Uploaded by Regina Zimmerman

Candy Classification Worksheet

Candy Classificiation Activity
Name: _________________ Date: ________
Block: ____
I. Initial Sort – Sort the candy in your bag, then answer the questions below.
1) Identify three different physical traits you used to classify your candy._____________________
2) How many categories do you have? ___________________
3) Explain your categories: _________________________________________________________
II. Using the dichotomous key (obtain from your teacher), classify each piece of candy to discover its
“scientific name.”
Complete the chart below for each piece of candy.
Common Name
EX: Dums Dums
Scientific Name
1b 7a 8a 11a
(Genus) (species)
Tootsie rolls
Gummy bears
Jolly Rancher
Peppermint ** (EC)
4. How many choices does a dichotomous key provide at each step? ______________________________
5. As you used the dichotomous key to identify the candy, did the characteristics you used start out simple,
and become more specific? ______________
6. Name a specific candy from the chart. Explain how it went from being really simple, to super specific?
7. Explain in your own words what a dichotomous key is, and how it could be useful in classifying living
things: ______________________________________________________________________________