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Much Ado About Nothing: Gossip Analysis Assignment

Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite
College of Arts and Sciences
ENG07E – Shakespeare
CRITICAL PAPER # 3 – The evolution of Gossip
Using an appropriate graphic organizer, map out the evolution of ONE gossip in Much Ado About
Nothing. Include information about the following: sources, gossip version, and recipients.
Below the graphic organizer answer the following questions (NOTE: Weave your answer into 2
paragraphs with no less than 10 sentences each.):
1. Explain the dynamics of the graphic organizer.
2. How does Shakespeare make us of gossip or rumor as tool to showcase human folly in comedy?
Print your paper on a short bond paper: single-spaced, Arial 11, 0.5 margin. As for the heading, please
follow this format:
Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite
College of Arts and Sciences
ENG07E – Shakespeare
CRITICAL PAPER # 3 – The evolution of Gossip
(Surname, Given Name Middle Initial)
(Graphic organizer here)
(Essay here)
Due date: September 16, 2016