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What Should Students Be Learning in 2020

What Students Should Be Learning in 2020?
It is the beginning of a new decade marking the time to set up new goals, opt for new technologies, and
come at par with the latest trends in education. In 2020, and the upcoming few years, we are going to
witness a plenitude of changes in both students and their learning environments. Teachers need to adapt
to new technologies being utilized in the education sector and take up additional responsibilities. The
major focus; however, will remain on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its use in learning methodologies.
These trends in the education sector will benefit students as they will be able to interact and learn in new
ways. However, the primary question which everybody is asking is what students should be learning in
2020 to stay at par with the rapidly changing world, be able to meet new demands, and embark upon a
journey to achieve a satisfactory growth in their career.
While it is easy to win a scholarship and secure admission in your favorite educational institution by
getting original scholarship essays written by the experts on EssaysUSA website; the difficult part, in this
new decade, is to select the course that will provide value to your resume. In this post, we are attempting
to provide an answer to this chief question.
What Students Should Learn in 2020?
Automation Engineering
Earlier the work which was completed by 100 persons; now the same can be easily done by not more than
10 persons. The entire credit for this goes to automation engineering. Both product and service-based
industries rely heavily on automation for efficient production and delivery.
Witnessing the current trend, in the upcoming years, the need for automation engineers is bound to
increase especially in the field of robotics. An automation engineer is responsible for designing and
programming the automated machinery or processes. Their role involves simulating and testing as well.
So, if the idea of bringing technical innovations to this world appeals to you then you must go ahead,
study, and learn the concepts of automation engineering.
Artificial Intelligence
The upcoming time is all about Artificial Intelligence or AI for short. You must have seen a ton of movies
based on Artificial Intelligence. Though we haven’t reached that level of AI in real life; there is a plenitude
of breakthroughs in the field and a ton of research is going on. As far as the advantages of pursuing a
course or a degree in Artificial Intelligence is concerned; there are many. The first and foremost benefit is
that you will enjoy a handsome compensation. This is because there is a huge gap between the demand
and the supply of experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Since not many people are opting for the
field, the compensation is bound to increase in the future.
Apart from getting a handsome compensation, the amount of knowledge that you will gain in this field is
endless. Better job opportunities and a chance to connect and interact with the best people in the field
are other major advantages of jumping into the field of artificial intelligence.
Investment Banking
If you have a keen interest in the financial market, a stronghold on mathematics, and a high tolerance for
pressure and stress; then go ahead with the idea of being an investment banker.
Right from the beginning of your career as an investment banker, you will have a lucrative salary.
However, please note that if you are going into the field of investment banking with just an idea to earn
more money, you should refrain from doing so as it is a high-pressure and a high-stakes job. You require
putting in long hours of work and for the first few years of your term as an investment banker, you should
simply forget your social life.
So, if you feel that you have the capability to work in such a high-pressure and stressful environment,
please go ahead and start earning tons of money right from the commencement of your career as an
investment banker.
Commercial Airline Pilot
Though becoming a commercial airline pilot require a considerable amount of education and training, the
perks and the pay enjoyed by the pilots are exceptional. Though you require being away from your home
most of the time, there are certainly more pros than cons of being a commercial airline pilot.
The paycheck enjoyed by the airline pilots is lucrative. Moreover, you can even boost your earnings by
flying private planes or landing a side job as a flight instructor. As a commercial airline pilot, apart from
the lucrative paycheck you will enjoy health, vision, life, dental insurance, and even a retirement plan.
Moreover, you even get paid vacation time that increases with the years of your service. Even after your
retirement, some airlines let the vacation benefits continue either full-paid or at a reduced price.
Once you put in enough number of years under your belt as a commercial airline pilot; a majority of the
times you get to choose your base location and whether you want short-haul or long-haul flights.
Not to forget, you get a unique opportunity to travel the world and actually get paid for it.
Final Words
So, these are the four areas where you can land yourself a great job opportunity with a highly lucrative
paycheck. Moreover, these jobs are in high-demand and witnessing the current trends, they will continue
to be in demand in the upcoming years as well. Of course, we will like to have your opinion as well on the
matter. So, feel free to put down your suggestions as to what students should be learning in 2020; in the
comments section provided below.