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HRM Assignment 1: Human Resource Management Questions

HRM - 1
August 7, 2019
Human Resource Management –
Assignment 1
Question 1 Compensation Administration
Select the most appropriate option.
Managers never own complete responsibility for the all the decisions made by them since they are
not the owners of the business is the assumption of ------- .
1. Equity theory
2. Expectancy theory
3. Agency theory
4. Contingency theory
ANS: 3
Question 2
Select the most appropriate option.
If an employer fails to train an employee adequately and an employee subsequently does harm to
a third party, the court could find the employer liable for ------- .
1. Negligent hiring
2. Discrimination
3. Negligent training
4. Occupational fraud
5. Adverse action
ANS: 3
Question 3
Select the most appropriate option.
------- application blanks are also prepared by some organizations to record personal history items
associated with job success.
1. Weighted
2. Observed
3. Organised
4. Associated
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ANS: 1 (Review of Application Blanks)
The application blank form is designed to have detailed information about the applicants.
Question 4 Unit 22 Transfer p313
Select the most appropriate option.
Lateral transfer is the ------- movement of employees and denotes significant change in the work
1. Vertical
2. Horizontal
3. Equivalent
4. None of the above
ANS: 1 (Lateral and Horizontal Transfer)
Question 5
Select the most appropriate option.
------- are complex sets of goals, policies, procedures, rules, steps to be taken, resources to be
employed and other elements necessary to carry out a given course of action.
1. Personnel Programmes
2. Strategies
3. Regulations
4. None of the above
ANS: 4
Question 6
Select the most appropriate option.
The term bottom-up approach is commonly associated with :
1. Work study technique
2. Delphi technique
3. Managerial judgment
4. Normal group technique
ANS: 3
Question 7
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State whether the given statement is true or false.
Some organizations cooperate with one another during recruitment drives to minimize individual
recruitment costs.
1. true
2. false
ANS: 1 (
Question 8
Select the most appropriate option.
Orientation typically includes information on ------ .
1. Employee benefits
2. Personnel policies
3. Daily routine
4. Safety measures
5. All of the above
Question 9
Select the most appropriate option.
Employers can supplement the job description and specification with a ------- that consolidates
information regarding required tasks and skills in a format that is helpful for determining training
1. Performance record form
2. Training assessment form
3. Task analysis record form
4. Skill sheet
5. Work function analysis
ANS: 3
Question 10 Unit 23: Compensation Administration p325
Select the most appropriate option.
The term ------ includes amounts paid in addition to wages over a period of time including
holiday pay, overtime pay, bonus, social security benefit, etc.
1. Allowances
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2. Basic Wage
3. Incentives
4. None of the above
ANS: 1
Question 11 Unit 23 Compensation Administration p321
Select the most appropriate option.
Providing equal pay for jobs of equal nature based on job evaluation ensures ------- in
compensation administration.
1. External equity
2. Internal equity
3. Neutrality
4. None of the above
ANS: 2 (Compensation - Equity and Pay Rates)
Question 12 Compensation Administration
Select the most appropriate option.
Which of the following factors is not an external influencing factor in wages and salary
1. Cost of living
2. Labour legislations
3. Labour market conditions
4. Ability to pay
ANS: 4 (Factors Influencing Compensation (Wages and Salary) Adminitration)
Question 13 Unit 6: Job Design p81
Select the most appropriate option.
------- ensures creativity, innovativeness, optimal decision making power, good organizational
practices and better communication.
1. Work measurement
2. Method study
3. Job Assessment
4. Job Context
ANS: 2 (Method Study)
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Question 14
Select the most appropriate option.
The process of verifying that there is a performance deficiency and determining if such deficiency
should be corrected through training or through some other means is called ------- .
1. Needs analysis
2. Task analysis
3. Performance analysis
4. Training strategy
5. Development planning
Question 15 Unit 9: Qualitative Models p143
State whether the given statement is true or false.
Unlike Delphi method, nominal group method involves a panel of experts.
1. true
2. false
ANS: FALSE (Nominal Group Method (for better Managerial Judgement))
Question 16
Select the most appropriate option.
Which best defines how well a test or selection procedure measures a person’s attributes?
1. Reliability
2. Testing
3. Validity
4. Organizational constraint
ANS: 3 (Validating the Selection process)
Question 17 Unit 1: Introduction to HRM & HRD p31
Select the most appropriate option.
------- is the interrelationship between HRD practices and organizational effectiveness.
1. HRD Culture
2. Organisational Development
3. HRD Matrix
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4. Organisational Culture
ANS: 3 (HRD Matrix)
Question 18
Select the most appropriate option.
--------- method creates a situation that is as far as possible a replica of the real situation for
imparting training.
1. The programmed learning
2. The Simulation
3. The case study
4. The lecture
ANS: 2
Question 19
Select the most appropriate option.
