Introducing Major Methods In Foreign Language Teaching Ying Lijun 2020.3 Grammar-Translation Method (语法翻译法) Definition It is a method of foreign or second language teaching which uses translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities. At one time it was called classical method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages of Latin and Greek. Grammar-Translation Method (语法翻译法) Origin It began only in the late18th century. It was popular around 1840. Theory of language ( 5) All languages originate from one language and are ruled by a common grammar. The written form of the language is superior to the spoken form. The students’first language is the reference system in the learning of the target language Grammar-Translation Method (语法翻译法) Theory of language The mind of human beings has various faculties that can be trained separately. Understanding and memorization of complicated grammatical rules of languges help to develop mentality. Latin grammar is the most logical and well-organized grammar. The language was a body of knowledge to be learned, with an emphasis on intellectual rigor. Grammar-Translation Method (语法翻译法) Objectives To read and translate its literature To understand the target language Th help develop their minds To gain a better understanding of the first language Grammar-Translation Method (语法翻译法) The lesson of its standard teaching arrangement: a. a statement of the rule b. vocabulary c. translation exercises Techniques reading /translation deductive teaching of grammar /analysis and comparison memorization / written work reading comprehension questions Grammar-Translation Method Procedure (语法翻译法) Step one: The teacher reads and explains the new words and expressions in the first language. The teacher teaches the new grammar with deductive method. Step two: Students are asked to read a few sentences out aloud and translate them into the first language. The teacher analyses some difficult sentence and translates them into their native language first literally and then freely. Students read the studied part of the passage silently and ask the teacher questions they can not answer by themselves. Step three: Students are asked to write the answers to the questions about the reading passage. Students are asked to do other written work that is meant to reinforce the new grammar items and vocabulary. Grammar-Translation Method (语法翻译法) Main features Grammar is the core of language, and language material are arranged according to the grammar system. The main teaching activities are analysis, explanation and translation. The major practice is translating from them into the target language. The teaching focus is reading and writing. First language is the main medium of instruction. The sentence is the basic unit of language teaching and learning. Language accuracy is emphasized. Grammar-Translation Method (语法翻译法) Major merit It was praised as active, simple, and effective. creating one form cross-lingual techniques, playing a certain part in language teaching. improving FL teaching effect by means of grammar and students’ understanding thinking about formal features of the second language and translation as a practice technique . Relatively easy to apply in our language teaching without many teaching aids and facilities. Grammar-Translation Method (语法翻译法) Major defect neglecting pronunciation and intonations, listening and speaking; overemphasising on the language as a mass of rules using rote-learning, translation and grammar in an isolated way; not meeting the communicative and practical needs of the students in the dominance of the first language. Direct Method (直接法) Definition It is a method of foreign or second language teaching which only the target language should be used in class and its communication “directly” with actions, objects, mime, gestures, and situation. A variety of names such as “reform method”, “psychological method”, “phonetic method” It emphasizes the importance of spoken language and reading and writing should be taught only after speaking. The Direct Method believes in the natural process of language learning and in the inductive teaching of grammar. Direct Method (直接法) Origin The language reforms from 1850 