HR: Preliminaries Study online at 1. 1. Does the applicant have standing?: Victim - Article 34 ECHR, s7(1) HRA 1998 12. 'directly affected' by actual or potential breach Klass v Germany - which articles are engaged? State it. This test is incorporated into UK law in article 7(7) of HRA 1998 and under Article 7(1) which means X will be able to bring a claim in domestic law. 2. Housing association was so enmeshed with LA that it was held to be a functional public authority. 13. 2. Has the potential violation been committed by a PUBLIC AUTHORITY? Is it a core or hybrid public authority?: Core - S.6(1) Human Rights Act 1998 and Rights Brought Home: they are subject to the s6(1) duty imposed by HRA 1998 to act in accordance with ECHR when carrying out its duties. 14. 4. 3. Time - how long to bring an action?: Section 7(5) of the Human Rights Act tells us that a potential claimant has 1 year to bring a claim. As XXX was XXXX in XXX he would have to bring his claim within the next XXX. The courts can extend this 7(5)(a) if equitable to do so 7(5)(b). s7(5) Human Rights Act 1998 5. 4. Was it committed in jurisdiction?: Article 1 European Convention on Human Rights imposes an obligation to protect individual rights to all within a member state's jurisdiction, therefore X can bring a claim 6. UK jurisdiction includes: Article 1 ECHR. Al-Skeini this applies to embassies, military bases and occupied territories 7. Derogations: Article 15 8. Which rights are absolute?: Article 3: Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment 9. Which rights are limited/narrow?: Article 2: Right to life Article 5: Right to liberty and security Article 6: Right to a fair trial 10. It is unlawful for a public authority to act in a way which is incompatible with ECHR rights: s.6(1) HRA 11. Statutory defence: s.6(2) HRA Provision of care for elderly in private care home: YL v Birmingham City Council - not PA s.6(3)(b) Was a strictly commercial enterprise, did not meet AC criteria. Would have been different if they had been exercising statutory powers. Aston Cantlow hybrid criteria: HYBRID: S6(3)(b) obliged to uphold convention rights when exercising public functions, Aston Cantlow: - possession of special powers; - democratic accountability; - public funding whole/partial; - obligation to act in public interest; - statutory constitution Services provided by the care home were not enmeshed, nor were the managers of the care home exercising statutory powers: Heather v Leonard Cheshire - s.6(3)(b) NOT a functional public authority - were not taking the place of a central government or public service Hybrid - Aston Cantlow 3. Functional/hybrid public authorities: POPLAR HOUSING WAS a functional PB under s.6(3)(b) Hale and Bingham dissented, arguing P must have intended s.6(3)(b) to cover this as YL was providing a service which had a public nature, 15. If the functions being performed are of a public at the relevant TIME then can be held liable under s.6(1): Weaver v Quadrant Housing Trust D housing association was a registered social landlord, was liable under Article 8 for terminating claimants tenancy. 16. just and appropriate remedy: s.8(1) HRA