ILO defined ------- as "a technique for determining as accurately as possible from a limited
number of observations the time necessary to carry out a given activity at a defined standard of
1. Work measurement
2. Method study
3. Job evaluation
4. Time study
ANS: 4 (Time Study)
Question 20
Select the most appropriate option.
Information regarding job-related knowledge or skills and required personal attributes is included
in the information about ------- an HR specialist may collect during a job analysis.
1. Work activities
2. Human behaviors
3. Human requirements
4. Performance standards
5. Job context
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Question 21
Select the most appropriate option.
------- is defined by the British Standards Institute as "the application of techniques designed to
establish the time for a qualified worker to carry out a specified job at the defined level of
1. Work measurement
2. Job Evaluation
3. Method Study
4. Work Context
ANS: 1 (Work Measurement)
Question 22
Select the most appropriate option.
Which of the following is the first step in succession planning?
1. Creating an applicant pool
2. Assessing possible candidates
3. Identifying and analyzing key jobs
4. Selecting who will fill key positions
5. Developing the strengths of current employees
ANS: 3 (Succession Planning – Steps of Succession Planning)
The first step of succession planning is to prepare and develop a management staffing plan for all
anticipated needs in different time frames.
Question 23
Select the most appropriate option.
One of the major deficiencies of ------- is that it holds good for a small homogenous group.
1. Job Analysis
2. Cohort Analysis
3. Census Analysis
4. None of the above
ANS: 2 (Different Methods of Wastage Analysis – Cohort Analysis)
Question 24
Select the most appropriate option.
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Advertisements through newspapers, TV, radio, professional journals and magazines are ------methods of recruitment.
1. Direct
2. Indirect
3. Third-party
4. None of the above
ANS: 2 (Methods of Recruitment)
Question 25 Unit 2: Human Resource Policies p36
State whether the given statement is true or false.
Like any other programme of management, programme can be thought of as a "stable policy of
action that continues over an extensive period of time."
1. true
2. false
ANS: 2 (HR Programme)
Question 26
State whether the given statement is true or false.
Policy is not a strategy or tactic.
1. true
2. false
Question 27
Select the most appropriate option.
A scientific approach to study and then solving organizational issues experienced by an
organization is called:
1. Action research
2. Applied research
3. Pure research
4. None of the above
Question 28 Unit 23: Compensation Administration p325
Select the most appropriate option.
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While deciding the basic wage which of the following criteria may be considered?
1. Skill needs of the job
2. Experience needed
3. Training needed
4. All of the above
ANS: 4 (Wages – Basic Wage)
Question 29 Unit 1: Introduction to HRM & HRD p11
Select the most appropriate option.
------- is the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents, aptitudes, values, attitudes and
beliefs of the people of an organization.
1. Human Resource Management
2. Organisational Development
3. Industrial Relations
4. All of the above
ANS: 1
Question 30
Select the most appropriate option.
Which of the following is the area from which applicants can be recruited?
1. Job agencies
2. Labour markets
3. Employment lines
4. Labour unions
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ANS: 2
Question 31
Select the most appropriate option.
Which of the following training methods is the most popular?
1. On-the-job training
2. Apprenticeship training
3. Informal learning
4. Job instruction training
5. Lectures
Question 32
Select the most appropriate option.
Human Resource Planning (HRP) helps to plan ------- in manpower competencies in a systematic
1. Replacements
2. Changes
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above
ANS: 1
Question 33
Select the most appropriate option.
The systematic and deliberate advancement made by an individual in his career in the entire work
life is known as :
1. Career path
2. Career goals
3. Career anchoring
4. Career guidance
ANS: 1
Question 34
State whether the given statement is true or false.
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Orientation is generally the formal information.
1. true
2. false
Question 35
Select the most appropriate option.
------- also clarify what is to be done in particular circumstances.
1. Programmes
2. Objectives
3. Procedures
4. Policies
ANS: 3 (HR Policies & Procedures)
Question 36
Select the most appropriate option.
The first factor in deciding the supply of labour is:
1. Developing staffing tables
2. Issuing advertisements
3. Preparing replacement charts
4. Analysing labour markets
5. Auditing present employees
ANS: 3
Question 37
Select the most appropriate option.
Which of the following is the major form of promotion?
1. Informal promotion
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2. Formal promotion
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above
ANS: 3
Question 38
Fit the best option.
A Blank 1
is a change of job to a higher level within the organisation.
ANS: Promotion
Question 39
Select the most appropriate option.
HR ------- consists of the entire broad course of action governing employees at all levels
(including management) in a firm.
1. Objective
2. Programme
3. Procedure
4. Policy
ANS: 2 (HR Programme)
Question 40
Select the most appropriate option.