to 1900 Theory of language Every language has its own structure. Spoken language comes before written language. Spoken language is a learnable system of sounds. Language and thought are closely linked and language and the physical world are directly associated. The language learning was viewed as analogous to first language acquisition. Language meaning is taught by using learners’ sensory experience. Learners acquire rules of grammar inductively. Direct Method (直接法) Objectives To foster the students’ ability to communicate in the target language. To enable the students to think in the target language To train the four skills To achieve correct pronunciation Direct Method (直接法) Main features Students learn to think in the target language. Meaning is presented by relating directly to the physical world. Target language is the language of instruction and communication in the classroom. Grammar is learned inductively through listening and speaking activities. Correct pronunciation is emphasized. The syllabus is arranged semantically according to situations or topics. The basic unit of language is the sentence. Direct Method (直接法) Techniques Direct association Question and answer exercises Conversation practice Error correction Dictation Inductive teaching of grammar Listening comprehension tasks Graded composition Direct Method (直接法) Procedures Classroom procedures in the Direct Method can be roughly divided into three phases: -- presentation by direct association, -- oral practice in the target language, -- consolidation with written work. Direct Method (直接法) Major advantages The first attempt to make the language learning situation used to train the learner to abandon the first language as the frame of reference. The development of new non-translational techniques of language instruction. The audioligual and audiovisaual methods in the fifties and sixties adopted many of the techniques first developed by direct method. Direct Method (直接法) Major problems How to convey meaning without translating, and how to safeguard against misunderstanding without reference to the first language. How to apply the direct method beyond elementary stages of language learning and expand it to the teaching of advanced learners. Situational Language Teaching (情境教学法) Definition It is a grammar-based method in which principles of grammatical and lexical gradation are used and new teaching points presented and practiced through meaningful situation-based activities. It is also named the Oral Approach. Origin It refers to an approach to language teaching developed by British applied linguists from the 1930s to 1960s. Situational Language Teaching (情境教学法) Theory of language Language is identified with speech. The basic elements in a language are rule-governed. Emphasis is on the close relationship between the structure, context and situation that they are primary importance . Language learning in real life differs from language learning in the classroom which should follow naturalistic principles of language learning. Focus is on the habit formation of foreign language speech patterns by the behaviorist's habit-formation theory. Situational Language Teaching (情境教学法) Objectives Get a practical command of the four basic skills of language Obtain accuracy in pronunciation and grammar Situational Language Teaching (情境教学法) Main feature Language teaching begins with the spoken language. The target language is the language of the classroom New language is introduced and practised in situations. Common core words are covered. Simple forms of grammar are taught before complex ones,and inductively. Reading and writing are introduced later. Situational Language Teaching (情境教学法) Techniques New sentence patterns presented in situations Drill-based practice Guided repetition and substitution activities Dictation, imitation and controlled oral-based reading and writing tasks Situational Language Teaching (情境教学法) Procedures Listening practice Choral imitation Isolation(突出难点) Building up to a new model Elicitation Substitution drill Question-answer drilling Correction Situational Language Teaching (情境教学法) Advantages The first attempt to establish theoretical principles. Making up some shortcomings of the Direct Method, emphasis on the function of situation. Situational Language Teaching (情境教学法) Disadvantages Not concerned with appropriateness or rules for use in real discourse. The approach being largely a grammar-based one. 