PEDIATRIC • Newborn respiratory distress – Epiglottitis – Transient tachypnea of the – Croup newborn – Ingested foreign bodies – RDS (Hyaline membran• Other diseases disease) – Cardiomegaly in infants – Meconium aspiration – Salter-Harris epiphyseal – Bronchopulmonary dysplasia plate fractures • Childhood lung disease – Child abuse – Reactive airways disease/ – Necrotizing enterocolitis bronchiolitis – Esophageal atresia with/ – Asthma without tracheo-esophageal – Pneumonia fistula • Soft tissues of the neck – Enlarged tonsil and adenoid • NEWBORN RESPIRATORY DISTRESS • Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn – Result of delay in the resorption of fetal lung fluid. – TTN is more common in shortened labor, cesarean section, and in mothers with diabetes or asthma. – Immediate onset of tachypnea and mild respiratory distress. – Completely recover by 48 hours. – Imaging findings of TTN lungs hyperinflated, streaky, perihilar, linear densities, fluid in the fissures and/or laminar pleural effusions fluid in the fissures streaky, perihilar, linear densities laminar pleural effusions • RDS (Hyaline Membran Disease) – Disease of premature infants, usually <34 weeks – Numerous risk factors perinatal, asphyxia, hypoxia and maternal diabetes. – Major cause surfactant deficiency alveolar sacs have an increased tendency to collapse atelectasis. – Clinical cyanosis, grunting, nasal flaring, intercostal and subcostal retractions, and tachypnea. – Findings a diffuse “groundglass” or finely granular appearance, air bronchograms, hypoaeration in non- ventilated lungs. hypoaeration ground-glass • Meconium Aspiration Syndrome – Meconium is found in the amniotic fluid. – Meconium products produce bronchial obstruction, air trapping, and a chemical pneumonitis. – Occurs in postmature infants. – Clinical tachypnea, hypoxia, and hypercapnia. – Treatment is supportive, consisting of antibiotics and oxygen, inhaled nitric oxide – Finding hyperinflated with diffuse “ropey” densities, patchy areas of atelectasis and emphysema from air trapping. hyperinflated with diffuse “ropey” densities • Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia – Arterial oxygen tensions >50 mm Hg accompanied by abnormal chest radiographs. – Clinical oxygen dependence, hypercapnia, and a compensatory metabolic alkalosis. – Findings usually hyperaerated overall, contain coarse, irregular, rope like, linear densities, lucent, cyst like foci, spongelike appearance. atelectasis lucent, cyst like foci • CHILDHOOD LUNG DISEASE • Reactive Airways Disease Bronchiolitis – Wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing. – Tachypnea, retractions, fever, and rhinorrhea. – Findings peribronchial thickening, bronchi appear as small, doughnut like densities, tram track like linear densities, hyperinflation of the lungs, atelectasis from mucus plugging. doughnut like den-sities • Asthma – During or after an acute attack, the lungs may be overaerated with flattening of the diaphragm. – There may be peribronchial thickening. • Pneumonia – Bacterial produces lobar consolidation, or a round pneumonia, with pleural effusion. – Viral interstitial infiltrates or patchy areas of consolidation. – Treatment is supportive with antibiotics, as needed. • SOFT TISSUES OF THE NECK • Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids – The palatine tonsils and adenoids frequently enlarge at the same time. – Clinical nasal congestion, mouth-breathing, chronic or recurrent otitis media as a result of their proximity to the eustachian tubes, painful swallowing, and sleep apnea. – Imaging findings of enlarged adenoids Narrowing nasopharynx • Epiglottitis – The classical triad drooling, severe dysphagia, and respiratory distress with inspiratory stridor. – The imaging study of choice is the lateral neck radiograph, upright position only. – Finding enlargement of the epiglottis, thickening of the aryepiglottic folds, circumferential narrowing of the subglottic portion of the trachea during inspiration. Aryepiglottic fold • Croup – A harsh cough described as barking or brassy, associated with hoarseness, inspiratory stridor, low-grade fever, and respiratory distress. – The three key findings distension of the hypopharynx, distension of the laryngeal ventricle, and haziness and/or narrowing of the subglottic trachea. – The “steeple sign,”. distension of the laryngeal ventricle narrowing of the subglottic trachea Steeple sign • Ingested Foreign Body – The major complications of ingested foreign bodies are perforation, obstruction, or stricture formation. – Clinical most commonly include dysphagia and odynophagia Thymus gland Infant normal cardiothoracic ratio may be as large as 65% • Salter-harris Classification Of Epiphyseal Plate • Fractures in Children • SALTER HARRIS FRACTURE • Types I and II heal well. • • Type III can