What is the term given to the process of "leading" people into the organisation?
1. Orientation
2. Introduction
3. Induction
4. All of the above
ANS: 4
Question 41
Select the most appropriate option.
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------ movement of employees from one job to another may be either due to promotion, demotion,
organizational restructuring or may be for routine administrative reasons.
1. Versatility
2. Lateral
3. Parallel
4. None of the above
ANS: 2 (HRP Transfer)
Question 42 Unit 1 Intro to HRM & HRD p12
Select the most appropriate option.
The process of enhancing the technical skills of workers in a short period is called --------.
1. Training
2. Development
3. Education
4. None of the above
ANS: (Training)
Question 43
Select the most appropriate option.
Which of the following is not a component of job design?
1. Job enrichment
2. Job rotation
3. Job reengineering
4. Job outsourcing
ANS: 4 (Job Design – Critical Components of Job Design)
Question 44
Select the most appropriate option.
Looking at socio-technical systems, which job design principle is not important?
1. Task variety
2. Skill variety
3. Feedback
4. Task autonomy
5. None of the above
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ANS: 5
Question 45
Select the most appropriate option.
Needs assessment should consider all but :
1. The person
2. Supervisor input
3. Changes in the external environment
4. Key changes
5. Training objectives
ANS: 3
Question 46
Select the most appropriate option.
Ergonomics is not concerned with which of the following aspects:
1. Supervisory skills
2. Noise levels
3. Working temperatures
4. Illumination levels
ANS: 1 (Designing the working environment – ergonomics)
Question 47
Select the most appropriate option.
Teaching by a wise and trusted superior on a one-to-one basis is called :
1. In-basket training
2. Behaviour modelling
3. Mentoring
4. Action Learning
ANS: 3
Question 48
Select the most appropriate option.
------- analysis is based on the estimates made on past experience. Thus it is less systematic.
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1. Indirect
2. Direct
3. Future
4. None of the above
ANS: 1 (Analysis of Performance)
Question 49
Select the most appropriate option.
The job context component of a job description does not -------.
1. Encompass both tasks and KSAOs
2. Describe physical demands
3. Describe environmental characteristics
4. Address pay scales
ANS: 3
Question 50
State whether the given statement is true or false.
In formulating policies, the first consideration is the objective or purpose.
1. true
2. false
ANS: 1 (TRUE) (Considerations in Developing HR Policies)
Question 51
Select the most appropriate option.
A list of the minimum qualifications or requirements needed by an employee to perform a job is
known as a ------- .
1. Job analysis
2. Job description
3. Responsibility factor list
4. Job specification
ANS: 4 (Job Specification & Job Description)
Question 52
Select the most appropriate option.
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Which of the following is the most objective method of identifying the potential successor in
succession management?
1. Performance evaluation
2. Peer group suggestion
3. Superior’s recommendation
4. Management’s preference
ANS: 1
Question 53
Select the most appropriate option.
Which of the following is not a trend in job design?
1. Quality control
2. Cross training
3. Jobs for life
4. Team approaches
ANS: 3
Question 54
Select the most appropriate option.
Some evidence suggests that applicants may be less likely to engage in “impression
management”. What type of interview would this occur in?
1. Telephone
2. Computerized
3. Face-to-face
4. Behavioural testing
ANS: 1
Question 55
Select the most appropriate option.
What is meant by ‘internal’ and ‘external’ fit?
1. The level of consistency between HR policies
2. HR policies which are complementary and consistent within the organisation and
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with the overall business strategy
3. The level of consistency and coherence between HR policies
4. The extent to which HR policies match business strategy
ANS: 2
Question 56
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
In Delphi technique, criteria for evaluating responses should be consistent, unbiased and
befitting with the objectives. Which of the following guidelines need to be followed for
evaluating responses?
1. Consider the assessment made by the experts in terms of their knowledge in the
2. Consider the assessment in terms of feasibility, objectives, time and resource
3. Consider the assessment in terms of desirability.
4. Consider the assessment in terms of restricted factors.
ANS: 1, 2 & 3
Question 57
Select the most appropriate option.
Which of the following is a good definition of a task?
1. A grouping of elements to form an identifiable work activity that is a logical and
necessary step in the performance of a job
2. A grouping of jobs, usually according to function
3. A grouping of jobs according to generic job title or occupation
4. A grouping of positions that are similar in their tasks and task dimensions
ANS: 1
Question 58
Select the most appropriate option.
Recruitment and selection must be effective to ensure it:
1. Offsets high labour turnover
2. Delivers the highest calibre of individuals at optimum most
3. To have a surplus in case of sickness and absence
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4. Encourages new blood into the organization
ANS: 2
Question 59
Select the most appropriate option.
Job analysis is carried out on which of the following occasions?