产生于欧洲的英国 Popular Textbooks About Oral Approach and Situational Approach ‘The Oral Method of Teaching Language’ by Harold E. Palmer ‘ New Concept English ’ 《口语教学法》 《 新概念英语》 Audio-lingual Method (听说法) Definition The audiolingual Method is a method of foreign language teaching which emphasizes the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing. It is named “The Army Method”. It uses dialogues as the main form of language presentation and drills as the main training techniques. Mother tongue is discouraged in the classroom. Audio-lingual Method (听说法) Origin It mainly came from the “Army Method” of American wartime language programs in WWII ,which was training foreign languages for military purposes in the U.S army. the generous financial support for language programs. the new technology of the language laboratory. Audio-lingual Method (听说法) Theory of language Elements in a language are produced in a rule-governed way Language samples could be exhaustively described at any structural level of description. Language is structured like a pyramid, that is , linguistic levels are systems within systems. Language is speech, not writing. Language are different. Audio-lingual Method (听说法) Theory of learning (6) Reflect the descriptive, structural, and contrastive linguistics of the 1950s and 1960s. (Bloomfield’s behaviorostic theory & Fries and Lado's research on the contrastive linguistics ) Based on behavioristic psychology by Skinner and also influenced by neo-behaviorists such as Osgood, its theory of “ stimulus and response” Not emphasize teaching grammatical knowledge as grammar-translation method Audio-lingual Method (听说法) Not strictly restrict the use of the L1 in the language class or in the learning materials as in the direct method. Emphasize active and simple practice, habitation and conditioning rather than intellectual analysis. Make language learning by frequent repetition and imitation. Audio-lingual Method (听说法) Objectives To enable the target language communicatively (general ) The development of mastery in all four language skill (short-range) --training in listening comprehension --accurate pronunciation --reading comprehension --production of correct sentences in writting Audio-lingual Method (听说法) Main features Separation of language skills into listening, speaking, reading and writing, with emphasis on the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing. Use of dialogues as the chief means of presenting the language. Emphasis on certain practice techniques: mimicry, memorization and pattern drills. Discouraging the use of the mother tongue in the classroom. Use of language lab. Audio-lingual Method (听说法) Techniques Repetion drill Substitution drill Question-and-answer drill Expansion drill Clause combination drill Backward build-up drill Chain drill Completion Use of minimal pairs Audio-lingual Method (听说法) Procedures Recognition Imitation and repetition Pattern drills Follow-up activities Audio-lingual Method (听说法) Major contributions The development of a language teaching theory on the basis of linguistic and psychological principles. Attempt to make possible language teaching to large numbers of ordinary learners outside the classroom. Stress on syntax while previous methods had only been preoccupied with vocabulary and morphology. The development of simple teaching techniques. Separation the language skill for teaching purposes. Audio-lingual Method (听说法) Major problems Not effective in the long run, not developing language competence. Very dull to the learner, learners having little control over their learning. Teacher’s domination of the class, teacher-oriented materials. Popular Textbooks About Audio-lingual Method ‘English Pattern Practice’ 《 英语句型操练 》 ‘An Intensive Course in English for Chinese Students’ 《中国学生用英语速成教程 》 ‘English 900’ 《英语900句 》 ‘Success with English’ 《英语成效 》 The cognitive Approach (认知法) Definition It (or called the cognitive-code method/learning) is an approach to foreign language teaching which