DEPLOYMENT OF A NETWORK OF AUTOMATIC WIND-MEASUREMENT STATIONS IN SOUTH PATAGONIA (1) Ing. Rafael Oliva1, Ing. Carlos Albornoz2 Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral - Energías Alternativas (2) Servicios Públicos Sociedad del Estado Lisandro de la Torre 1070 Te/Fax +54 (0) 2966 442317/430923 9400 Río Gallegos - Argentina E-mail: ABSTRACT: This work describes the evolution and deployment of a network of automatic measurement stations for the assessment of wind speed and direction in a number of sites within Santa Cruz, a province of Argentina located at the south tip of continental Patagonia. The network, which is property of the utility Servicios Públicos Sociedad del Estado (SPSE) and is logistically supported by the Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral (UNPA), was officially established in late 1997 for joint evaluation of wind resources near major towns and communities. It consists of measurements taken mostly at a single 10m height, (some are taken additionally at 20 or 30m) using NRG and BAPT Wind Loggers. Data collection is performed on a bi-monthly basis by specialized personnel using cartridge swapping and notebook PCs. Windows-based Software was developed at UNPA to automate the processing of the older BAPT Loggers, and to coordinate their outputs with the more modern and reliable NRG Loggers. A description of the problems encountered, software issues and first results obtained is included in the work. It is expected that the data, the special characteristics and the harsh climatic conditions under which the measurements are taken will deem the issues discussed useful for other groups involved in similar activities. Keywords: Wind Speed, Data Acquisition Systems (DAS), Prediction 1 INTRODUCTION Measurement of the wind resource in the Southern Patagonia area, particularly within the regions of Santa Cruz and Chubut in Argentina, and Magallanes in Chile, is becoming increasingly important. There are also numerous isolated communities with their energy requirements only partially fulfilled, which could benefit from the extended use of renewable energy resources such as wind power. From a total demand of 205GWh (1998 values for Santa Cruz) managed by SPSE, only 30% (62GWh) are from systems linked to the Patagonic Grid (PG), in the north of the province, the rest being gas or diesel-fired thermal generation systems in isolated grids. An additional 8.5GWh are demanded by Pico Truncado, where the electrical supply is managed by the Municipal authority, also connected to the PG but with around 30-40% of demand supplied by a 1.2MW Enercon/Wobben wind park installed in 2001. Data analysis from an existing Regional Wind Atlas [1] has been available as a reference work, clearly oriented to use with wind-energy applications. Still, since the basic data for this work was taken from National Meteorological Service (SMN) airport information with non-automatic logging, the authors considered that greater detail and more recent data would be significant contributions to the development of local wind-power generation. To address these issues, a network of automatic wind stations was proposed in 1997 as a joint project between the state-owned Utility SPSE and the University of South Patagonia (UNPA). Data from the stations was to be prepared for wind-energy applications, most of which are expected to be isolated low and medium power grids. The stations were not related to individual wind-turbine installation projects, but they would be installed in favourable sites, in the outskirts of towns and in most cases with individual fencing and protection to assure reliability of the data. More detailed siting analysis and installation of sensors at hub height will be necessary once commercial projects are in a more defined stage. However, the data produced can be of great value as reference wind conditions, for the installation of small wind turbine systems or for validation of future windmaps generated with remote-sensing techniques [2][3]. 2 APPLIED THEORY 2.1 Statistical description of wind energy The most usual measurement of wind intensity is the annual average at a given site, usually noted as <V> [m/s]. The definition of this average, taken for the random variable v, is: ∞ ∫ < V >= vf (v)dv (I) 0 Frequently the probability distribution function f(v) is not known for the measurement site, and it is necessary to find an approximate expression using a time series of values. The time series is later processed and condensed to produce an histogram, from which the theoretical f(v) can be fitted. The histogram can also be obtained from an electronic classifier, which has several bins or divisions, for example, at 1 m/s intervals. The occurrence of different levels of wind results in the increment of the corresponding bin counters. The results can be graphed in a histogram, producing an experimental (discrete) wind probability distribution. Both methods are available or can be derived from data using modern wind loggers. Experience has shown [4] that real-world wind distributions can be fitted well to a Weibull-II distribution, which can be written as: kv f w (v ) = A A k k −1 − v A e (II) Strictly speaking, the physical meaning of f w (v)dv is the probability of windspeed measuring between v and v+dv. The Weibull distribution has two parameters, usually named scale factor A, [m/s] and form factor k []. These parameters can be calculated from the data, and later used for description of the energy available at the site. A useful expression is the Wind Speed Duration Curve, in hours per year, V K − a A (III - IV) H (V ≥ Va ) = 8760 e which is a measure of the number of hours of windspeed greater than a value of Va in a year. To calculate the average <V> [m/s] with fw(v) we can substitute as follows: ∞ k k −1 − v A k v < V >= v A A 0 ∫ and use the variable z = ( Av )k e (V) to write: k or else F (vi ) = Pi = 1 − e 1 − Pi = e and taking natural logarithms twice, ln(−(ln(1 − P )) = k ln v - k ln A i i The variable change: ln(−(ln(1 − Pi )) = yi ln vi = xi ∫ (VI) 0 where the usual Gamma function has been used. Since A,k parameters are calculated from data at a specific site and height, and noticeable variations can be observed when these conditions vary, it is possible to extrapolate with caution for different heights. In absence of better solutions, expressions for the variation of Weibull parameters with height as proposed in [5] can be used, and their conversion to metric units gives: href 1 − 0.088 ln 3.046667 (VIII) k = kref h 1 − 0.088 ln 3.046667 [0.37 − 0.088 ln(2.236842105 A )] ref (IX) n h (X) A = Aref href where kref, Aref designate values calculated from reference data at height href, and A,k are the extrapolated values for the height h. Both Aref,A, are in m/s, h in m, and k is adimensional. The Rayleigh distribution function is a special case of the Weibull distribution, for which k=2, producing an average: π [m/s ] (XI) 2 This distribution is adequate for describing wind in low turbulence sites, with only one parameter. Results using this distribution are also shown for comparison in this paper. < V >= AΓ(1 + 12 ) = A 2.2 Estimating the values of k and A: A simplified calculation process will be exposed as suggested by several authors [1,2] from which the Weibull parameters can be obtained using the data from v − i A k (XII) (XIII) (XIV) y i = bxi + a to be evaluated and then, based on the values of coefficients b, a obtained, it is simple to show that: − 1 z < V >= Az k e − dz = AΓ(1 + k1 ) href 1 − 0.088 ln 3 . 046667 v − i A allows a straight line fit dv ∞ n= wind loggers. A histogram will be supposed to be available from the measured data. The histogram consists of the numbers of occurrences of wind velocities in bins from 0-V1 , V1 -V2 , etc. with frequencies (counts) f1 , f2, etc. The method starts by calculating the cumulative frequencies Pi such that P1 =f1, P2= P1 +f2, ......Pi= Pi1+fi. Recalling from the Weibull distribution as discussed, it holds that: a A = e b [m/s ] k =b [] (XV) which are the required coefficients. This estimate must be made considering a sufficiently long period of time. A number of software packages ,e.g. ALWIN, WAsP [4] that can automate the process of calculating the Weibull parameters from a given time series of measurements. For our work, these have been used for verification and control purposes. 