and different ?
This year, I have read two novels written by the British author Agatha Christie. The first
novel I read was The ABC Murders and the second one was titled Murder On The Orient
Express. I found many things they share in common and other things they differ in.
Discussing similarities and differences between the two novels would clarify more.
Both Murder On The Orient Express and The ABC Murders have many things in common.
One similarity is that in both novels a murder occurred and a detective called Hercule Poirot
had to solve the mystery. In The ABC Murders, for instance, there was a serial killer who
murdered three people, and in Murder On The Orient Express there was a dangerous killer
Another similarity is both novels are detective fiction novels, in which the Belgian detective
Hercule Poirot was featured as a main character. Also, the murderers were always trying to
lead the detective off his way by giving alibis and blaming someone else. They are also
similar because they were written by the best-selling author in history, Agatha Christie. In
addition, Murder On The Orient Express and The ABC Murders both gave the impression to
the creation of two great movies. Another reason why these novels are alike is because they
both have foreshadowing. For example, in The ABC Murders, Hercule Poirot was receiving
threating letters that alarm and stimulate him about the next murder. In Murder On The Orient
Express, the victim received death letters from the killer too.
However, the two novels are also very different. One way that they were different, was that
in The ABC Murders, for instance, the murderer was a serial killer who committed by himself
and lonely the crimes, killing three different people. Yet, in Murder On The Orient Express,
there was twelve people stabbing only one victim. Another way these novels are unlike, is
they had different settings. Murder On The Orient Express was settled on a train, while The
ABC Murders was in London in three different places; Andover, Bexhill and Churston.These
settings made the conflicts very different.
Unlike, The ABC Murders in which the murderer was motivated by jealousy and
hatred, for no reason, killing his brother and committed the other crimes to hide the truth. In
Murder On The Orient Express, the people who stabbed the victim were reasonable. They
killed Ratchett because of what he did in the past, kidnapping and murdering Daisy
Armstrong. Simply, he deserved what happened to him since he destroyed their lives and stole
their happiness, thinking he would elope for ever.
In conclusion, now you know about the similarities and differences between the two novels.
I highly recommend Murder On The Orient Express to those who love crime fiction, since I
really do believe that it is totally different from the other detective novels that are available.
You would learn that the impossible can be possible, through this surprising novel.
Positive points: Nice choice of novels, good English
Negative points: It seems that it was written in a rush +the organization must be reviewed