develop arthritic• changes or asymmetric growth plate fusion. • • Types IV and V are more likely to develop early fusion of the growth plate, with angular deformities, and/or shortening of that bone. • Type I slipped capital femoral epiphysis • Type II small metaphyseal fracture fragment corner sign • Type III longitudinal fracture through the epiphysis itself, fracture invariably enters the joint space and fractures the articular cartilage. Type IV have a poorer prognosis Type V crush-type injuries of the epiphyseal plate, associated with vascular injury. TYPE I Klein line slipped capital femoral epiphysis Corner sign TYPE iI longitudinal fracture epiphyseal plate has fused TYPE III TYPE IV TYPE V • NECROTIZING ENTEROCOLITIS • Clinical feeding intolerance,• delayed gastric emptying, abdominal distention, and/or tenderness, and decreased bowel sounds. • Normal finding gas in the stomach by 15 minutes after birth and air in the rectum by 24 hours of age, haustra do not develop in the colon until about 6 months of age, many air-filled, polygonalshaped loops of bowel • NEC pneumatosis intestinalis linear radiolucency within the bowel wall parallels the bowel lumen andrepresents subserosal air that has entered from the lumen Portal venous gas linear branching areas of decreased density over the periphery of the liver and represents air in the portal venous system small lucencies of air Abnormal separation Air in the bowel Dilated bowel • ESOPHAGEAL ATRESIA WITH/ WITHOUT TRACHEOESOPHAGEAL FISTULA • Clinical choking, drooling, difficulty handling secretions, regurgitation, aspiration, and respiratory distress. • Imaging findings will depend on the type – With esophageal atresia and no fistula, no air enters the GI tract, so the abdomen is airless. – With a distal fistula between the esophagus and trachea, there is gas in the bowel that has entered via the trachea, and a radiolucent, blind- ending, dilated pouch upper esophagus. of INTRACRANIAL PATHOLOGY • NORMAL ANATOMY • In the posterior fossa the 4th ventricle appears as an inverted• U-shaped structure, it normally• appears black on CT. • Posterior to the 4th ventricle are the cerebellar hemispheres, and anteriorly lie the pons and medulla oblongata. • The interpeduncular cistern lies in the midbrain and separates the paired cerebral peduncles. • The suprasellar cistern is ante- rior to the interpeduncular cistern and usually has a five or six-point starlike appearance. The sylvian fissures are bilaterally symmetrical and contain CSF. They separate the temporal from the frontal and parietal lobes. • The lentiform nucleus is composed of the putamen (laterally) and globus pallidus• (medially). • The third ventricle is slitlike and midline. • • Posterior of the third ventricle is the pineal gland. • • The corpus callosum connects the right and left cerebral• hemispheres and forms the roof of the lateral ventricle. • The anterior end is called the genu, and the posterior end is• called splenium. • The basal ganglia are represented by the subthalamic nucleus, substantia nigra, globus pallidus, putamen, and caudate nucleus. The two frontal horns are separated by the midline septum pellucidum. The temporal horns, more inferior. The posterior horns lie in the occipital lobes. The surface or cortex of the brain is made up of gray matter convolutions composed of sulci (grooves) and gyri (elevations). The medullary white matter lies below the cortex. • On an unenhanced CT scan of – Choroid plexus the brain, anything that appears – Pituitary gland and stalk “white” will generally either be• Metallic densities in the head can bone (calcium) density or blood, cause artifacts on CT scans. in the absence of a metallic foreign body • Calcifications that may be seen on CT of the brain and nonpathologic – Pineal gland – Basal ganglia – Choroid plexus – Falx and tentorium • Normal structures that can enhance after administration of iodinated intravenous contrast – Venous sinuses Frontal lobe Suprasellar cistern Temporal lobe Temporal horn Cerebral peduncle Pons Interpeduncular cistern 4th ventricle Cerebellum Frontal horn Sylvian fissure 3rd ventricle Caudatus nucleus 3rd ventricle Interpeduncular cistern Quadrigeminal plate cistern Occipital lobe Genu of corpus callosum Caudatus nucleus Lateral ventricle Lentiform nucleus Calcified piineal gland Septum pellucidum Calcified plexus choroid Occipital horn Occipital lobe Basal ganglia calcification Falx cerebri calcification Pineal gland calcification Corpus callosum Mammilary body Midbrain Pituitary stalk Cerebellum Pituritary gland Pons 4th ventricle Medulla oblongata T1 T2 Gray matter White matter Caudatus nucleus CSF Lentiform nucleus Thalamus CSF • HEAD TRAUMA • Initial CT evaluation of the brain in the emergency setting focuses on whether there is (a) mass effect and (b) blood. • Skull Fractures – Skull fractures are usually produced by direct impact to the. – In order to visualize skull fractures, you must view the CT scan using the “bone window”. Fracture EDH • Linear Skull Fractures fluid in the mastoid air cells, or an air–fluid level in the – Linear skull fractures are the sphenoid sinus. most common and most likely to occur in the temporal and• Facial Fractures parietal bones. – The most common orbital • Depressed Skull Fractures fracture blow-out fracture causes a sudden ↑ – They result from a highintraorbital energy blow to a small area of the most often in the – Sometimes inferior rectus frontoparietal region, and are muscle can be trapped usually comminuted. restriction of upward gaze and diplopia. • Basilar Skull Fractures – Associated with tears in the dura mater with subsequent CSF leak, which can lead to CSF rhinorrhea and otorrhea. – They can be suspected if there is air seen in the brain, – Clinical orbital emphysema, fracture through either the medial wall or floor of the orbit, entrapment of fat and/or extraocular muscle, fluid in the maxillary sinus – A tripod fracture result of blunt force to the cheek involves separation of the zygoma, fracture of the floor of the orbit, and fracture of the lateral wall of the ipsilateral maxillary sinus. Comminuted fracture Fluid in mastoid air cell Depessed fracture Pneumocephalus Tripod fracture Orbital emphysema Orbital emphysema Sinus maxillaris Floor orbital fracture Lateral wall fracture • INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE • Epidural Hematoma – Hemorrhage into the potential space between the dura mater and the inner table of the skull. – Caused by injury to the middle meningeal artery or vein from blunt head trauma. – Almost have an associated skull fracture, frequently the temporal bone. – Epidural hematomas may also be caused by disruption of the dural venous sinuses adjacent to a skull fracture. – Imaging high density, ex- traaxial, biconvex lensshaped mass often found in the temporoparietal region of the brain. – It is impossible to cross suture lines. – Can cross the tentorium. • Subdural Hematoma (SDH) – Most commonly a result of deceleration injuries in motor accidents (younger patients) or secondary to falls (older patients). – Produced by damage to the bridging veins that cross from the cerebral cortex to the venous sinuses of the brain. – Hemorrhage into the potential space between the dura mater and the arachnoid. – Clinical increased intracranial pressure. – On CT acute crescent shaped, may cross suture lines and enter the interhemispheric fissure. – Subacute blood is mixed with lower-attenuating CSF isointense. – Chronic subdural hematoma present more than 3 weeks after injury low density. displacement of the interhemispheric fissure Crescent shaped dilated contralateral temporal horn • Intracerebral Hemorrhage/Hematoma – Trauma lead to intracerebral hemorrhage. – Ruptures of aneurysms, atheromatous or vasculitis intracerebral hematomas – Injuries occurring at the point of impact (called coup injuries) and injuries occurring opposite the point of impact (called contrecoup injuries). – Coup shearing of small intracerebral vessels. – Contrecoup injuries acceleration/deceleration injuries that occur when the brain is propelled in the opposite direction and strikes the inner surface of the skull. – Hemorrhagic contusions are hemorrhages, with associated edema. – Finding multiple, small, well-demarcated areas of high attenuation within the brain parenchyma, may be surrounded by a hypodense rim from edema, intraventricular blood, mass effect is common, herniations. high-attenuation hemorrhage contusio Midline displacement hypodense rim from edema Intraventricular hemorrhage Subfalcine herniation Transtentorial herniation Cytotoxic edema • DIFFUSE AXONAL INJURY • Diffuse axonal injury is responsible for the prolonged coma following head trauma. • Acceleration/deceleration forces diffusely injure axons deep to the cortex, producing unconsciousness. • The corpus callosum is most commonly affected. • MRI small petechial hemorrhages may be bright on T1weighted images, multiple bright areas on T2-weighted images at the temporal or parietal cervicomedullary junction or in the corpus callosum. Cytotoxic edema Vasogenic edema • INCREASED INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE • Clinical papilledema, headache, and diplopia. • Caused by cerebral edema, or hydrocephalus. • Cerebral Edema – Trauma, hypertension, and masses are the most causes. – Vasogenic edema represents extracellular accumulation of fluid and is the type that is associated with malignancy and infection. Caused by abnormal permea-bility of the blood-brain barrier♦ – Cytotoxic edema represents cellular edema and is associated with cerebral ischemia. Finding loss of the normal differentiation between gray and white matter in cytotoxic edema, ventricles may compressed, narrowing of sulci. • STROKE • Acute loss of neurologic function that occurs when the blood supply to an area of the brain is lost or compromised. • Ischemic Stroke – 12 to 24 hours, indistinct area of low attenuation in a vascular distribution. – >24 hours, circumscribed lesion with mass effect, dissappeared 2-4 weeks. – 72 hours, contrast enhancement disappeared. – >4 weeks, mass effect disappearswell-circumscribed, low-attenuation lesion with no contrast enhancement. 