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skills and interview procedure

Mariam Javed
Sundus Tahir
Shanzay Asif
Aurangzeb Ansari
COURSE: Recruitment & Selection
Date: 30th March 2020
CASE: a) leading leather company which needs to fill 10 personnel key positions & for that we
need to develop interview skills/ procedures. Also develop questionnaire that will be asked
during interview from the candidates.
Answer: While we may recruit employees with the right degrees and experience, clearly
something may go missing. To get beyond people’s credentials on paper to gauge which
candidates are truly capable of doing the work the positions requires, we can implement a
system to define and measure which employees possess the competencies needed for specific
roles. Using competency-based techniques for selecting employees can be effective.
So what are competency-based techniques?? A competency-based question bank can be used
again and again. Developing a competency-based question bank makes the interviewing
process easier the next time a position needs to be filled. One caveat is that, in a cutting-edge
industry, you may need to update the questions frequently. “Make sure the profile you are
creating is not for the role you have hired for in the past, but the role and the skills you’ll need
in the near future,” says Joseph Ilvento, worldwide director of talent development for
CommVault Systems Inc.
 Competency-based selection favors diversity. By focusing on behavior, competencybased selection can ensure that people of all ages and backgrounds receive
consideration, regardless of the length of their formal experience or other factors.
 A target approach is used in competency-based selection: Organizations that use a
competency-based recruitment process focus on candidates’ ability to draw on
anecdotes from their professional experiences that demonstrate they possess a given
trait. For employers, the process involves establishing profiles for specific positions and
job groups and then using those profiles as standards against which candidates are
assessed throughout interview and selection process
 It’s Worth the work: A clearly defined competency-based selection process can aid in
recruiting, demonstrate fairness, encourage diversity and simplify the process of filling
new openings. But creating or refining your selection process requires time and effort.
 Practical Steps: To create selection methods that identify competencies, HR professionals
recommend taking the following actions:
Identify the resources you’ll need: Many organizations need help figuring out which
competencies to measure for specific positions.
Seek managerial input: Meeting with the hiring manager is critical
Create a panel of top performers. Gaining input from top performers is an effective way
to define competencies.
Focus hiring managers on the task. Get hiring managers to understand the critical
competencies needed for the position.
Facilitate the discussion. For organizations that use in-person panels, the process may
involve gathering everyone in one room or a virtual meeting space.
Reduce the scope to a manageable level. Narrow down the competencies to be
Develop competency-based interview questions Competency-based questions should
be open-ended if they are to help identify behavioral attributes
Conduct a competency-based interview. Competency-based questions ask candidates to
navigate hypothetical scenarios and explain or demonstrate what they would do in
certain circumstances. That gives us a real-life way of judging somebody’s competency to
interview and gather information
Follow up with fairness in mind. Competency-based selection systems offer flexibility not
only in asking situational questions but also in allowing follow-up responses from hiring
managers. But make sure to train managers as to which questions are appropriate to
avoid questions that are illegal or that could affect a protected class of workers based on
disability, race, religion.
b) Develop a structured interview questionnaire for a leading leather industry
Following structured interview questions can be asked from all candidates?
Talk about how you would handle [common job challenge].
Give me an example of a time you had to [important job skill].
Who is the best [position they’re applying for] you’ve worked with? Why?
Which other companies in [your industry] do you admire? Why?
What is the most challenging thing about [position they’re applying for]?
What is your favorite thing about [position they’re applying for]?
What do you think will be your biggest challenges with [position]?