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Managerial Economics Study Guide: Consumer & Firm Behavior

BEPP 250 Study Guide
Slides 1
Managerial Economics Is the use of (micro)economic theory for the purpose of informing
business/policy decision-making.
- Body of knowledge that studies individual-level behavior and decision-making in
order to provide tools (models), results and ideas to help us:
- Understand observed phenomenon (positive economics)
- Guide decisions (normative economics)
- Key principles:
- Optimization: Individual objectives + constraints → shape decisions and
observed behavior
- Equilibrium: observed outcomes ← interaction across individuals’
decisions, no incentive to change further, “system at rest”
Slides 2 - Choice, Preference and Utility
- Theory of consumer behavior:
- Evaluate willingness to pay, predict demand, anticipate customer reaction, asses
and improve public policy
- Goal: Derive a demand function
- We see making people choices from a ​choice set ​and we want to ​rationalize​ these
choices, we analyze ​preferences and constraints​ - with this we create a ​utility
- Preferences satisfy the following qualities:
- Completeness - ​When facing a choice between two bundles a consumer can
rank them, in the form that one is preferred over the other or they create equal
- Transitivity​ - consumers' rankings are logically consistent, if a is preferred over b
and b is preferred over c then a is preferred over c.
- Monotonicity - ​All else same more of a good is better
- Budget Constraint
- Budget constraint limits a customer form choosing any bundle, this constraint
defines our budget set
- Budget Set - ​the set of feasible (affordable) bundles given price and income
- I.e set of bundles where expenditure is less than or equal to how much
we spend.
- Budget Line → p1x1 +p2x2 = I
- Utility Function
- Preference relations and indifference curves at not practical in empirical setting,
therefore we use a more convenient set of preferences. If an individual has
preferences that satisfy completeness, transitivity and monotonicity we can
represent this preference with a ​utility function​.
Preferences are basically a ranking over bundles. All information can be captured
by a mathematical function that assigns a number for each bundle, such that the
order of preferences is fully captured.
Utility Maximization - Slides 3
- In order to solve the ​utility maximization problem ​ we must link the IC to the
utility functions.
- Given the link between ICs and the utility function the most preferred affordable
bundle is equivalent to finding (x, y) such that
- u(x, y) = U is the largest and (x, y) satisfies the budget constraint.
- I.e maximize utility subject tot the budget constraint
- Optimal bundle - ​ a point where the IC is ​tangent ​ to the budget line
- Mathematically this point of tangency is captured by ​equality of the
slopes of the budget line and the IC at the optimal bundle​.
- Equations in notes
- Slope of IC = Marginal rate of substitution (MRS)
- (delta)y/(delta)x tells us how much we are willing to give up in
terms of y in exchange for an increase in x, while keeping utility
constant. This is also the slope between two points on the IC.
- (delta)y/(delta)x is the first derivative dx/dy. This measures the tradeoff
between y and x.
Relating MRS and Marginal Utility
- The increase in x given by Δx increased our utility, say by ΔxU per unit of x
Similarly, the decrease in Δy decreased our utility, say by ΔyU per unit of y
Being on the same IC means that after all these changes in x and y, at the end
of the day our utility does not change: ΔU=0
- Slope of IC is equal to the negative ratio of marginal utility
- equality of the slopes of the budget line and the IC at the optimal bundle​.
- Rearranging this gives us a particular optimality condition which we refer
to as (B4Bs) the ​Equality of bang for bucks​.
Optimality and B4B
Bang - for - buck (B4B) - benefit-cost ratio of the marginal (the very last) unit.
- Thinking at the margin
Optimal Behavior
- As long as one good has a higher bang for buck that the other, allocate
consumption here
- If B4Bs are equal then you stop
- If you hit some constraint, (​you can't consume more or you can't give up
negative quantities)​ then you stop.
Demand Part 3: Demand Function - Slides 4
- Optimality condition
- Interior Solution
- Solution involves consuming strictly positive amounts of each good.