24 hour Mature • Haemorrhage Stroke – Freshly extravasated whole blood with a normal hematocrit will be visible as increased density on nonenhanced CT scans of the brain immediately after the event – Dissection of blood into the ventricular system can occur in hypertensive intracerebral bleeds. – As the clot begins to form, the blood becomes denser for about 3 days because of dehydration of the clot. – After day 3, the clot decreases in density and becomes invisible over the next several weeks. – After about 2 months, only a small hypodensity may remain. ICH acute Lacunar infarct • RUPTURED ANEURYSMS • Berry aneurysm, which develops from a congenital weakening in• the arterial wall, usually at the sites of vessel branching in the circle of Willis at the base of the brain. • Hypertension and aging play a role in the growth of aneurysms. • The classical history of a patient who has had a ruptured aneurysm describes it as “the worst headache of my life.” • When aneurysms rupture, the blood usually enters the subarachnoid space. • On CT, acute blood is hyperdense and may be visu- alized within the sulci and basal cisterns. The region of the falx may become hyperdense, widened, and irregularly marginated. • HYDROCEPHALUS • Expansion of the ventricular system on the basis of an• increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid contained within it. • Hydrocephalus may be due to several factors: – Underabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid (communicating hydroce-phalus) – Restriction of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricles (noncommunicating hydrocephalus) – Overproduction of cerebrospinal fluid • In hydrocephalus the ventricles are usually disproportionately dilated. Temporal horns may be greater than 2 mm in size. • Obstructive Hydrocephalus • Communicating (extraventricular obstruction) and noncommunicating (intraventricular obstruction). • Communicating hydrocephalus is caused by abnormalities that inhibit the resorption of cerebrospinal fluid. – CSF flow through the ventricles and over the convexities normally occurs unimpeded. Reabsorption through the arachnoid villi can become restricted by such things as SAH or meningitis. • Noncommunicating occurs as a result of tumors, cysts, or other physically obstructing lesions that do not allow cerebrospinal fluid to exit from the ventricles. Dilatation of temporal horn 4th ventricle is compressed and nearly invisible hemorrhagic metastatic lesion A, There is dilatation of the temporal horns (solid white arrows), and the 4th ventricle is compressed and nearly invisible (dotted white arrow). There is a hemorrhagic metastatic lesion (black arrow) that is obstructing the 4th ventricle. B, The frontal horns of the lateral ventricles (L) and 3rd ventricle (3) are dilated, but note that the sulci are not dilated. This form of hydrocephalus is the result of obstruction to the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricles. A, Classically, the 4th ventricle is dilated in communicating hydrocephalus (4) but normal in size in noncommunicating hydrocephalus. The temporal horns (T) are particularly sensitive to increases in intraventricular volume or pressure and are dilated here. B, The frontal horns (F), occipital horns (O), and 3rd ventricle (3) are markedly dilated. There is a disproportionate dilatation of the ventricles compared with the sulci (which are normal to small here). Communicating hydrocephalus is usually treated with a ventricular shunt. • Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus • Characterized by a classical triad of clinical symptoms: abnormalities of gait, dementia, and urinary incontinence. • Imaging findings are similar to other forms of communicating hydrocephalus and include enlarged ventricles, particularly the temporal horns, with normal or flattened sulci. A, The ventricles are enlarged, particularly the temporal horns (T) and the 4th ventricle. B, The bodies of the lateral ventricles (L) are also markedly enlarged, but the sulci are normal or flattened. • CEREBRAL ATROPHY • Atrophy implies a loss of both gray and white matter. • The ventricles dilate in cerebral atrophy, but do so because a loss of normal cerebral tissue produces a vacant space that is filled passively with the CSF-filled ventricles. • Unlike