1. It is undertaken when the organisation is established and a job analysis programme is
taken up for the first time
2. Job Analysis is performed when new jobs are created
3. It is done when jobs undergo radical transformation due to changes in new
technologies, methods, procedures or systems.
4. All of the above
ANS: 4
Question 60
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Which of the following factor(s) is/ are responsible for development of this profession in a
phased manner?
1. Social changes are also taking place at a fast pace. Business function is no longer a
mere profit multiplying one. Organization being a part of the society, also owes
something to it.
2. The political development also restructured trade unionism. Trade unionists are no
longer mere wage bargainers.
3. The structural changes in employment (more oriented towards white collared jobs,
gradual decline of unskilled jobs) and changes in sector distribution of employment
(more geared to tertiary or service sectors) also bought a great challenge to the
4. Technological changes are taking place at a rapid pace throughout the world. Such
changes have a great bearing upon personnel functions because they fundamentally
changed the relationship between people and work. From an overall point of view,
they induced a major change in the economic system and the structure of the
5. The rising competition both at home and abroad (in cases of International Trade),
virtually reduces the profit to the level of production cost (unless the industry is
monopolist). The free movement of technology from one country to another does
not allow any production process to monopolise a particular technology for their use.
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ANS: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 (Development Process) (Performance Mgt Systems & Strategies –
Question 61
Select the most appropriate option.
Which of the following is / are the objective(s) (and advanatges) of succession planning ?
1. Improved job filling for key positions through broader candidate search, and faster
2. Active development of longer-term successors through ensuring their careers
progress, and by making sure they get the range of work experiences they need for
the future.
3. Encouraging a culture of "progression" through developing employees who are seen
as a ‘business resource’ and who share key skills, experiences and values seen as
important to the future of the business.
4. All of the above
5. Only (1) and (2)
ANS: 5
Question 62 Unit 19 Training Methods p268
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Which of the following is / are Off-the Job methods?
1. E-learning: Training programmes delivered via intranet arenow thought of most costeffective route. It is not only costeffective but also caters to the real time
information need ofemployees. However, it involves convergence of
severaltechnologies, like; hardware, software, web-designing and authoring,
instructional design, multimedia design,telecommunications and finally internetintranet networkmanagement. Organizations can outsource e-learning
trainingmodules at relatively cheaper rate.
2. Case study method helps students to learn ontheir own by independent thinking. A
set of data or some descriptive materials are given to the participants asking them to
analyse, identify the problems and also to recommend solutions for the same.
3. Programmed Instruction method is prearranged desired course of proceeding to the
learning or acquisition of specific skills or knowledge. Information in such
programmes is conveniently broken into different units, to allow the trainees to
learn at their convenient pace.
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4. T-Group Training is sensitivity training, and takes place under laboratory conditions
and is mostly instructed and informal kind of training. The trainer in such a training
programme is catalyst. He helps the individual participants to understand how others
perceive his behaviour, how he acts to the behaviour of others and how and when a
group acts either in a negative or in a positive way.
5. Role Playing training method particularly helps in learning human relations skills
thorough practice an imbibing and insight into one's own behaviour. Trainees of such
a programme are informed of a situation and asked to play their roles in the
imaginary situation before the rest of the class. This therefore helps in the enriching
of interactional skills of the employees.
ANS: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 (Training Methods – Off – the – Job Methods)
Question 63
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
The coverage of personnel policies has been classified on the basis of functions of HRM by
Michael Armstrong and is outlined as:
1. Social responsibility include: i. Equity: Treating employees fairly and justly by
adopting an even-handed approach. ii. Consideration: Considering individual
circumstances when decisions affect the employee’s prospects, seniority or selfrespect. iii. Quality of work life: Increase the interest in the job and organisation by
reducing monotony, increasing variety of responsibilities avoiding stress and strain.
2. Relations policies cover different aspects of human relations like: policies regarding
motivation, morale, communication, leadership styles, grievance procedure,
disciplinary procedure, employee counselling, etc. These policies also cover the areas
of industrial relations like union recognition, union representation, collective
bargaining, prevention and settlement of industrial disputes and participative
management. In order to be effective they must be written on the basis of authentic
information available from different sources.
3. Development policies should cover the kind of employees to be trained, time span of
training programmes, techniques, rewarding and awarding system, qualifications and
experience of the trainer, encouraging the employees for self-advancement, etc.
These policies also cover areas like career planning and development, performance
appraisal, organisational change and organisational development.
4. In Employment policies, provision of equal employment opportunities involves –
selecting the candidates based on job requirements and encouraging them to put in
their 100 percent .
5. Promotion policies should reconcile the demands of employees for growth and the
organisation’s demands for fresh and much more promising talent. Promotion policy
should be fair and just to all.
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ANS: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Mistakes : 5, 11,32, 36, 45, 49,53, 54
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