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Mental Health Services Self-Assessment: Questions & Answers

Mental Health Services: Self-assessment:
Questions and Answers
All the following statements are either true or false
1 Regarding mental health services:
a) CMHTs are multidisciplinary teams Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
b) Occupational therapists act as care co-ordinators
c) Most cases of mental illness are seen by CMHTs
d) CPA is a specific social care intervention
e) Home treatment teams control hospital admissions Answers available at
2 Early Intervention in Psychosis Teams:
a) Work with recent onset cases, regardless of age
b) Get involved once a diagnosis has been confirmed
c) Avoid using medication in the early stages of illness
d) Act as care co-ordinators for their patients Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
e) Work with patients until psychosis has resolved
3 Assertive Outreach Teams:
a) Work primarily with homeless patients
b) Display a forceful attitude towards patients
c) Work most with people with schizophrenia
d) Do housework with patients to try to engage them
e) Are ineffective when substance misuse is present Answers available at
4 The following are examples of functional mental illnesses:
a) Bipolar affective disorder
b) Schizophrenia
c) Borderline personality disorder
d) Korsakoff’s psychosis
e) Somatisation disorder Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
5 The following demographic factors are associated with suicide:
a) Female
b) Older age
c) Living in rural environment
d) Working as an anaesthetist
e) Unemployment Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
6 The following health and social factors are associated with suicide:
a) Chronic arthritis
b) Married
c) Schizophrenia
d) Alcohol dependence
e) Bereavement
7 Neurotransmitters have the following characteristics:
a) precursors are present in the synaptic cleft
b) presynaptic excitation causes synthesis
c) they bind to pre- and post-synaptic receptors
d) receptor binding causes a biological effect
e) they pass into the postsynaptic cell Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
8 The following are associated with an increased risk of violence:
a) Male gender
b) Past history of violence
d) Substance misuse
e) Cluster B personality disorders Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
9 In assessing the suicide risk of a patient following an overdose:
a) impulsive overdoses suggest high suicide risk
b) the number of tablets taken is a key factor
c) writing a suicide note suggests higher risk of suicide
d) if they called for help, the suicide risk must be low
e) a history of previous self harm suggests a low risk
10 Third person auditory hallucinations:
a) Are usually experienced as being inside the head
b) By definition consist of three separate voices
c) May suggest the patient should kill himself
d) Are often associated with a diagnosis of schizophrenia
e) May comment on the patient’s actions Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
11 The following factors contribute to non-adherence with psychotropic drugs:
a) Side effects of medication
b) Good insight into the illness
c) Stigma
d) Financial concerns
e) Complex drug regimes
12 The following concepts are typically used in Cognitive Therapy:
a) Defence mechanisms
b) Counter-transference
c) ABC model
d) Thinking errors
e) Cognitive schemata Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
13 The following suggest a diagnosis of schizophrenia rather than psychotic depression:
a) Second person auditory hallucinations
b) Thought broadcasting
c) Loosening of association
d) Delusions of guilt
e) Nihilistic delusions
Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
14 Bipolar disorder:
a) Is a form of cyclothymia
b) Type 2 causes hypomanic and depressive episodes
c) May present with a mixed affective state
d) Can be made worse by antidepressants
e) Is often treated with carbamazepine
15 The following interventions are recommended for the treatment of depressive
episodes in primary care:
a) Computerised CBT
b) Problem solving
c) Exercise programmes
d) Guided reading
e) Antidepressant medication
Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
16 The following are features of manic episodes:
a) Emotional lability
b) Increased productivity at work
c) Flight of ideas
d) Persecutory delusions
e) Irritability
17 SSRI antidepressants are commonly used in the following conditions:
a) Hebephrenic schizophrenia
b) Generalised anxiety disorder
c) OCD
e) Somatoform pain disorder
Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
18 Mental state examination of a patient with obsessive–compulsive disorder will
typically reveal:
a) Dishevelled appearance
b) Depressed affect
c) Delusions of contamination
d) Mood congruent auditory hallucinations
e) Disorientation in time and place
19 The following are typical of bulimia nervosa:
a) Disregard for calorific intake between binges
b) Amenorrhoea