hydrocephalus, the dynamics of CSF production and absorption are normal. A, Lateral ventricles are enlarged. B,, Sulci are also enlarged • BRAIN TUMOR • Gliomas of the Brain – Most common primary, supratentorial, intraaxial mass in an adult. – Glioblastoma multiforme infiltrates adjacent areas of the brain along white matter tracts, making it difficult to resect. – Producing a necrosis and pattern called a butterfly glioma. – It tends to produce considerable vasogenic edema and mass effect. • Metastases – Frequently well defined, round masses near the graywhite junction. – They are usually multiple but can be solitary. – They are typically hypodense or isodense on nonenhanced CT. – With intravenous contrast they can enhance, sometimes with a pattern of ring enhancement. Ring enhancement • Meningioma – Most common extraaxial mass, usually occurring in middle-aged women. – They tend to be slow-growing with an excellent prognosis if surgically excised. – On unenhanced CT, over half are hyperdense to normal brain and about 20% contain calcification. • Vestibular Schwannoma – Their most common symptom is hearing loss, but they also produce tinnitus and disturbances in equilibrium. • OTHER DISEASE • Multiple Sclerosis – Autoimmune and common demyelinating disease. – It characteristically affects myelinated (white matter) tracks with lesions known as plaques. – The lesions produce discrete, globular foci of high signal intensity (white) on T2weighted images. – On T1-weighted, nonenhanced images, they are isointense to hypointense. discrete, globular foci Dawson finger NUCLEAR MEDICINE • A radioisotope an unstable• form of an element that emits radiation from its nucleus as it• decays. • The end product is a stable,• nonradioactive isotope of another element. • Radiopharmaceuticals com-• binations of radioisotopes to a pharmaceutical that has binding to concentrate in certain body tissues (e.g., the lungs, thyroid, or bones). Various body organs have a specific affinity for, or absorption of, different biologically active chemicals. For example, the thyroid takes iodine, the brain utilizes glucose, bones utilize phosphates. After the radiopharmaceutical is carried to a tissue or organ radioactive emissions allow it to be measured and imaged using gamma camera. • RADIOACTIVE DECAY • Gamma rays are identical to “x• Unstable isotopes attempt to rays” except that gamma rays reach stability by one or more of originate from nuclei. several processes. • Fission destructive process that occurs in nuclear reactors. • Alpha particles have high energy, strongly absorbed by adjacent tissue, can cause substantial damage to nearby molecules.. • Beta particles are high energy, high-speed electrons or positrons that have a penetrating power between alpha and gamma rays.. • Gamma decay involves the emission of energy from an unstable nucleus in the form of electromagnetic radiation. • HALF-LIFE • A radioisotope be useful for medical diagnosis if it capable of emitting gamma rays to be measurable outside of the body. • It must have a half-life that is long enough for it to still be radioactive after shipping and preparation, but short to decay soon after it is used for imaging. • EQUIPMENT • The most used radioisotope is technitium- 99m. • Geiger counters – To detect contaminations and detecting low levels of radioactivity. • Scintillation detectors – Scintillation process by which a material called a scintillator luminesces when excited by ionizing radiation. • Gamma cameras – Uses one or more scintillation scintillate in response to gamma rays emitted from the patient. – A computer reconstructs an image based on the distribution and concentration of the radioisotope deposited in the target organ. • SPECT imaging is a nuclear medicine study that is performed by using a gamma camera to acquire 2D images from multiple angles, which are reconstructed into 3D that can be manipulated. • Radiofarmaka radioaktif dan untuk jantung pembawa materi – Pengasingan sel sel darah • Cara penempatan merah yang ditandai Cr51 akan dipanaskan dan – Fagositosis mikrokoloid dimasukkan secara IV difagosit di RES untuk hati, untuk limpa, Ti201 untuk limpa, sumsum tulang dan miokard jantung. KGB regional. – Transportasi aktif sel tubuh• Syarat radiofarmaka memindahkan radiofarmaka – T1/2 singkat, radiasi minmal dari plasma darah ke organ. – Sebaiknya monoenergi foton – Penghalang kapiler – Tidak menganggu fungsi makrokoloid untuk perfusi fisiologis dan metaboliems paru deteksi emboli – Tidak toksik – Pertukaran difus pembawa – Cepat diekskresi materi bertukar tempat dengan senyawa yang sama dari organ. – Komparmental Blood pool • NUCLEAR MEDICINE SAFETY • Radiopharmaceuticals are prescription drugs that require dispensing by a physician. • Dose calibration is essential in ensuring that a safe and effective• amount