Uploaded by Sajana Dawadi

Nurses Handwashing Project Proposal

ajana Dawadi 6104204
Project Title: Improving nurses knowledge of handwashing in the age care facilities
Project Question: What is impact of a multi-faceted education intervention on nurses
knowledge of handwashing practices?
Literature Review:
1. Nurses' knowledge, behaviour and compliance concerning hand hygiene in nursing
homes (Hammerschmidt, J., & Manser, T., 2019)
2. Knowledge, Attitude, and Performance of Nurses toward Hand Hygiene in Hospitals
(Sharif, A.,2016).
3. Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of hand washing among health care
workers (Garba, M. B., & Uche, L. B. 2019).
Aim: The aim of this project is to assess the impact of an intervention aimed at improving
nurses handwashing practice.
Objectives: The main objective of this project is to enhancing knowledge of handwashing
among the nurses and examine the effect of educational training on handwashing
through pre and post questionnaire.
Project setting: The project will be conducted in 75 bed age care facilities located in
Milson point Sydney with 55 full time Nursing staffs and 200-300 care staffs including full
time, part time and causal. This age care facilities provides continuous care to older
people through assessing daily activities including palliative care, hospice care and
dementia care.
Project design:
Method: Pre- test and post -test design will be used to examine knowledge of
handwashing among nurses
Intervention: Educational intervention through Initiation and execution of WHO
recommended activities for implementation of interventions: Through training and
education, Intensifying use of reminders in the workplace (Mahfouz et al., 2017).
Data collection: Handwashing knowledge questionnaire using Pre and post
questionnaire tool.
Data analysis: