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Mycotoxin Worksheet: Fungal Toxins & Food Safety

Mycotoxin questions:
15 pts.
Name ___________________
Read the whole question before answering. This page is due Friday April 3 at 5pm. Please work alone and without
your notes or outside help. Email back to me.
1a. The presence of mycotoxins in food is an emerging problem. Explain your answer. Fill in the chart
below for ONE mycotoxin
Fungus that produces
it (genus)
Nature of the toxin
Physiological cause of
of poisoning
b. List two other genera of fungi and name two toxins that may be produced by members of each of
those genera.
Toxin 1
Toxin 2
c. Recently there has been a large push for organic foods that are marketed as being healthier for you.
Comment on how this relates to the mycotoxin you described in part “a” of this question. About 40-45
words is enough.