of radiopharmaceutical is given. • A locked and controlled area is needed for the storage and• preparation of radiopharmaceu-• ticals. • Techniques need to be in place to ensure the material being injected is sterile and free of pyrogens. • Spills have prescribed methods for containing and cleaning as well as disposing of the material used for the cleanup. The area in which the spill has occurred may be monitored by using Geiger counters. Some radioisotopes can cross the placenta and be concentrated in the fetal thyroid, pass through breast milk to the child. Adverse effect extremely rare. Patients may be assigned to private rooms without outside visitors for 24 hours. • BONE SCANNING • Body is imaged about 2 to 4 • Screening method of choice for hours after injection. the detection of osseous• Metastases to Bone metastatic disease and for – Tc-99m MDP deposits in the diagnosing fractures. greatest concentration in • The disadvantages of bone those areas of greatest bone scanning are poor spatial and turnover. contrast resolution. – Pattern multiple, asymme• Technetium-99m methylene ditric focal areas of increased phosphonate most used for bone uptake (“hot spots”) on bone scanning. scans. • Diphosphonates are rapidly removed from the circulation and produce little background noise from uptake in soft tissues. • After the intravenous injection most of the dose is quickly extracted by the bone. Normal Metastase Hot spot – Photopenic lesion (cold spot) area of abnormally diminished or absent radiotracer uptake on the bone scan. Caused by an interruption of the blood supply so that no radiopharmaceutical can reach the area or when a process is so destructive that no bone-forming elements remain. – Superscans diffuse and relatively uniform uptake of radioisotope in bones. Occurs when there is extensive involvement with metastatic disease but can also be seen in bones with diffusely high turnover rates such as in hyperparathyroidism. – The clue to this abnormality is decreased or absent uptake in the kidneys, because so much is extracted by the bone. – Bone scans may be positive within 24 hours after a fracture. • Osteomyelitis • A triple-phase bone scan first minute after injection (flow phase), about 5 minutes after injection (blood pool or tissue phase), and then 2 to 4 hours after injection (delayed or skeletal phase) • Cellulitis will demonstrate increased uptake in the soft tissue on both the tissue phase and the skeletal phase. • Osteomyelitis will show clearance of the tracer from the soft tissues with progressive uptake in the bone on the skeletal phase. • LIVER AND LIEN SCANNING dan non obstruksi • Memakai cara fagositosis • Penilaian • RES ada banyak di hati dan – Scan I 5 menit setelah injeksi limpa, bila ada lesi sel RES menilai bentuk, besar dan gagal menangkap radiofarmaka posisi hati, bila ada lesi akan cold spot atau hole tampak hole • Variasi normal penurunan – Scan II 15-30 menit setelah aktivitas fokal di hilus, tempat injeksi menilai saluran dan keluar vena hepatika, akibat kandung empedu penekanan ginjal, tertutupnya – Scan III 60 menit setelah kaudaventral hati oleh kandung injeksi aktvitas kandung empedu. empedu dan usus, bila tidak • GALL BLADDER SCANNING ada scan IV 20 jam setelah injeksi tetap tidak ada • BSP, Rose bengal, IDA obstruksi total. dikeluarkan dari darah oleh sel poligonal hati ekskresi ke saluran cerna lewat empedu • Untuk bedain ikterik obstruksi • THYROID SCANNING • Sel kelenjar gondok menangkap ion I untuk sintesis T3 dan T4 • Indikasi menilai besar, anatomi dan letak, evaluasi nodul, efek terapi, massa leher dan mesdiatinum serta uptake tiroid • Keterbatasan kelenjar gondok normal dengan fungsi rendh menunjukkan cold • KIDNEY SCANNING • Renogram – Evaluasi semikuantitatif fungsi ginjal – Indikasi menilai kelainan unilateral ginjal dan untuk penderita yang sensitif media – – – – – – kontras Fase vaskuler keadaan perfusi ke ginjal, normlanya 45 detik Fase sekresi fungsi absorpsi sampai sekresi, 3-5 menit Fase ekskresi funsgsi bersihan, 7-15 menit bila memanjang obstruksi Obstruksi non mekanik <10 menit Obstruksi mekanik >10 menit 10-20 menit obstriksi parsial • Scan ginjal • – Indikasi menilai besar,• bentuk, letak ginjal, fungsi secara kuantitatif, evaluasi• trauma, tumor, kista • LUNG SCANNING • Makrokoloid menghalangi kapiler paru, mendeteksi emboli tampak cold • Keterbatasan KI pada penyakit jantung bawaan dan hipoksia berat • HEART SCANNING • Ventrikulografi Infark miokard cold BRAIN SCANNING Kerusakan BBB, iskemi materi masuk ke ekstraseluler otak hot spot PAYUDARA DAN TIROID • MAMMOGRAFI gakan dan metastasis • Mengenal secara dini kegana-• Tanda primer san payudara – Kepadatan tumor ↑ densi• > berperan pada payudara detas, batas tidak teratur, ngan jaringan lemak yang domispikula, ekor seperti komet nan serta jaringan