2.3 Estimating the Annual Energy Output (AEO). An approximate value of the energy produced by a wind turbine with a power curve P(Vi), in a period of time ∆T, is given by: k − Vi + ∆v k V − ∆v − i A A ∆T P (Vi ) e −e E ∆T = (XVI) i =1 Substituting the period for 8760 hours, the AEO can be predicted. Vi is the center value of the bin, and 2∆v the bin width in [m/s]. The values of A,k used need to be corrected as in 2.1 if the turbine hub height (HH) is different from the reference or measurement height. Finally, an AEO using the Rayleigh distribution can be obtained by simply replacing A with the value given by (XI), using k=2. Supposing the hub height is different from the reference value, and that the roughness and obstacles are negligible, the following expression [4] can be used for the mean windspeed at hub height. m ∑ h < V > HH =< V > ref href 1/ 7 (XVII) 2.4 Other statistical quantities The standard deviation is the positive square root of the variance, which can be evaluated from the following: ∞ σ2 = ∫ (v- < V > ) 2 f (v )dv [m 2 /s 2 ] (XVII) 0 If a Weibull distribution is used, this can be written as: σw = A [(Γ(1 + )− Γ (1 + ))] 2 k 2 1 k [m/s ] (XVIII) For a given site, the average meteorological power per unit area A can be expressed by: < Pa > 1 = 2 ρ < V 3 > [W/m 2 ] (XIX) A If the Weibull parameters are known, then this average power can be obtained from: < Pa > 1 = 2 ρκ e < V >3 [W/m 2 ] (XX) A where ke is known as EPF [6] or energy pattern factor, taking a range of values between 1.5 and 3. The EPF is calculated in our output tables from: Γ 1 + 3k <V3 > [ ] (XXI) = κe = < V >3 Γ3 1 + 1k ( ) ( ) The Gamma function is implemented in Excel so it is not necessary to use tabulated values in our calculations. Figure 1: Left: NRG Station at Gobernador Gregores; Center: Lago Posadas NRG; Right: Los Antiguos BAPT 3 NETWORK CONSTRUCTION 3.1 Key issues The network was initiated with an agreement signed between SPSE and UNPA in 1997, deploying four BAPT wind loggers which had been purchased by SPSE in 1993. A further 2-level BAPT unit was purchased in 1998, but reliability and software problems shifted decision of new purchases towards the NRG loggers. Five units of NRG 9200+ loggers and three NRG Wind Explorer units were purchased since 1998, and an additional Wind Explorer unit for Río Turbio was added by the University in 2000 (Figure 1). Approximate siting of these loggers can be seen in Figure 2. All data is processed in Río Gallegos, where the utility SPSE and the University have their headquarters. The most distant station is 1100km away by road, and some of the stations are inaccessible in winter, for a period of at least 30-60 days. These issues can result in a big logistical problem when data retrieving and servicing of the stations is necessary, and have been accounted to be the most costly elements (together with the initial investment in loggers, instruments and towers) of the Project. As for averaging period, BAPT stations work with 60minute averages. Although the first year with the NRG loggers 10min averages were used, later 60min was found to be more reliable due to limited chip capacity in winter periods. For periods with 10min data, NRG software allows exporting the condensed hourly data base to .XLS (Excel) format, so this was the input used for post-processing in spreadsheets. 3.2 Software issues Most of the software for managing the data from the BAPT stations had to be written in-house by the Alternative Energy Group at UNPA. These loggers produce binary files which can be converted by the supplied DOS program BAPT2 into ASCII or WK1 (older Lotus spreadsheet) files. No data analysis or even average extraction could be performed with the BAPT2 program, so a Windows-based software called BAPTReader was written for this project. A typical output window of this package can be seen in Figure 3. Figure 2: Measured sites in Santa Cruz and logger used. This program was written in C++Builder 4, and uses a commercial library of mathematical routines from Mix Software (C/Math Toolchest) in source form. For more information, a visit to the University site ( ->Alternative Energy (Spanish and English) is recommended software packages, such as Alwin for Windows, and WAsP (DOS Version). Most results were within 10% of the calculated values. 