SECURITY GUIDE FOR ZOOM SESSION PROTECTING YOUR MEETING (POINTS TO REMEMBER) • Avoid sharing your personal meeting-id as it invites many problems. • While scheduling meeting always generate random Ids and password as it enables two step authentication to join zoom session. • Enable waiting room so that teacher can have a control who can join the meeting. Users wait in a virtual waiting room until you approve them. • Lock meeting when everybody is in. • Disable file transfer • Mute participants upon entry • Screen sharing - Host Only Generating Random ID and password Enabling waiting room and selecting mute participants on entry in Zoom---> Schedule Meeting---> Advance Meeting Only Host can share Option can be selected from arrow beside share screen option To disable participants annotations( as students also start scrribling on white board during the class)---> select option Disable participants annotations and click on option Show the name of annotators ---- from more (...) in the tools sections Locking the meeting once all the participants joined the meeting Select test speaker and microphone option to check your audio for the class