fibroglandular – Perbedaan besar tumor sedikit (>40 tahun) – Mikrokalsifikasi • Indikasi – Ada benjolan pada payudara – Rasa tidak enak pada payudara – Risiko tinggi Ca – Pembesaran KGB mencuri- GI ABNORMALITIES • ESOPHAGUS • Patient drinking liquid barium • single contrast, or accompanied by a gas producing agent that provides the “air” doublecontrast. • Video esophagography study of the swallowing mechanism, performed with fluoroscopy. • Choice for diagnosing and documenting aspiration, in which ingested substances pass into the trachea below the level of the vocal cords. Fluoroscopic can also reveal abnormalities in esophageal motility. – Example tertiary waves are common but abnormality representing disordered and nonpropulsive contractions of the esophagus. Tertiary waves • Esophageal Diverticula • Diverticula of the GI tract are usually produced when the mucosal and submucosal layers herniate through a defect in the muscular layer of the bowel wall. • Diverticula produce an outpouching that projects beyond the borders of the lumen. • 3 locations – In the neck, the diverticulum is posteriorlylocated and is called a Zenker diverticulum. – Diverticula at the level of the carina may be caused by extrinsic inflammatory such as tuberculosis (traction diverticula) – Diverticula just above the esophagogastric junction are called epiphrenic diverticula. weakness in the posterior wall of the hypopharynx (Zenker diverticulum) fibrosis, which pulls on the esophagus, forming a traction diverticulum above the diaphragm in the distal esophagus (epiphrenic diverticulum) ( Pseudodiverticula True Pseudodiverticula • Esophageal Carcinoma • The lack of an esophageal serosa and a rich supply of lymphatics extension and dissemination of esophageal carcinoma. • Adenocarcinomas arise in esophageal epithelium metaplasia from squamous to columnar epithelium (Barrett esophagus. • Barium esophagrams suggest this diagnosis. • Appear in 1/> of several forms annular constricting lesion, polypoid mass, a superficial, infiltrating lesion or ulceration; and irregularity of the wall. Ulceration annular constricting polypoid mass Irregular and rigid • Hiatal Hernia and Gastroesophageal Reflux • Hiatal hernias divided into the sliding type esophagogastric junction lies above the diaphragm, or the paraesophageal type portion of the• stomach herniates through the esophageal hiatus, but the EG junction remains below the diaphragm. • Gastroesophageal reflux usually result of dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter, which normally prevent gastric acid refluxing into the esophagus. • Findings bulbous area of the distal esophagus with failure of the esophagus to narrow on, extension of multiple gastric folds above the diaphragm; and a thin, circumferential filling defect in the distal esophagus called a Schatzki ring. Gastroesophageal reflux barium is seen to move from the stomach retrograde into the esophagus. narrowing a Schatzki ring bulbous collection of contrast stomach herniated above the diaphragm hiatal hernia • STOMACH AND DUODENUM • Lumen of the stomach upper endoscopy • Wall thickness and structures outside of the stomach CT with oral contrast. • Gastric Ulcers • Helicobacter pylori, NSAID • Most ulcers occur on the less curvature or posterior wall in the region of the body or antrum. • Gastric Carcinoma • Gastric carcinomas may be polypoid, infiltrating or ulcerative in form. mound of edematous tissue gastric ulcer gastric folds gastric ulcer walls of the stomach are concave and rigid polypoid filling defect ulceration in the mass • DUODENAL ULCER • Almost all duodenal ulcers occur in the duodenal bulb. • Double-contrast UGI series detecting duodenal ulcers. • Complications of duodenal ulcers, best demonstrated by CT, include obstruction, perforation (into the peritoneal cavity), penetration (such as into the pancreas), or hemorrhage. Zone of edema Collection of barium Peritoneal cavity • SMALL AND LARGE BOWEL • Oral contrast used for CT• examinations is either a dilute solution containing barium or• iodinated contrast. • Thickening of the bowel wall normal small bowel <2.5 cm in diameter, and no thicker than 3 mm, colonic wall does not exceed 3 mm with the lumen distended. • Submucosal edema or hemorrhage varying degrees of thumbprinting, nodular indentations into the bowel lumen representing focal areas of submucosal infiltration by edema, hemorrhage, inflammatory cells, tumor (lymphoma), or amyloid. Hazy or strandlike infiltration of the surrounding fat. Extraluminal contrast or extraluminal air indicates the presence of a bowel perforation. • Small Bowel—Crohn Disease • A chronic, relapsing, granulomatous inflammation of the small bowel and colon resulting in ulceration, obstruction, and fistula formation. • Crohn disease typically involves the ileum and right colon, presents with