- Mathematically: First order condition is both necessary and sufficient
- Optimality condition→ equality of B4Bs
- Corner solution
- Solution entails spending all your income on the good with the highest B4B
- Mathematically - non negativity constraint binds
- Optimality condition→ B4Bx > B4By then its optimal to set y=0
- Take into account there could be additional constraints one must satisfy.
- You will usually know what solution to look for
- But you can notice by looking at the behavior of the marginal utilities.
- Interior solution → marginal utilities go to infinity when consumption is 0
- Corner solution→ when marginal utilities are non-decreasing
- Note for which values of parameters(prices, income) solution may be non-negative
- Law of Demand : ​Demand for a good is decreasing in its own price, demand curve
slopes downward
- Elasticities (Linear Demand)
- Own price elasticity - % change in quantity with respect to % in the good s price
- Cross Price Elasticity - % change in quantity with respect to % in other products
Supply: Part 1 - Production Function
- Theory of Firm Behavior, must know to:
- Predict how much a firm is willing to supply at a given price
- Understand Industry dynamics
- Figure out how to change incentives to encourage/discourage supply
- Learn how to derive the supply function, ​pairing with demand function we can predict
market outcomes
- Assumption: Firm choose quantities in order to maximize profits:
- Profits (q) = Revenue (q) - Cost (q)
- To figure out how much to supply (q), we first need to figure out how to produce a
given quantity q with the goal of minimizing cost, 9z, y) -> Cost(q)
- Key Questions
- What inputs do we need and how do we combine them to produce output q?
- → Production function: transform input bundle (x, y) to q
- What is the optimal input bundle given input prices and required output q?
- Sole cost minimization problem to get cost (q)
- Production Function
- A firm transforms inputs (factors of production) such as capital K and labor L into
output q
- Short vs Long- run
Whether inputs can be adjusted depends on decision time horizon:
- Short-run: At least one input (fixed input) can’t be adjusted, suppose k,
therefore only l is the input that can be varied
- Long run: all inputs can be adjusted
- Production function concepts
- Measures of productivity
- Returns to scale→ How much does output change if a firm
increases all its inputs proportionally?
- Marginal and average product
- Law of diminishing marginal returns
- Isoquants
- Marginal rate of substitution
- Marginal and Average Product
- Decisions driven by marginal productivity
- The ​average​ product of labor is the ratio of output to the amount of labor
- The ​marginal​ product of labor is the additional output produced by an
additional unit of labor, holding all other factors constant.
- Marginal product drive average product
- Law of Diminishing marginal returns
- As a firm increases its use of and input (holding all else constant), the marginal
product of the input decreases.
- Isoquants
- AN isoquant is a set of input bundles that produce the same quantity of output.
- The slope of the isoquant measures the tradeoff between inputs, i.e the ​Marginal
Rate of Technical Substitution (MRTS)
- We can derive an expression for MRTS as a function of the marginal products of
2 inputs
Cost Minimization - Supply: Part 2 - Slides 6
- Isocost Line - collection of bundles that have the same cost
- Optimality - we want to find the cheapest input bundle that will produce at least q units of
output (bundle on or above the isoquant)
- Slope of the isoquant = slope of the isocost (optimal bundle input for interior case)
- Cost minimization in the long run
- All inputs can be varied thus we need two equations
- Optimality condition involving B4Bs
- Production Constraint → f(x, y) = q (be wary different from budget
- Short run Cost Function
- Some inputs are fixed which adds an additional constraint to our cost
minimization problem.
When one variable is fixed, we only have one unknown, x, so one
equation is sufficient. Typically, this equation is the production constraint
with the fixed input is imposed:
Supply: Part 3 - Supply Function - Slides 7
- We assume firm chooses output q to maximize profit P(q) = R(q) - C(q)
- We refer to economic profit = revenue - opportunity cost
- Profit max problem
- Optimal output q solve the profit maximization problem
- Profit is maximized when marginal profit is 0
- Thus Marginal Revenue = Marginal Cost (proof in
- Assumption: Perfectly Competitive Markets
- A perfectly competitive market is where firms and
consumers act as price takers (no market power)
- Firm cannot influence market outcomes
- Firm takes market price p as given and fixed regardless of q
- Perfectly elastic demand curve
- Therefore, a price taking firm’s revenue is R(q) = pq
- Since MR(q) = p a price taking firm maximizes profit by choosing q such that p =
- Operate or Shutdown?