c) Good response to treatment with SSRIs alone
d) 40% of cases have onset after age 40 years
e) Better prognosis in men
20 The following are correctly paired:
a) Paranoid personality disorder: delusions of persecution
b) Dissocial personality disorder: social withdrawal
c) Borderline personality disorder: rejection sensitivity
d) Histrionic personality disorder: shallow affect
e) Anankastic personality disorder: feelings of ineptitude
21 In older people:
a) Deliberate self-harm is often ‘a cry for help’
b) Early dementia is the condition most likely to cause suicide
c) Hearing impairment protects against auditory hallucinations
d) Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia
e) Antipsychotic drugs are helpful in Lewy body dementia
Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
22 The following suggest a diagnosis of delirium over dementia:
a) Acute onset
b) Hallucinations
c) Personality change
d) Varying impairment of attention
e) Evidence of acute physical illness
23 Dementia is a common feature of the following conditions:
a) Huntington’s disease
b) HIV infection
c) Normal pressure hydrocephalus
d) Parkinson’s disease
e) Multiple sclerosis
24 The following are usually of benefit in the management of acute alcohol withdrawal:
a) Antipsychotic drugs
b) Antidepressants
c) Benzodiazepines
d) Buprenorphine
e) Oral thiamine
Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
25 The following processes maintain anxiety disorders:
a) Avoidance
b) Response prevention
c) Thinking biases
d) Extinction
e) Operant conditioning
26 The following conditions often present with physical symptoms:
a) Delirium
b) Depressive episodes
c) Somatisation disorder
d) Dissociative fugue
e) Factitious disorder
Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
27 Obsessions:
a) Seem to the sufferer to be inserted in their head
b) Sometimes consist of images
c) If violent, suggest a high risk to others
d) Are usually resisted by the sufferer
e) Suggest a diagnosis of OCD rather than depression
28 The following are typical adverse effects of most antipsychotic drugs:
a) Dry mouth
b) Diarrhoea
c) Agitation
d) Tremor
e) Acute dystonia
29 The following are early signs of lithium toxicity:
a) Slurred speech
b) Fine tremor
c) Ataxia
d) Ophthalmoplegia
e) Nausea and vomiting
30 The following are often used to treat chronic (residual) schizophrenia:
a) Antidepressant medication
b) Family therapy
c) Psychiatric rehabilitation
d) Dynamic psychotherapy
e) Occupational therapy
Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
31 The following are typical of alcohol dependence:
a) Intoxication early in the day
b) Able to maintain work and relationships
c) Opportunistic drinking of alcohol
d) Slow rate of relapse because of tolerance
e) Delirium tremens occurs within 24 hours of abstinence
32 The following increase the likelihood of recognising depression in primary care:
a) Ask open questions
b) Respond to emotional cues
c) Save time with closed questions
d) Ask directly about emotions
e) Maintain eye contact for around 50% of time
33 The following are features of mental incapacity:
a) Mental retardation
b) Decisions most people would consider foolish
c) Not weighing evidence in the balance
d) Decision not supported by the nearest relative
e) Unable to communicate decision
Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
34 Autism:
a) Causes narrow repetitive patterns of behaviour
b) Is often associated with learning disability
c) Is a specific developmental disorder
d) Is characterised by excessive ‘make believe’ play
e) Typically features language problems
35 The following are true of ADHD:
a) Also known as hyperkinetic disorder
b) Persistence into adulthood in most cases
c) Good response to mild tranquillisers
d) Impulsivity is typical of the condition
e) Helped by behavioural interventions
36 Regarding conduct disorder:
a) It is usually diagnosed in primary school
b) Genetic factors are the main cause
c) Having friends makes the diagnosis unlikely
d) Many go on to exhibit dissocial behaviour as adults
e) School refusal is a common manifestation
Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r
37 The following conditions are likely to be made worse by tricyclic antidepressants:
a) Glaucoma
b) Prostatic hypertrophy
c) Ischaemic heart disease
e) Myaesthenia gravis
38 The Mental Health Act can be used:
a) To detain a patient in a general hospital
b) By a police officer
c) To force a patient to accept medication at home
d) As an alternative to a prison sentence
e) To give antibiotics to an incapacitous patient
39 The following conditions are psychotic in nature:
a) Schizotypal disorder
b) Schizoaffective disorder
d) Body dysmorphic disorder
e) Anorexia nervosa
40 The following are correctly paired:
a) Phobias: Anticipatory anxiety
b) Generalised anxiety disorder: Fear of illness
c) Social phobia: Worse in shops
d) Panic attacks: Metabolic acidosis
e) Depressive episodes: High rate of anxiety symptoms
Answers available at https://bit.ly/2K2HK6r