is based on the belief that language learning is a process which involves active method processes and not simply the forming of habits. It lays emphasis on the conscious acquisition of languages a meaningful system. The cognitive Approach (认知法) Origin It came from America in 1960s repondance to the limitations of Audio-lingual Method . Theory of language The creative property of language Language as rule-governed Linguistic competence and linguistic performance The innate hypothesis The cognitive Approach (认知法) Theory of learning Chomsky’s ideas about language acqusition Theory of cognitive psychology Piaget’s theory of cognitive development Schema theory Brunner and his discovery method Ausubel’s theory Kelly’s theory Diller’s four principles The cognitive Approach (认知法) Main features Knowledge of language rules facilitate learning. Rules are taught deductively. Competence comes before performance. The learner is the centre of classroom teaching. Language practice is the main form of classroom teaching. Learning is based on understanding. The cognitive Approach gives equal importance to all the four skills. Mistakes are unavoidable. The cognitive Approach (认知法) Objectives To develop in the students the native-like competence To develop intuitive thinking in learners To develop strategies of language use To enable the students to learn from errors The cognitive Approach (认知法) Techniques Rule learning Meaningful practice Creativity The cognitive Approach (认知法) Procedures Introducing and explaining new material Consolidating the understanding of the new material Application activities The cognitive Approach (认知法) Advantages Stress on creativity and meaning More active use of mental power Suitable for adult language learners Enjoyable and meaningful learning More effective learning by drawing on students’ experience Integrating all four skills Giving students’ opportunity to develop functional and performance skills Drawing on the latest development of linguistics and psychology and FLT theories More scientific The cognitive Approach (认知法) Disadvantage Difficult to select and prepare meaningful presentations Depending too much on analysis and understanding No complete and systematic practical activities and procedures Needing further research and development Communicative Approach(交际法) Definition It is a teaching system based on the language function project to cultivate the communicative ability of using language in the specific social context. Littlewood (1981:1) states, “One of the most characteristic features of the communicative language teaching is that it pays systematic attention to functional as well as structural aspects of language.” It is also called Communicative Method, Notional Approach or Functional and Notional Approach. Communicative Approach(交际法) Origin It was born in the early 1970s in the European economic community countries, mainly in the United Kingdom. Studies in socio- linguistics, psycholinguistics, semantics, speech act theory and Chomsky’ transformational-Generative Grammar Communicative competence by Hymes Functional linguistic by Halliday Communicative Approach(交际法) Theory Stress on the importance of using the language rather than learning the rules of usage. The goal of communicative approach is to increase learners’ communicative competence. Much from the functional view of language Stress on Language function as much as form. Appropriate use of the language Emphasis on fluency as important as accuracy. Focus on both the language materials and the teaching and learning activities. Communicative Approach(交际法) Techniques (the communicative functions of language) Greeting, parting, inviting, accepting. Complimenting, congratulating, flattering, seducing, charming, bragging. Interrupting, requesting,demanding Evading, lying, shifting blame, changing the subject Criticizing, reprimanding, ridiculing, insulting, threatening, warning Complaining ,accusing, denying, agreeing, disagreeing, arguing Persuading, insisting, suggesting, reminding, asserting, advising Reporting , evaluating, commenting,commanding, ordering, Questioning, probing, sympathizing Communicative Approach(交际法) Requirements Change of teacher’s role Change of learner’s role