3.3 Representative Data Some of these results are shown in Table I. In all cases the period analyzed is at least 12 months, and in most cases the lost hours are minimal. Sites are selected with no particular wind installations in mind, so micrositing will probably produce better wind averages. The annual energy output was based on the power curve of an Enercon E40 (600kW), similar to those installed in the Pico Truncado wind park, and is computed both for Weibull (corrected A,k factors for height) and for Rayleigh distributions at hub height. The goodness of adjustment coefficient was suggested in [7] and is a measure of the quality of the A,k pair calculation and regression fit. Figure 2: BAPTReader 1.06 Histogram Window. Data analysis with the NRG stations (which also produce binary and ASCII output files) was a considerably easier task with the provided MicroSite v2.07 software package. Still, such parameters as Weibull distribution coefficients are not directly obtainable with MicroSite, and the converted hourly databases had to be exported and post-processed in Excel to obtain these coefficients. With the cooperation of other institutions, the postprocessing in spreadsheet was verified using other BASIC PARAMETERS Measurement Height (MH) Measured Period Station Type Averaging Period Missing Hours % Missing Hours/Total Hs <V> Annual Average - M σ Standard Deviation - M Average of Cubes - M κE EPF-M [] k [Weibull] Anual MH A [Weibull] Anual MH VALUES ESTIMATED with k,A <V> Annual Average - E σ Standard Deviation - E Average of Cubes - E κE EPF-E [] (I) ADJUSTMENT COEF. for A,k: 3 3 3 ABS((V E-V M)/V E)*100 Tres Lagos 18.0 01-99/01-00 BAPT-EVD1 60min 120.0 1.37% 8.70 4.78 1325.78 2.01 1.987 9.808 Gob.Gregores 10.0 01-01/01-02 NRG 9200+ 60min 30.0 0.34% 6.619 4.685 793.087 2.735 1.400 7.108 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To SPSE, UNPA and to Mr. Sergio Albornoz, our technical support for the network maintenance and survival. SITES San Julián Los Antiguos Lago Posadas Las Vegas 12.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 03-99/03-00 01-99/01-00 01-01/01-02 01-01/01-02 BAPT-EVD1 BAPT-EVD1 NRG-9200+ NRG W.E. 60min 60min 60min 10min (*) 34.0 1512.0 2.0 0.0 0.39% 17.27% 0.02% 0.00% 7.346 7.456 5.349 5.822 4.011 3.922 4.566 4.140 787.986 785.011 563.190 569.843 1.988 1.894 3.680 2.887 1.915 2.253 1.347 1.491 8.215 8.372 6.108 6.383 Units [m] [m/s] [m/s] [m3/s3] [] [] [m/s] 8.69 4.57 1262.73 1.92 6.478 4.689 822.732 3.026 7.288 3.962 773.317 1.998 7.415 3.483 697.936 1.712 5.603 4.203 567.371 3.226 5.767 3.938 526.328 2.744 4.99% 3.60% 1.90% 12.48% 0.74% 8.27% [%] 50.000 50.000 50.000 50.000 [m] 2.23 0.1294 9.88 8.752 2.39 0.1404 8.99 7.972 1.49 0.1677 7.12 6.434 1.77 0.1519 8.15 7.255 [] [] [m/s] [m/s] 2315.58 1961.23 1371.36 1673.14 [MWh/yr] ENERGY ESTIMATION FOR AN ENERCON E-40 / 600kW WTG Hub Height (HH) 50.000 50.000 (II) A,k Adjusted for HH (Using Eggleston-Stoddard) k [Weibull] Annual HH 2.22 1.66 n [auxiliary exponent] 0.1164 0.1414 A [Weibull] Annual HH 11.05 8.92 <V> Annual Average - EW /HH 9.784 7.975 AEOW (Energy Output - Yr / MWh) 2725.84 1947.71 (III) Values with Rayleigh Distribution. <V> Annual Average - ER/HH 10.06 8.15 AEOR (Energy Output - Yr / MWh) 2754.48 2045.83 8.94 7.98 6.39 7.26 2359.16 1971.50 1261.91 1656.49 [m/s] [m/s] [m3/s3] [] [m/s] [MWh/yr] Table I: Selected Calculations from representative sites in Santa Cruz. REFERENCES [1] Barros, Vicente R. (CONICET/CREE) Atlas del Potencial Eólico del Sur Argentino. CENPAT 1986. [2] Mattio, H.F., Ponce, G.A. La Importancia del Estudio del Viento en un Sistema de Conversion de Energia Eolica, CREE-Argentina 1995 [3] Project FONDEF D01 i1165 Caracterización y Aprovechamiento Integral de la Energía del Viento en Chile, by CERE/UMAG - Financed 2002. [4] Molly, J.P., Windenergie; Theorie,Anwendung, Messung , Verlag C.F. Müller , Karlsruhe, Germany, 2nd edition 1990, ISBN 3-7880-7269-5. [5] David M.Eggleston, Forrest S.Stoddard Wind Turbine Engineering Design, 1987, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., ISBN 0-442 22195-9 Pg. 68 [6] Jamil, M. Wind Power Statistics and Evaluation of Wind Energy Density, Wind Engineering, 1995, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 227-240 [7] Marchante M. et al ; Estimating the Weibull Parameters using two different Methodologies, EWEA Wind Power for the 21st Century Conference, Kassel, September 2000.