Uploaded by Roland Oakley

Teamwork & Project Management at Eden Project

PESD Task 1
“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.”
(Maxwell, 2002)
Our Team working task was to explore the biomes and the outdoor gardens of the Eden Project, in order
to find information and answer six questions based on both horticulture and event management. Our
small team of three comprised a mix of both horticulture and event management students, was required to
produce a portfolio of evidence in any format agreed by the team using our findings. We had to identify
the Eden Project biomes designer, photograph five plants from different continents, and photograph five
plants that had a purpose or could be used in a different way. For events, we had to find which artist had
appeared most at the Eden Sessions, what the focus or theme to the events were and to identify and
photograph five locations used for events within the Eden Project.
There are many things to consider when choosing a team; you need to make sure the level of knowledge
of the individuals matches what the project entails (Johnson 2012). There are four stages in group and
team development in order for the group to grow, tackle problems and deliver results according to
Tuckman (1965), forming, storming, norming and performing.
At the forming stage, the team meet and discuss the challenges, goals, and how to tackle the tasks set
before them. Even this early on in the process, mature members begin to model age appropriate
behaviour as all individuals start to initiate their behaviour. During the storming stage team members
learn to gain trust with each other while power and status are ascertained, the hierarchy is defined, and a
leader is chosen. Once the challenge has been detailed by the group leader and tasks divided between
the team, disagreements can occur as opinions about the character or ability of other team members are
formed, which can be destructive if allowed to get out of hand.
The goal of successfully completing the specific task will cause team members to resolve any issues and
any personality clashes to make the process more comfortable and easier to achieve. This norming stage
sees team members working better together and even tolerate the quirks of certain members. The final
stage is performing; at this point, with all roles established, there is a common goal to focus on achieving
the completion of a task often with a high level of success. The team is now competent, have trust in
each other and have developed a good team dynamic to achieve further success in future tasks.
To determine good team dynamics, Meredith Belbin designed a behavioural test called the Belbin selfperception inventory. This is an assessment to gain insight into an individual’s behavioural tendencies
within a team environment. This was originally just eight roles, but further studies by Belbin and
refinement to the theory has resulted in nine team roles and the chairmen role being renamed coordinator (Belbin, 1981).
The nine roles Belbin defined are plant, resource investigator, co-ordinator, shaper, monitor evaluator,
teamworker, implementer, completer finisher and specialist (Belbin, 2010). Before I took the selfperception inventory assessment I looked at the nine different roles and the qualities each role
demonstrates, and tried to predict what role I would be given after I had completed the assessment. I
predicted that I would be either a teamworker or a shaper, after I completed the assessment my result
was that I was firstly a teamworker followed by a shaper. A teamworker is defined as co-operative,
perceptive, diplomatic, listens and averts friction, while being indecisive and avoiding confrontation
(Belbin.com, 2016).
I think the result of this assessment shows that I am in tune with my role within teams or groups of people,
which, when choosing groups to be part of or to work with to achieve a set goal or task is essential to
create a successful team dynamic.
My team consisted of two much younger students, one from horticulture, Henry, and the other from event
management, Kacey. Although there is a theory of leadership, especially within parliament, that says
there is a tradition that the doctrine of leadership should be given to the eldest member either in seniority
of years or seniority of service (Fajardo, 1986), I didn’t want to automatically assume that role. I thought
that we could have a conversation about roles within the team and see if they both saw me as a leader
due to my age, or whether they wanted a more collaborative leader team. I was clear that I wanted us all
to be equal within the team as this is how I have managed teams in previous employments, and they
agreed. As collaborative leaders we accepted equal responsibility to help or ensure the success of the
task given (Rubin, 2009).
As a team we gelled very well and on the walk to the biomes we all shared personal information to
introduce who we were and the type of things we liked. The most important aspect of the group we
commonly shared was humour. Scheel and Gockel (2017) state that humour in teams is generally
described as positive, citing Romero and Cruthirds (2006 p58) listing the effects as reducing stress and
enhancing leadership, increasing group cohesiveness and improving communications.
