GDB3023 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP JAN 2020 GDB 3023 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP CASE STUDY – PROJECT BRIEF GUIDELINES Case Study Objectives Upon completion of this case study report, you should be able to: 1. apply engineering economic decision making process, 2. prepare a detailed financial analysis report, and 3. provide a professional recommendation on the finding of the study. Problem Statement As a professional engineer, you are expected consider different design or project and make priority decision based on technical and financial position of the company. Economic analysis involves cost estimation and financial analysis that engineers use to evaluate their decisions and designs. It is essential for the stake holders to know the economic feasibility of project or investment before starting new projects. Moreover, if you have more than one alternative, it is recommended to perform feasibility analysis. The economic analysis of the case study (to be provided separately) and the preparation of project brief (report) is part of a summative assessment of the course outcome for this course. It is expected that each student must undertake the assignment individually and without the assistance of unauthorized party. To complete the project, students are allowed to refer to the assigned textbook or related materials available in public domain (internet). Project Procedure The economic analysis process is an iterative procedure for evaluating and ranking alternatives that meet a specified design objective. For the case study provided, each student is expected to study and prepare a project brief that must include (but not limited to) the following steps of economic analysis: 1. Summary of project design requirement and constraints. 2. Tabulate all costs and revenues expected. State assumptions and project constraints in cash flow diagram and other suitable means. 3. Estimate net present values, equivalent annual costs, and wherever possible rate of return on investments. 4. Report on comparative analysis of potential options available, breakeven conditions and recovery period. 5. List and discuss project completion alternatives, investment alternatives and cost impact. 6. Identify critical factors that can influence decision through sensitivity analysis. 7. Provide recommendation of the most attractive options and indicate potential areas of concern. GDB3023 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP JAN 2020 The objective of this case study is to analyze the worth of investing in a new project based on the company’s current financial situation based on principles of money-time relationship. The various alternatives available are to be compared and finally the ones giving the best attractive returns and future growth are to be recommended. Project Brief Requirements Project brief report must be prepared based of the specifications and data provided in the case study pack. Wherever necessary, students may refer to the textbook or search in the internet for required data to be used. All assumptions and decision must be clearly indicated. The project brief must include (but not limited to) the following aspect of economic analysis. The brief must completed and submitted, on line in a pdf format, within the time period specified. Project Brief Deliverables Project assessment will include the following deliverables: 1. Executive Summary This section must include: – company objectives and project requirements – summary of financial analysis – project recommendations 2. Project Background This section must include: – project requirements – design specifications and constraints – project objectives 3. Cost Estimation and Cash Flow Projection This section must include (if applicable, tables/charts): – Cost and estimates (investment cost, operations and maintenance cost, Overhaul cost, salvage value, expected revenue) – Cash flow diagram or table – NPV and/or EAC – Payback period – IRR 4. Breakeven and Replacement Analysis This section must include (if applicable, tables/charts): – project life and recovery period – optimal operating conditions 5. Sensitivity Analysis This section must include (if applicable, tables/charts): – parameter variability – decision reversal – sensitivity plots GDB3023 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP JAN 2020 6. Final Recommendation This section must include: – summary of alternatives and cost estimations – recommendations and rationale – factors for successful completion and risk of failure Project Brief Format Project brief must be typewritten and organized in a professional manner with following detailed requirements: 1. General requirement: Maximum of 10 pages (not including title page and originality page). Typeset with 11points fonts (single spaced) and 10points fonts for tables. 2. Title page (page 0 – Use the Template in Appendix): GDB3023 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIPS JANUARY 2020 SEMESTER CASE STUDY PROJECT BRIEF NAME: MATRIC: PROGRAM: “I hereby certify that I have completed this project report with my own effort without unauthorized assistance” - signature GRADING The Case Study is a form of Extended Assignment (EA) in lieu of the Final Examination requirement of the course. Marks obtained from this assignment will contribute FORTY PERCENT (40%) of the overall course marks. As the requirement for passing the course is to pass the final examination, the same requirement applies for this extended assignment. The evaluation of the report will be based on the achievement level rubric, attached as a separate document. The rubric evaluates 12 criteria with maximum of 4 marks each, except for “Overall Analysis & Recommendation” with 6 marks maximum. Total marks for this rubric is FIFTY (50) points. Passing mark for EA will be TWENTY (20) points. REMINDER The Case Study is an individual assignment and must be completed by the candidate without the assistance of any outside help without authorization. Any attempt, or indication of any, that result in a report that has been either copied, shared, discussed with, or prepared by any outside party, will result in automatic disqualification of this assignment. Disqualification of this assignment will automatically result in failing the course. If there is any evidence that the disqualification is due to academic misconduct, the case will be forwarded to the Academic Disciplinary Committee for further deliberations. Please be reminded that cases of cheating, or attempt to cheat, in examination, will result in suspension or expulsion from the program/university. GDB3023 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP JAN 2020 APPENDIX GDB3023 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIPS JANUARY 2020 SEMESTER CASE STUDY PROJECT BRIEF NAME: MATRIC: PROGRAM: CERTIFICATION OF ORIGINALITY I hereby certify that: ted in this Extended Assignment. I have completed this project report with my own effort without unauthorized assistance. I also acknowledge that if I am found guilty of academic misconduct (plagiarising, cheating, copying the work of others, or allowing others to copy my work) in completing this Extended Assignment, I will be given an F grade for the Extended Assignment for this course, and may be suspended for a period of time or dismissed or any other penalty deemed necessary by the University. _____________________________ (your signature here)