- A firm should operate as long as revenues cover its ​relevant costs.
- You only pay variable costs when q>0
- Fixed costs are relevant if they can be recovered or not
- Costs that can’t be recovered are called ​sunk costs​ those that can are
called ​avoidable costs
- Only avoidable costs are relevant to shutdown
- Therefore, operate if: Revenues > Variable costs + Avoidable Fixed costs
- Operating at a Loss
- This rule does not mean a firm operates in positive numbers
- pq - VC(q) - F > 0
- Which requires p>AVC(q) + AFC(q) = AC(q)
- If sunk costs are large this can mean the firm operates at a loss, however its
better to lose less money than shut down
- Shutdown Price
- Lowest price at which a firm will operate
- P = AAC(q)
Midterm #2
Lecture 10: Monopoly Market Power
- Most extreme case of market power→ monopolist
Monopoly→ Firm is only sell of a product that does not have close substitutes (consumers only
alternative is to no consume, and there is 0 cross-price elasticity with any other product)
- Monopolies are usually defined as having 70+% market power has effective control,
these arise from innovative tech, cost advantages, network effects, etc
- SSNIP Test - check if a small price increase leads to consumers switching to
another product, i.e compute cross-price elasticity
- For monopolistic firms it thinks about how q will affect p
- Price is and function of q in the firm's profit maximization problem
- For a firm with market power marginal revenue must me less than 0
- When inverse demand is linear, you can find MR by doubling the slope
- MR can be a function of elasticity
- As demand becomes more elastic the profit maximizing price goes down
- The monopolist only produces on the elastic part of demand e>1
- If demand is inelastic then increasing price leads to more revenue and less cost
therefore profits of up
- Are these bad
- They are not legal but can be regulated (electric grids)
- Welfare under a monopolist
- When a firm has market power, it will produce less than the competitive quantity
in order to keep price high. This is inefficient since there are consumers who
have WTP>MC but are prevented from buying the goods.
SO are they Bad?
- Mad - monopolies supply through high
prices, reduce CS and introduce DWL so it
lowers welfare
- This is a product of innovation routing
form competition
Lecture 12: Monopoly Price Descrimination​(Third Degree)
- Breaking the assumption that firms only price linearly
Types of Price Descrimination
- First degree:​ Firms with perfect knowledge with individual valuations charge
personalized prices.
- Welfare is maximized but there is no Consumer Surplus, aka perfect price
- Very hard to implement and quite unrealistic
- Second Degree:​ ​Firms offer different product quality/quantity so that consumer
self-select form the menu of products
- Business class vs economy, bulk vs single
- Third Degree: ​Firms set different prices for the exact same product in different markets
based on observable characteristics
Multiple markets strategy
- Firms face different types of buyers (loq/highly elastic), you want to set a low price for
the elastic and high for the inelastic. However for this to work:
- Firms must have market power t be able to set the price
- The fir must be able to distinguish consumers
- Consumers cannot engage in arbitrage
- Firms problem: to choose how much supply in each market to maximize profit
- Optimality condition- MR=MC, Why?
- Cuppose MC is come constant and le MR1(q2)>MR2(q2). Than we can increase
profit by selling more to market 1 since it has a higher bang for the same buck
Welfare implications
- If price discimination is not allowed, firm has to choose between selling to obh markets
or just to market that is less price sensitive
- Trade offs
- (+) Larger market since face both markets
- (-) But in order to access more price sensitive market, have to lower the
price below what you would optimally charge the market
- Selling to both market can be profiabel it
- Difference in elasticity is not big
- More price sensitive market is much larger so you don't want to miss out.
- Example in notes
Welfare Implications
- Allowing price discrimination increases profits (unless firm earns 0 profit in hihlhy
sensitve market)
- If is is optimal for a firm to exclude some market when restricted to a sinlge price then
discrimination increases surplus