We decided as a group that we would all record the same information so that if, for any reason, one of us
couldn’t complete their task it would enable the other two to still complete the task. This is something I
encouraged as I had found myself in this position in group tasks I had previously undertaken in my life. It
was this team spirit that not only enabled us to collect all the relevant information successfully but it was
done in such a way that it didn’t seem like a task. Team spirit essentially relies on the self-belief of those
who are part of the team to achieve success in the given task (Cornick & Mather, 1999).
Once back in the green build hub we were just about to divide the tasks between us when Kacey had to
leave, and it was left to Hugo and I to decide how the tasks could be split between the three of us.
Decision making quality in interactive teams depends on the information exchanged between individuals,
but often are reduced to being made on an ideas process (Silver, 2013). Hugo was keen to take on the
biomes designer and both plant questions. I wanted to find the act with the most appearances, but was
also very aware that Kacey would want to do the other events management questions but wasn’t there to
put that suggestion forward. It was at this point I suggested to Hugo that Kacey did the two events tasks,
which he agreed, and something she approved of when informed later that day.
I realised I only had one task and Hugo had three, so I asked him if I could help share the workload by
doing one of his tasks. Sharing tasks poses a challenge to individuals and co-workers to face when the
different parts are distributed and no one can see the whole finished project (Yamaguchi et Al, 2019). To
my surprise he insisted on doing the biomes designer task and the plants from different continents, so I
said I could do the useful plants for him if he would like me to, which he did. I found this plant task
extremely difficult but managed to complete both the tasks I was given. A week later Kacey had started
the PowerPoint presentation and I had my two tasks to add to it, but Hugo sadly hadn’t done a digital copy
due to him not having access to a laptop and not asking for help from us, so we had failed to achieve the
target goal in the time set, which made me reflect on our task.
To reflect and learn after undertaking a task is hugely important to discover if any changes in repeating
those tasks make them more successful. This type of reflection theory has four stages; you have an
experience, you reflect on the experience, you learn from the experience and then plan or try out what you
have learnt (Kolb, 1984).
On reflection, in our initial discussions we should have made sure we all had access to a computer to
complete our PowerPoint, a simple oversight of assuming that everyone had that capability. Reflection is
intimately linked with the learning process and with the exception of experiential learning it is not common
in the literature of learning, although has been studied more by those wanting to apply it to real-world
issues (Moon, 2013). The only alternative thing I would change if we were to do the task again, would be
to insist I did the biome designer task and to leave Hugo with both of the plant tasks, as that would have
been a better use of knowledge and experience within the team.
I think that I drew on my previous team working experience, in both my career and in my personal life well,
and I was able to use my life skills to encourage the two other members of the team due partly I believe to
my seniority. I have also learnt that my approach to team work is appropriate for whatever age the rest of
my team are.
Belbin Team Role Summery Description. (2016) Available at: https://www.belbin.com/media/1486/teamrole-summary-descriptions-2016.pdf. (Accessed on 26 November 2019).
Belbin, R. M. (1981) Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail. London: Heinemann.
Belbin, R. M. (2010) Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail. Third Edition. UK: Elsevier.
Cornick, T & Mather, J. (1999) Construction Project Teams: Making Them Work Profitably. London:
Thomas Telford Publishing.
Farjardo, R. T. (1986) Effective Leadership Through Parliamentary Procedure. Philippines: Rex Book
Johnson, C. (2012) The Ultimate Guide to Team Building. Indiana: Xlibris Corporation.
Kolb, D. A. (1984) Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Maxwell, J. C. (2002) Teamwork Makes the Dream Work. Tennessee: J. Countryman.
Moon, J. A. (2013) Reflection in Learning and Professional Development: Theory and Practice. Abingdon:
Rubin, H. (2009) Collaborative Leadership: Developing Effective Partnerships for Communities and
Schools. 2nd edn. USA: Corwin Press.
Scheel, T. Gockel, C. (2017) Humor at Work in Teams, Leadership, Negotiations, Learning and Health.
Switzerland: Springer.
Silver, S. (2013) Decision-Making Groups and Teams: An Information Exchange Perspective. UK:
Tuckman, B. W. (1965) Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological Bulletin, 63(6), 384-399.