skip areas, is prone to fistula formation, and has a propensity for recurring. • May be imaged with a barium small bowel follow-through (series) or CT of the abdomen and pelvis. • Findings narrowing, irregularity, and ulceration of the terminal ileum with proximal small bowel dilatation, infiltration of the mesentery surrounding the ileum, the string sign. Fistula String sign Multiple streaks of barium Multiple streaks of barium • LARGE BOWEL • Studied with optical colonoscopy or CT colonography and/or double-contrast barium enema examination. • Diverticulosis • Represent herniation of the mucosa and submucosa through a defect in the muscular layer (false diverticula). • Most common cause of massive lower GI bleeding. • They occur most often in the sigmoid colon and are readily identified on either barium enema or CT examination as small spikes or smoothly contoured collections of air and/or contrast attached to the colon. diverticula contain air and appear as small, usually round outpouchings Circular density diverticula are filled with barium contain air and are outlined with barium • Diverticulitis • Diverticula become inflamed and perforate, most often secondary to mechanical irritation and/or obstruction. • CT is the modality of choice for• the diagnosis. • • CT findings presence of diverticula, thickening of colonic wall (>4 mm), pericolonic inflammation, increased attenuation and/or streaky and disorganized linear and amorphous densities in the pericolonic fat, abscess formation, multiple small bubbles of air or pockets of fluid contained within a pericolonic soft tissue, masslike density, and perforation of the colom extraluminal air or contrast either around the site of the perforation, or less likely, free air in the peritoneal cavity. Colonic Polyps Patients with polyposis syndromes, have a much higher risk of developing a colonic malignancy. Hazy increase in attenuation Small bubble Large cavity Polyp Normal haustra • Colonic polyps can be visualized using either barium enema examination, CT colonography,• or optical colonoscopy. • Polyps may be sessile (attach directly to the wall) or pedunculated (attach to the wall by a stalk). • A polyp may contain numerous fronds that produce an irregular, wormlike surface with numerous crypts that may collect barium (villous polyp). • Villous polyps tend to be larger and have more of a malignant potential than other adenomatous polyps. • Occasionally, a polyp may serve as a lead point for an intussusception. Intussusception may produce a characteristic coiled-spring appearance on barium enema or CT. Polypoid mass in cecum pedunculated polyps. sessile filling defect filling defect coiled-spring MEDIA KONTRAS • Bahan yang sangat radioopak/ – Tekanan osmotik rendah radiolusen membedakan or– Tidak mengalami degradasi gan dengan jaringan sekitarnya. – Minimum protein binding • 2 jenis – Stabil terhadap panas – Kontras (-) = udara O2 dan• Komplikasi CO2 – Ringan Panas, bersin, – Kontras (+) = barium dan gatal, mual iodium – Sedang Urtikaria, • Media kontras iodium ionik kemerahan, muntah, sesak, dan non ionik hipotensi • Media ideal – Berat Edema laring, – Konesntrasi tinggi trombosis PD, henti jantung, – Larut air kematian – Viskositas minimal MRI • Memakai medan magnet – Pasien claustrophobia harus dianestesi • Keuntungan • Intensitas hipointens, isoin– Tidak memakai sinar X tens, hiperintens – Tidak merusak kesehatan – Air Hipointens T1, hiperin– Jarang memakai kontras tens T2 – Dapat menunjukkan parame– Lemak atau darah ter biologik Hiperintens T1 dan T2 – Potongan dapat 3D – Kalsifikasi Hipointens T1 • Kerugian dan T2 – Mahal – Waktu pemeriksaan lama – Pasien mengandung metal tidak bisa diperiksa • Kepala • • T1 Gray matter sinyal lebih• sedikit, CSF tidak memiliki sinyal• hipointens • • T2 Gray matter sinyal tinggi,• CSF juga hiperintens • • Membedakan lemak dengan darah fat supression lemak akan menjadi hipointens, jika darah akan tetap hiperintens • Jantung • Dinding tampak abu-abu, atrium dan ventrikel tampak hitam, lemak tampak putih • Kandung empedu dan Saluran • Cairan pekat periintensif, encer hipointensif Batu hipointensif Limpa Sinyal T2 tinggi Pankreas Lebih butuh kontras Pankreatitis akut organ membesar, jaringan sekitar menyempit hiperintens • Ginjal • Pengamanan Khusus • Bedakan korteks dan parenkim di – Pasien dengan alat pacu T1 jantung tidak boleh MRI • Sumbatan ureter pielum – Protase, klips dan lainnya melebar, ureter melebar, urin boleh di MRI tapi akan banyak T1 hipointens, T2 menimbulkan artefak hiperintens – Hamil trimester I tidak boleh • Fibrolipomatosis lemak – Sakit jantung dan epilepsi hiperintens harus diawasi • Tulang Belakang – Claustrophobia harus • T1 intensitas sedang, likuor hitam dianestesi T2 jadi hiperintens • Degeneratif isointens pada T1, hipointens pada T2 (normalnya T2 hiperintens)