Change of materials Change of techniques Change of attitude Communicative Approach(交际法) Merits 1. Pay attention to the actual needs of students; 2. Focus on the cultivation of communicative competence for learners communicating with the target language in a certain social environment. Communicative Approach(交际法) Problems The language environment The difficulties in the classroom for learner-centered The difficulty in assessing the results of communicative language teaching The dull and not effective method make Ss unlikely to be motivated Popular Textbooks About Communicative Approach ‘Follow Me’ <<跟我学>> The Natural Approach (自然法) Definition The core of the natural Approach is language acquisition which is considered a subconscious process, dependent on two factors: the amount of comprehensible input the students get, and the amount of input the students “allow in”. It emphasizes natural communication rather than formal grammar study and is tolerance of learners’ errors. The Natural Approach (自然法) Origin Theory of language Communication as the primary function of language; and emphasis on meaning Importance of vocabulary Not necessary to analyze grammatical structure; and rules automatically provided in the input. The Natural Approach (自然法) Theory of learning Krashen’s Monitor Model of second language development Two distinct processes: acqusition and learning The five hypotheses of Krashen’s Monitor model The Natural Approach (自然法) Objectives To develop basic communication skill To function adequately in the target situation The Natural Approach (自然法) Main features Language is best taught when it is being used to transmit messages Implications for classroom practice Guidelines for classroom practice Characteristics of classroom teaching The role of learners The role of a teacher The role of testing The Natural Approach (自然法) Techniques Acquisition activities: --Problem-solving activities --Games --Content activities Eg. In the early stages of speech production, the natural Approach uses random volunteered group responses, which place little demand on the individual student but allow early use of the target language. As for errors are allowed. Community Language Learning Method (社团语言教学法) Definition It is also known as the humanist method, which treats students as a whole person and care about their emotional field, language knowledge and behavioral skills. Origin Developed by Charles Curran and his associates in 1970s The use of Counseling-Learning theory to teach languages Community Language Learning Method (社团语言教学法) Theory Based on the theoretical assumption that language as social process is different from language as communication. Interactions between learners are unpredictable in content but typically involve exchanges of affect. Learner exchanges deepen in intimacy as the class becomes a community of learners. The desire to be part of this growing intimacy pushes learners to keep pace with the learning of their peers. Community Language Learning Method (社团语言教学法) Techniques Translation Group work Recording Transcription Analysis Reflection and observation Listening Free conversation Community Language Learning Method (社团语言教学法) Eg. A Typical Classroom A group of learners sit in a circle The teacher stands outside the circle answering Ss’ Qs and translating the native language into the target language. A student whispers a message in his mother tongue. The teacher then translates it into the target language. The student repeats the message in the foreign language with the help of the teacher. While some of the students convey messages, others are encouraged to overhear these messages. Real communication begins occur among the learners. Community Language Learning Method (社团语言教学法) Major advantages An attempt to overcome some of the threatening affective factors in L2 learning. A warm, sympathetic and trusting relationship between the teacher and learners . A recognition that language learning is a sensitive process. The learner to determine the type of conversation and to analyze the foreign language inductively. Extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation are capitalized on by the learner-centered nature. The cultural aspect of the target