Yamaguchi, M. Welsh, T. N. Klauer, K. C. Dittrich, K. (2019) What’s Shared in Sharing Tasks and
Actions? Processes and Representations Underlying Joint Performance. Switzerland: Frontiers Media SA.
PESD Task 2
Work Experience
Module CORC 1013 Personal Employability Skills Development
Work Experience Log: 20hours to be completed
Name of Student: Roland Oakley
Course: FdA Event Management
Campus: Eden Project Learning
Christmas Fair
Silent Cinema,
with Silent Disco
and Live Band
Date & Venue
9.15am – 4.15pm
11am – 3pm
The Eden Project
St Petroc’s
Church, Bodmin
12.00pm –
Critical Appraisal
Nature of Work
Setting up of tables, assisting stall
holders to bring in stock and find
Clearing tables of dirty bowls and
glasses, then sorting them ready
for dishwashing.
Moving chairs
setting up tables/chairs for café
style seating.
Assisting light/sound techs.
Bar set up.
Band Liason.
Clear up and reset to church
service format.
I split my work experience element between helping at the Macmillan charity event at the Eden Project
and at a silent cinema, silent disco and live band event, that I held at my place of work in St Petroc’s
Church in Bodmin.
The Eden Project is an educational charity, which connects the visitors to the living world and explores
how we can work together to create a better future. The visitor attraction in Cornwall, the brainchild of Tim
Smit is built in an old clay pit, made up of huge biomes. One of these biomes houses the largest indoor
rainforest in captivity, and contains species of plants and trees from all over the world. In the large
outdoor gardens, the annual Eden Sessions Concerts are held along with other exhibitions, shows and
weddings (edenproject.com, no date).
The event that the events management students were helping the Eden Project events team on, was the
Macmillan Cancer Support charity’s Cornwall Christmas Fair 2019, which was held in the link buildings
restaurant area. On the day of the work experience we were asked to report to Bernice to receive our
duties. My first job was to wipe clean all the tables, before helping to move them into position as set out
on the plan, set by the Macmillan organisers. Although some of the students didn’t understand the
context of doing this in relation to event management, I completely understood this because due to not
having a dedicated team to help me set up for events at my place of work this is a job that I regularly do,
and one which is important as an organiser, as it allows me to troubleshoot any potential problems of plan
layouts not working in a physical setting.
As the first of the stallholders arrived it was apparent that due to recent hand surgery and my left hand
being in a cast I was unable to assist with bringing goods into the building as most were very fragile. It
was at this point we decided as a small team that I would be in charge of the table plan, so I could greet
the stallholders and take them to their table and also show the rest of the team where to take the wares.
This role meant a more efficient way of working as everyone knew exactly where to go. I could also see
how many stallholders were left to set up and liaise with the Eden parking staff so they knew how many to
expect. I was frustrated at not being able to physically carry things around but felt that my previous
management and team leading skills would be useful to ensure an efficient and correct set up of the
Christmas fair for the Macmillan organisers.
The next day was purely about working fast and efficiently to clear tables once customers had finished to
allow new customers a place to sit and eat their lunch; again I found this difficult with my hand cast, but it
is a high pressure working environment that I not only enjoy but really thrive in. Overall I found the work
experience with the Eden team valuable and I also learned that it doesn’t matter what the size of an
organisation is, the work behind planning and executing an event follows the same processes just on
different scales.
Eden Story, About Us. (no date) Available at: https://www.edenproject.com/eden-story/about-us
(Accessed on: 02 December 2019)
PESD Task 3
Skills Matrix
Formative Essay
I moved to Cornwall to give my daughter a better life and to get away from the busy lifestyle I had. It was
here I renewed my faith and became a very active member of the church. I am very passionate about the
church and the work that I do for them in my many varied roles I hold. I am particularly passionate about
looking at new ways to fundraise to not only help meet the daily running costs of the church, but to look at
future maintenance and projects which will need to be financed by grants and which will need us, as a
church, to match fund. I believe that my interest in organising, hosting and facilitating events will benefit
the church financially and publicly. I can get very nervous and lack self-confidence before a task or trying
something new, but once I have started the task my confidence builds.
As an events manager at St Petroc’s church in Bodmin, I have enrolled in the FdA Event Management, to
further develop my skills and knowledge and to make any future events held at the church more profitable
and more high profile. I aim to raise the awareness of the church as a fantastic community space that
holds events that are sell out successes. My overall ambition as part of my job and career is to have an A
list celebrity perform at our humble Cornish church.
I am also a local worship leader which means I plan, write and deliver non Eucharistic services. Doing
this role helps me to research bible texts and then deliver a reflective talk during a service. It is a role that
also highlights that I have great presentation skills, a warm and friendly tone to my voice and a relatable
personality which not only keeps an audience’s attention but gives them a deeper interest in what I am
saying. Once I have completed the event management course I am considering whether I would like to
be ordained and become a vicar to further my spiritual calling.
I have learnt in my previous employments and in life situations what my strengths and weaknesses are
and that they can vary depending on the given environment and situation.
My strengths include, working well in a team, but I can also lead and drive a task if necessary. I am
patient, friendly, a good listener and I also have a good sense of humour. I am able to be adaptable, can
pay attention to detail and see things from different perspectives.
My weaknesses are lacking self-confidence, time management and limited vocabulary. I am hoping that
as I progress through my academic studies that I can thrive and all three of these will improve.
I have the drive, and determination to learn the necessary skills to not only improve my understanding
within the event management sector but to utilise the methods I learn to make me successful at the job I
am employed in, for personal satisfaction but primarily for the benefit of the church.
Reflective Essay
In September when I first started my degree and I started filling in the skills matrix, it was apparent that my
understanding of higher education learning was lacking in certain critical skills, which would make it
impossible to complete my degree. The main skill I had no knowledge of was referencing, which is
essential in higher education writing. I have had to learn quickly, not only the ways in which I can
reference authors and information, but how to use citations and formulating reference lists. After a lecture
on referencing, some research and excessive perseverance I now fully understand how to correctly
reference in my assignments.
The other main skill I needed to improve greatly was my assignment writing technique, content and the
advanced and varied use of vocabulary in my work. I believe that this improvement has been accelerated
while researching and reading round subjects for my assignments to a level now suitable for the grades I
wish to achieve. It was clear two weeks ago when I reread my first attempted draft essay I had written in
September, that it was unsuitable and not to the standard of the completed marketing report that had just
been submitted for marking. It was an indication at how accelerated my learning of both content and skills
have become in just one semester, and the drive and commitment I have within myself to work to an
exceptionally high standard to achieve the goals that are set both academically and personally.
My time management skills have been duly tested recently due to a high work load in my employment, but
I have almost hit every deadline I previously set myself with regards to drafts and completed work. While
evaluating my daily routines I have learned that any target deadlines I have not met isn’t due to laziness
or consciously delaying my coursework, but has been due to work or family commitments or unforeseen
circumstances. This could be why I have previously assumed that my time management skills were not
very proficient, but in reality, when reflecting on my work and family schedules, they do not allow me the
time I need to complete all of the necessary tasks I have to do.
I still have an enormous problem with self-confidence when it comes to believing the assignments I have
completed is at a standard that is required or expected at degree level. But recent feedback from
lecturers has shown that I am achieving the level expected from them, and I continue to receive support
from family, friends and peers that my extreme effort is being successful.
It is essential in life to reflect and revaluate everything we do - without doing so we cannot grow in our
understanding as people or in our chosen careers. I know that if I keep motivated, driven and can
continue to learn to work at an even higher academic level, I will achieve my goal of successfully
completing and passing my degree with a first. This will enable me to go on to complete my bachelors in
the third year which will empower me to a successful career in event management.
PESD Task 4
Curriculum Vitae
Roland Oakley
8 Rhind Street
Bodmin PL31 2EL
07852 764176
Full clean driving licence, car owner
Professional Statement
A proficient, resourceful individual who has the ability to manage own workloads efficiently and is an effective team player. Has
an approachable and empathetic manner and will always look to develop productive working relationships with customers, staff
and management alike. Currently seeking employment in an event management role where skills gained through employment
and recent studies to complete my FdA in Event Management can be used and developed in the future.
Key Skills
Excellent customer service skills with the ability to manage and negotiate within challenging situations
Organised with a methodical approach to all tasks and development of administrative systems and processes to improve
overall performance
Solution focussed, with excellent problem solving skills, able to deal with conflict and secure resolution to issues
Able to work under pressure to meet deadlines and targets whilst maintaining attention to detail and quality of service
Excellent IT skills with a knowledge of Excel and various software packages to enhance smooth running of the
organisation and management
Work History
Bodmin Way, Bodmin
Buildings, Churchyards and Events Manager
2018-to date
 Supporting the 5 churches within the Bodmin team ministry in all aspects of maintenance and planning of events
Responsible for the promotion of events generating income, identifying news sources of business to support church
activities and the estates
Involved in health & safety audits and day to day management of the hiring of premises
Controlling expenditure of events and day to day management of volunteers
Unable to work due to ill health of which have now fully recover and raising family
Domestic Electrician
 Worked in sub-contract, self-employed and employed positions as a Domestic Electrician throughout the north
Cornwall area
 Working as part of a team and alone on a number of large and small projects
Full time student (electrical training)
Cellpak Solutions, Essex
Warehouse Assistant
 Driving a 7.5 ton lorry, loading and unloading vehicles with a fork lift truck, stock rotation, and managing up to 10 staff
on a production line.
Task Fulfilment Ltd, Essex
Warehouse Assistant
 Loading and unloading vehicles with a fork lift truck, van deliveries, stock rotation and dealing with both customers and
Exclusive Contract Services Ltd, Herts Cleaner
 Cleaning of all areas of shop floor, warehouses and staff areas of Tesco Express stores
Co-operative Milk Delivery, Herts
 Involved the delivery of milk and other goods to up to 200 houses daily, collecting account money and loading and
unloading the Milk Float
Broxbourne Services, Herts
Grounds Maintenance
 Responsible for all litter-picking, path sweeping, weeding, grass
cutting and leaf collection and emptying of bins for the main council building grounds and for
Grundy Park leisure
Hadham Water Ltd, Herts
Production Manager
 Running and maintenance of 3 semi-automated bottling lines and managed up to 30 staff, driving fork lift truck, loading
and unloading lorries and completion of all associated Health & Safety paperwork.
Qualifications and Training
Eden Project Learning, Boldelva
Fda Events Management
Hertford Regional College, Broxbourne, Herts
 City & Guilds NVQ Level 3 & 2 (2330) in Electro-technical Installation – Pass with Distinction
Birchwood High School Sixth Form, Bishops Stortford, Herts
GNVQ Level 3 in Business – Pass with Distinction
Birchwood High School, Bishops Stortford, Herts
9 GCSEs including English, Maths, Office Technology (IT) and Science at Level 2
1990 /1993
Hobbies and Interests
Spending time with my family, watching football on television, and doing jigsaw puzzles, Sudoku and crosswords. Also a
member of St Petroc’s Church Parish Council and an active member of the church community.
References are available on request
Job Description and Person Specification
Carlisle Cathedral Enterprise Company Ltd
Events Manager
Job Brief – September 2019
Carlisle Cathedral is one of Cumbria’s leading heritage sites and a significant landmark within the City’s
‘Historic Quarter’, attracting over 150,000 visitors every year.
We have embarked on an ambitious journey of transformation. With
the support of the National Lottery Heritage Fund and partner
funders, our £3.5M Fratry project is bringing our medieval Fratry
building to life: making it fully accessible, with improved facilities for
visitors, an imaginative all-age programme of teaching and learning,
and a beautiful new café, offering wonderful views across the
Cathedral precinct.
We are now launching a new venue hire and events business,
taking advantage of the spectacular event spaces in the redeveloped Fratry and aimed at helping the Cathedral become
financially sustainable.
Who are we looking for?
We are looking for an energetic and experienced events manager
to maximise the opportunity for venue hire and events at the Cathedral.
