Assess Competence An important component of WSQ system is assessment, as trainers you need to ensure your learners are eventually deemed to have the right knowledge and skills to be passed as competent. How competency-based assessment is carried out, first need to know the types of assessment available to conduct competency-based assessment. Types of Assessment Assessment is the process of gathering information about learner’s progress, and using that information to make judgments for a range of possible purposes. Assessment may be loosely classified according to the different purposes for which it is carried out. Some common types (and specific purposes) are listed below. Do note that one assessment method, or instrument, may be used for more than one purpose, although this might mean it may not be able to fulfill both purposes adequately. Summative assessment is any assessment that is used to provide a final grade, which may in turn be used for awarding a qualification, ranking, progression, certifying achievement or competence with a Summative view to career advancement, or employee classification. It usually occurs at the end of a period of learning or practice, and is sometimes termed “assessment of learning” (Nikton & Brookhart, 2007). Formative assessment is assessment that is aimed at helping learners to improve. Sometimes termed “assessment for learning”, its focus is on identifying strengths and areas for improvements to enhance learning (Black & William, 1998). Formative It may be used to diagnose performance and to confirm progress in learning. In contrast to summative learning, it usually takes place over a period of time, and requires feedback to be given to the learner, as well as opportunities for them to put that feedback into action. Formative assessment is not graded. If it is, it is considered as continuous assessment. Continuous assessment is graded assessment carried out over a period of learning. These assessments can take the form of projects, daily assignments, and Continuous practical sessions. Learners are allowed to demonstrate their skills and knowledge through a variety of ways over time through planned assessment tasks. Diagnostic assessment is used to determine education and training needs. Diagnostic This takes place prior to the start of formal training or teaching sessions. It helps to determine learning gaps and to develop strategies to bridge those gaps. (Blank, 1982). Skills recognition is the term used to describe assessment processes that provide the formal recognition of a person’s current competencies, be it skills, knowledge and/or attitudes. (Harris et al, 1995). Skills Recognition In applying for recognition of prior learning (RPL), evidence of the skills and knowledge gained in a previous work, life or training experience that could be provided to gain recognition include: practical demonstration samples of work, diary or journal records reports - photos or videos of workmanship written references and/or the names of referees certificates of attendance or participation in courses/programmes testimonials or letters of support from previous supervisors or clients References: Nitkon, A.J. & Brookhart, S.M. (2007). Educational Assessment of Students. 5th edition. New Jersey: Pearson. Harris, R. Gurthrie, H., Hobart, B. & Lundberg, D. (1995) competency-based education and training: between a rock and a whirlpool. South Yarra, Australia: Macmillan Publishers. Blank., W. E. (1982). Handbook for developing competency-based training programs. Englewoods Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Black, P. & William, D. (1998). Inside the black box: raising standards through classroom assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 80(20), 139-148. Competency-based assessment v Norm-based assessment Competency-based assessment Criterion-based Candidates assessed against standard criteria Evidence-based Candidates’ competence is dependent on evidence provided Participatory Learner participates and consulted during assessment process (eg. questioning after a practical performance) Example: WSQ Norm-based assessment Norm-based Candidates assessed against the performance of the whole pool – bell curve Score-based Candidates chalk up scores, which could be further subjected to moderation Non-participatory Usually one-off performance with no interaction with assessor Primary School Leaving Examination, Annual Performance Ranking at work 10 Continuing Education & Training (CET)valuesto reflect on when conducting assessment Focused Objective Open Positive Composed Firm Patient Responsive Clear Consistent