language learning is enhanced. Community Language Learning Method (社团语言教学法) Major problems The counselor-teacher can become too non-directive. Its reliance upon an inductive strategy of learning which is not effective and less successful in the early stage of language learning. The success of CLL depends largely on the translation expertise of the counselor. Communication under way in class is constrained by the number and knowledge of fellow learners. Much demand for language teachers who must be proficient in the culture of the target language and have knowledge in many other fields. Total Physical Response (全身反应教学法) Relate to the developmental psychology, learning theory and humanistic pedagogy, also from the teaching procedures by Harold and Dorothy Palmer in 1925 Reduction of stress Classroom activities such as imperative drills , role-play and slide presentations Listening attentively and responding physically to the demand s given by the teacher. Total Physical Response (全身反应教学法) Definition The Total Physical Response, also known as the Comprehension Approach, is a language teaching method that links speech and behavior. It involves learning language through the activities of various parts of the body. Origin It was proposed by James Asher of the United States in 1970s. Theory The theory holds that the more frequently and strongly the association is tracked, the stronger the association and the easier it is to recall. There are many ways to remember, from rote memorization to action.According to the study, the likelihood of success is greatest for associating memory with action.Ashu also absorbed the views of humanitarian psychology and attached importance to the role of emotional factors in language learning.He suggests activities that help students learn Total Physical Response (全身反应教学法) Theory The theory holds that the more frequently and strongly the association is tracked, the stronger the association and the easier it is to recall. Ashu also absorbed the views of humanitarian psychology and attached importance to the role of emotional factors in language learning. He suggests activities that help students learn by reducing tension and creating an atmosphere of affirmation. The Silent Way (沉默教学法) Definition Influenced by structural linguistics Grammar rules are systematically and inductively The sentence is the basic unit of teaching. The teacher focuses on propositional meaning rather than communicative value. The Silent Way (沉默教学法) Definition The Silent Way means that the teacher is as silent as possible in class, thus encouraging students to use language as much as possible by the use of colored sticks to associate sounds with specific colors. The Silent Way (沉默教学法) Origin The method was proposed by Caleb Cattegno (1972), Theory: Three hypotheses (1) learners discover or create what they are going to learn, and learning will achieve good results. (2) When learning, such as pictures to assist, the effect will be better. (3) Learning materials must be practical. The Silent Way (沉默教学法) Procedures 1. The teacher first models a word, a phrase of a sentence. 2. The learners are encouraged to respond, relating old knowledge to new knowledge 3. The teacher remains silent more than 90% of the time. 4. Let Ss in silent to have time to discover, analyze, test and remember the language being taught. 5. The teacher’s help is necessary but minimal, using only chart and a few wooden rods. Suggestopedia Method (暗示教学法) Definition It refers to the method of using unconscious and irrational factors for systematic teaching. Suggestion is the heart of Suggestopedia. Origin It was proposed by the Bulgarian psychiatrist-educator Georgi Lozanoy who believed that most learning takes place in a relaxed and focused state. Suggestopedia Method (暗示教学法) Main features The Ss’ imagination will help their learning that is achieved in a relaxed, comfortable environment. The features are the decor, furniture, and arrangement of the classroom, the use of music and the authoritative behavior of the teacher. Suggestopedia Method (暗示教学法) Problems The teacher must be proficient in both the learners’ mother tongue and the target language, have the right temperament and philosophical outlook. It makes Ss commonly use inaccurate grammar and have poor pronunciation. 典型课例分析 教学步骤 1: 学生首先听一段含有作为本课要点的结构的对话(教师 放录音或读). 学生个别或齐声跟读,教师注意其发音, 语调, 和流利程 度, 发现错误, 立即纠正. 对话后让学生慢慢地, 一行一行地背诵. 如果有必要,可把每句分成几个短语. 齐声朗读 对话时, 可由一半学生扮演另一个说话者的角色.这个阶段学生 不得看书 . 通过改变某些主要单词和短语,将对话改编成适合学生 兴趣和特点的形式,然后由学生进行角色表演. 从对话中选择某些重要结构进行各种各样的句型操练. 先集体后个别. 这个阶段虽可作些语法解释,但应严格 限制. 学生可以打开书本,进行与对话有关的阅读, 写作和词汇 练习. 基础阶段的写作主要是模仿, 即写出刚刚操练过 的句子等.随着程度提高, 可对所学结构作些适当的改变, 或进行命题作文,这将有助于学生的语言的使用. 在语言实验室进行一些其它形式的补充练习. 教学步骤 2 ( MAKING A SUGGESTION) 提供一段简短的对话或几段小对话. 在此之前, 提供与对 话有关, 学习者可能会经历的交际场景并讨论功能和情景 ----人物, 角色, 语境, 话题, 以及与情景相符的语言正式程 度. 口头练习当天要教的对话片断( 教师示范, 全班复诵, 半 班, 小组和个别学生复诵). 根据对话和语境进行问答练习. 学习对话中的某一个基本的交际用语或表达该功能的某 一结构. 教师可用学生熟悉的词汇对该用语或结构进行操 练. 学习者发现该功能表达法或结构中的规则,包括四个方 面, 其口头和书面形式, 在句中的位置以及在句中的正式 程度, 如果是结构, 那么再加上其功能和意义. 口头辨认, 理解活动 口头表达活动----从有指导的到自由的交际活动 如果对话不在教材中, 抄写该对话 书面家庭作业示范 学习效果评估( 只限口头),如: HOW WOULD YOU ASK YOUR FRIEND TO …____? AND HOW WOULD YOU ASK ME TO ____?( Finochiaro and Brumfit, 1987: 107-8) 教学步骤 3 一开始, 所有的谈话停止一二分钟, 教师听录音机里放 出来的音乐. 慢慢地, 听了几段宾进入状态以后, 他开始朗读或背诵 课文, 声音随着音乐的起伏而变化. 学生边听边看教材中配有译文的课文. 第一场和第二场音乐会期间,待有几分钟的沉默.有时间 隔可长些并允许学生活动一会. 第二次音乐播放前, 又是几分钟的静默.听了几段音乐 后, 教师开始朗读课文.这一次, 学生合上书听教师读. 最后, 学生悄悄地离开教室. 他们被知可做任何与所学课问有关的家庭作业, 但是晚 上睡觉前和早上醒来后必须粗略的将课文读一 遍.( Loznov, 1978: 272) 教学步骤 4 教师将彩色棒放在讲台上 教师拿起其中两到三根不同色彩的的彩色棒,每拿一根就 说: STICK 教师拿起任何一种彩色棒, 示意某一学生回应. 学生回答: STICK. 如果学生答错, 教师请另一学生为其纠正: 教师然后拿起一根红色棒说: THIS IS A RED STICK. 教师拿起一根绿色棒说:THIS IS A GREEN STICK. 教师拿起红色或绿色棒, 示意学生回应, 如学生答错, 重 复(3). 教师用同样方法介绍二三种其他颜色的彩色棒. 教师向学生展示刚教过的颜色棒中的任何一种, 让学生 回应. 如学生讲错, 可由其他学生纠正或教师纠正. 学生掌握后, 教师将一根红色棒举起 说: THIS IS A RED STICK. 教师然后举起两根红色棒说: THESE ARE TWO RED STICKS. 教师举起两根绿色棒并说: THESE ARE TWO GREEN STICKS . 教师举起两根不同颜色的彩色棒要求学生回应. 教师根据学生实际情况介绍其他的数字或颜色. 将彩色棒堆在一起. 教师通过动作示意将彩色棒捡起并 说出相应的语句. 所有的学生都要完成这一任务. 鼓励学 生互相纠正错误. 教师然后说: GIVE ME TWO RED STICKS. 教师示意某一学生递给他所要的彩色棒, 并要求其他学 生递给他他所要的彩色棒. 所有这一切都通过教师的毫 无歧义的动作用目的语进行. 教师要求学生互相传递彩色棒. 鼓励学生进行试验, 只有学生无法自我纠正错误时教师 才开口说话. 教学步骤 5 打招呼. 自我介绍. 教师介绍该课的目标和指导原则; 外语交流开始: 1) 学生围成一个能看见并使用麦克风的圆圈 2) 一学生向另一个学生传达了一条信息 3) 站在身后的教师用外语重复该 生的话 4) 该生然后用外语对听话者重复这句话, 并录音 5) 每个学生都给机会说出和录下几条信息 6) 隔一段时间重放一次录音 7) 每个同学用母语重复自己用外语讲过的话, 以帮助其他同学回 忆. 学生进入一段反思期, 教师要求其非常坦率地报告自己对刚才的经 历的感受; 从刚录下的材料中,教师选择一些包含语法,拼写等要点的句子写在 黑板上; 教师鼓励学生对以上的内容提问; 教师鼓励学生把黑板上的句子抄下来, 注明其意义和用法, 作为家 庭教材. 教学步骤 6 听力练习. 教师清晰地连续几次重复某一结构或词, 至 少一次慢速, 如 WHERE …IS … THE …PEN? 学生全班或小组齐声模仿教师所说的内容. 教师可通 过“REPEAT” 或“EVERYBODY” 之类的命令或手 势让学生配合. 个别模仿.教师让几个学生复述例句以检查他们的发音. 教师将有困难的学生的音,词或词组根据地-3步骤单独 进行操练. 引进新句型. 教师让学生运用已知的句型进行问答联 系以引进新的句型. 教师利用手手势或提示词等让学生回答问题,发表陈述, 或根据句型进行造句. 教师利用提示词让学生练习新句型. 问答练习.教师让学生一问一答直到大部分学生都轮到. 纠正.教师通过摇头, 重复错误之处等指出错误,让学生 本人或对其进行纠正. 只要有可能, 教师尽量自己纠正 错误, 因为让学生纠正错误可以鼓励他们认真听他人 讲话.(DAVIS ET AL 1975:6-7) 教学步骤 7 复习. 学生对下列命令进行快速反应: Pablo, drive your car around Miako and honk your horn. Jeffe, throw your flowers to Maria. Maria, screma. Rita, pick up the knife and spoon and put them in the cup. Eduardo, take a drink of water and give the cup to Elaine. 新内容(新命令句). 以下动词为要学的动词: Wash your hands/ your face/ your hair / the cup; Look for a towel/ the soap/ a comb; Hold the book/the cup/ the soap; Comb your hair/ Maria’s hair/ Shirou’s hair; Brush your teeth / your pants/ the table. 其他新内容: Rectangle: Draw a rectangle on the chalkboard. Pick up a rectangle from the table and give it to me. Put up the rectangle next to the square. Triangle: Pick up the triangle from the table and give it to me. Catch the triangle and put it next to the rectangle. Quickly: Walk quickly to the door and hit it. Quickly, run to the table and touch the square. Sit down quickly and laugh. Toothpaste: Take out your toothbrush. Brush your teeth. Put your toothbrush in your book.. Teeth: Touch your teeth. Show your teeth to Dolores. Dolores, point to Eduardo’s teeth. Soap: Look for the soap. Give the soap to Elaine. Elaine, put the soap in Ramiro’s ear. Towel: Put the towel on Juan’s arm. Juan, put the towel on your head and laugh. Maria, wipe your hands on the towel. 然后, 教师问学生一些能用手势回答的问题,如: Where is the towel? (Eduardo, point to the towel!) Where is the toothbrush? (Miako, point to the toothbrush!) Where is Dolores? 角色交换: 学生发出命令, 教师和其他学生对此作出反 应. 阅读和写作: 教师在黑板上写下每一生词并用一个句子 示例. 然后教师读出每一句话并用动作示范一 遍. 典型案例所对应的教学法 教学步骤 1 教学步骤 2 教学步骤 3 教学步骤 4 教学步骤 5 教学步骤 6 教学步骤 7 听说法 沉默法 情景法 社团学习法 全身反应法 暗示法 翻译法 交际法 认知法