Uploaded by Manjula Korapolu


¨ He is the only President to have a patent. He invented a device to free steamboats that
ran aground
¨ He practiced law without any degree. He was a wrestler.
¨ He fought for the women to have the right to vote in 1836.
¨ He was a huge animal lover, but he wouldn’t hunt or fish.
¨ He was the first President to use telegraph.
¨ His shoe size was between 12 and 14
¨ He was the first President to be assassinated.
¨ He kept his important documents inside his hat.
¨ He had only 18 months of format schooling.
It is the most populous city in the entire European Union. Romans first settled here.
It is formed by two ancient cities. More than 300 languages are spoken here.
World’s first public zoo opened here in 1829.
First city to host the Olympic Games 3 times (1908,1948,2012)
The Blitz and other bombing by the German Luftwaffe during World War II killed over
30,000 people and destroyed many houses.
• It has 43 universities, the largest concentration of higher education in Europe.
• It has the world’s oldest underground railway network.
• The double- declares bus is an icon of this city.
The babies of these animals can run within hours of birth.
They are social animals and are very peaceful animals who rarely exhibit aggression.
They have two rows of eyelashes to protect their eyes.
Ears are small & hairy but with extremely strong sense of hearing.
They symbolize patience, tolerance and endurance.
They are mammals. Their life span is nearly 45 years. They weigh 400-600 kgs.
When they are provoked they spit greenish substance from their stomach and can use
all four legs to kick their opponent in self defense.
¨ People buy me to eat, but never eat me.
What am I?
¨ Which word is written incorrectly in all dictionaries?
¨ Feed me, it will give me life, but when you give me a drink, I will die.
What am I?
¨ What gets wet when drying?
¨ Which five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
¨ What was the largest island in the world before Australia was discovered?
¨ I exist only when there is light but direct full light kills me.
Who am I?