The successful candidate will have a creative, entrepreneurial approach with a proven track record in
generating income through venue hire, special events and client focussed activity. S/he will also have
superb organisational and interpersonal skills and the ability to create and manage events that deliver
exceptional customer service.
Purpose of the role
To generate sales, manage and deliver a wide range of functions and client-led events that strengthen the
Cathedral’s reputation, delivers a high-quality experience, achieves ambitious financial targets and
contributes to long-term business objectives.
Main responsibilities include:
 Identify appropriate clients, negotiate and manage all aspects of venue hire at the Cathedral,
achieving annual income targets.
 Research the market, developing new opportunities and growing the venue hire business.
 Contribute to the planning and delivery with colleagues of the Cathedral’s own events: balancing
income generation with the Cathedral’s wider activities.
 Ensure that the Cathedral’s brand values are clearly reflected and its reputation enhanced.
The Events Manager will be an employee of Carlisle Cathedral Enterprises Ltd, and report to the
Cathedral’s Director of Strategic Operations. The Enterprise company is the Cathedral’s wholly owned
trading subsidiary which works to support the Cathedral’s financial sustainability by generating commercial
revenue from hospitality, retail and events.
Person Specification - the successful candidate must be able to demonstrate:
Education to degree level or equivalent
Skills and experience
Track record in successful events management, including achieving financial targets
 Excellent organisational and customer service skills
 Able to negotiate and manage clients and contractors
Excellent IT skills including MS Office, digital ticketing, venue management systems and the
enthusiasm to embrace technology and champion its use
Operational capabilities including health, safety and risk assessments and AV technical
Able to work safely with children and vulnerable adults, and to supervise others including
Personal qualities
A team player. Takes the initiative and gets things done with a ‘can-do’ approach
 Able to multi task, deliver within deadlines and work with attention to detail
 Thrives under pressure and can think on your feet
 Cheerful, positive and enthusiastic
 A willingness to work weekends and evenings is essential
The Cathedral exists to proclaim the Christian faith. The Events Manager must have an understanding of,
and sympathy with, the Cathedral’s overall mission. S/he must also understand the importance of
remaining sensitive to the Cathedral’s primary purpose as a place of worship, whilst generating the income
from venue hire and events that we rely upon to enable the Cathedral to become financially sustainable.
The postholder must also endorse and implement the Cathedral’s safeguarding policies in respect of
children and adults at risk of abuse, neglect or harm.
For further information about the Cathedral see: www.carlislecathedral.org.uk
Student Number: 5028499
Main Terms of Employment
£23-25k per annum
Carlisle Cathedral Hours:
Full time, 35 hours per
week. The nature of this
post brings with it the
need for considerable
flexibility including
regular weekend and
evening work. No
overtime will be paid but
time off in lieu can be
agreed in advance with
your Line Manager.
Appointment is subject to satisfactory references
including enhanced DBS (child/adult workforces),
employment and safeguarding references.
6 months.
After 3 months the post holder will be automatically enrolled
into the Church Workers’ Pension Scheme.
26 days per annum plus public holidays.
How to apply
Please send applications by email only to Miss Ruth Shingler at
ruth@carlislecathedral.org.uk Tel. 01228 548151
Please enclose with your application:
the completed application form, including referees, and equal
opportunities monitoring sheet. Applications from all groups are
warmly welcomed.
A brief covering letter which outlines your suitability for this role.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 12 noon on Tuesday 8th
October 2019. Interviews will be held on Tuesday 22nd October at
Carlisle Cathedral.
Carlisle Cathedral will hold and process your personal data in line with UK law on
data protection. You can find out more from our Privacy Notice which is available
from our website www.carlislecathedral.org.uk/privacy_policy
Student Number: 5028499
SWOT Analysis
Sometimes Lack Self Confidence
Limited Vocabulary
Outstanding Customer Service
Lack Of Business Knowledge
Team Worker
Lack Of Marketing And Advertising
Can Do Attitude
Poor Time Management
Create Own Event Management
Working In Low Income Town
BSC (Hons) Events Management
Competition From Other Venues
Marketing And Fundraising Coordinator
Ever Changing Customer Base
Festival Organiser
Student Number: 5028499
Employers Reference
Student Number: 5028499