Cooking book

Cooking Book Project
NWT is a lot about projects and hands-on. Lucky you, I HAVE THOUGHT OF THE
You will become a nutritionist, for the next 2 weeks. You will have to create a
cooking book, inspired by different recipes online or at home. Not only you will
have to write it, but you will also have to test some of them
Here are the requirements:
-Cover page (with a picture of you, testing one of your recipe);
-Table of content;
-The cooking book has to have an aim: healthy, non-processed food recipes,
easy to do (different levels—beginner to intermediate), few and easy
accessible ingredients. Think coronavirus accessible ingredients
-Minimum of 10 recipes; can be created by you or inspired by other
cooking books (explain what was modified in this case)
-Each recipe has to contain a food label type of information, including
type of nutrients (clearly identified), total energy value, specific
-Each recipe has to have a small explanation about the positive attributes
for your health (for example; does it contain probiotics? Antioxidants?
-3 to 5 recipes have to be tested. Please don’t waste food and make it a
fun family experience (don’t add work to your busy parents, make them
save time instead
). These recipes have to have extra information and
clearly be identified as the tested one. I should read feedbacks on this
same page. If improvements have to be done, it has to be precise and
-Last page, I want your feedbacks and comments about the whole thing.
-Be orginal!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Finally, I want to have a short clip of you cooking one of your recipe. Prove it
to me! It should contain the beginning (when you start), the actual cooking
process and the end product. I have a feeling I’ll laugh a lot!
If time as to be adjusted, I will. Let’s just see how it goes. I will ask you to post
your ungoing work as an assignment to see how you plan your time and how
far you made it.
And of course, it will count.
Have fun, I think you will!