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IT Basics: System vs Application Software, Encoding, Ergonomics

Well it's simple. Information Technology (IT) encompass the study and application of
computers, and any structure of telecommunications that store, retrieve and send information.
IT includes a mixture of hardware and software used collectively to operate the necessary
features humans need and use every day. Most IT gurus will work with an agency to focal point
on and meet their wishes technologically by way of understanding what they need, displaying
them alternatives on what modern science is reachable to do their wished tasks, then imposing
the technology into their cutting-edge setup, or creating a whole new set up.
Explain between System Software and Application Software?
Software is all immaterial or intangible part that runs a computer to perform a series of specific
tasks, software encompassing all the digital information that makes the set of physical and
material elements that conform the computer work intelligently.
Computer software, or only software, is a kind of program that enable a user to perform some
specific task or used to operate a computer. It directs all the peripheral devices on the
computer system - what to do and how to perform a task. PC Software plays the role of
mediator between the user and computer hardware. Without software, a user can’t perform
any task on a digital computer
A computer system can be divided into three components: the hardware, the software, and the
users. Software can be further divide into mainly two parts: Application software and System
System software is a type of computer program that is designed to run a computer’s hardware
and application programs. If we think of the computer system as a layered model, the system
software is the interface between the hardware and user applications. The operating system
(OS) is the best-known example of system software. The OS manages all the other programs in
a computer. System software will start running once you turn your computer on. It will
continue running until the time that you will turn off your computer.
Application software, or simply applications, are often called productivity programs or enduser programs because they enable the user to complete tasks, such as creating documents,
spreadsheets, databases and publications, doing online research, sending email, designing
graphics, running businesses, and even playing games! Application software is specific to the
task it is designed for and can be as simple as a calculator application or as complex as a word
processing application Application software will run only when required to do so. You will start
a word processor when you need to open or prepare some documents
The main difference between System Software and Application Software is System Software are
programs such as the operating system, that control the operation of a computer and its
devices and that enable the computer to run application software whereas Application
Software are those programs that enables users to perform specific tasks on a computer, such
as writing a letter or playing a game.
One characteristic in which most system software differs from application software is
machine dependency. Application Software doesn't depend on the structure of the machine on
which it works whereas System Software depends on the structure of the machine on which it
is executed
Examples of system software are: Operating System, Compiler, Assembler, Macro Processor,
Loader or Linker, Debugger, Text Editor, DBMS
Some examples of application software are word processor, web browser, media player, etc
2 Explain the ASCII, EBCDIC and the Unicode encoding system.
Pronounced ask-ee, ASCII is the acronym for the American Standard Code
for Information Interchange. It is a code for representing 128 English characters as numbers,
with each letter assigned a number from 0 to 127. For example, the ASCII code
for uppercase M is 77. Most computers use ASCII codes to represent text, which makes it
possible to transfer data from one computer to another.
ASCII is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
It is a code that uses numbers to represent characters. Each letter is assigned a number
between 0 and 127. A upper and lower case character are assigned different numbers. For
example the character A is assigned the decimal number 65, while a is assigned decimal 97 as
shown below int the ASCII table.
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) An alleged character set used on
IBM dinosaurs. It exists in at least six mutually incompatible versions, all featuring such delights
as non-contiguous letter sequences and the absence of several ASCII punctuation characters
fairly important for modern computer languages. IBM adapted EBCDIC from punched card code
in the early 1960s and promulgated it as a customer-control, spurning the already established
ASCII standard. Today, IBM claims to be an open-systems company, but IBM's own description
of the EBCDIC variants and how to convert between them is still internally classified top-secret,
burn-before-reading. Hackers blanch at the very name of EBCDIC and consider it a
manifestation of purest evil. See also fear and loathing.
Unicode is a character encoding standard that has widespread acceptance. Microsoft software
uses Unicode at its core. Whether you realize it or not, you are using Unicode already! Basically,
“computers just deal with numbers. They store letters and other characters by assigning a
number for each one. Before Unicode was invented, there were hundreds of different encoding
systems for assigning these numbers. No single encoding could contain enough characters. 1”
This has been the problem we, in SIL, have often run into.
Encoding involves the use of a code to change original data into a form that can be used by an
external process.The type of code used for converting characters is known as American
Standard Code for Information Interchange , the most commonly used encoding scheme for
files that contain text. ASCII contains printable and nonprintable characters that represent
uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols, punctuation marks and numbers. A unique number
is assigned to some characters.
3 What is ergonomics? Why is ergonomics so important to
computer users?
The term ‘ergonomics’ is derived from two Greek words: ‘ergon’, meaning work and ‘nomoi’,
meaning natural laws. Ergonomists study human capabilities in relationship to work demands
Ergonomics is the study of how working conditions, machines and equipment can be arranged
in order that people can work with them more efficiently. As computers are probably the most
ubiquitous type of machine in today’s work and learning environments, the issue of
ergonomically sound interaction with them has come to the fore. In general, computers are
clean, quiet and safe to use. However, poor interaction with and positioning of computer
equipment can lead to health problems such as eyestrain, swollen wrists and backache.
Problems can be avoided by good workplace design and by good working practices. Prevention
is easiest if action is taken early through effective analysis of each workstation.
Computer ergonomics are important because, believe it or not, working at a computer for
prolonged periods of time can actually be harmful to your overall health.
Computer ergonomics work to alleviate the following conditions that can result from a lot of
time on the computer Because we all want to be healthy. Then we can enjoy live and do what
we want. Any kind of pain caused by the computer work can lead to serious health issues.
There are many different things you can improve on your workdesk. That’s why I created a
website about a computer ergonomics where I collected all the tips you can use for improving
your work process.
There are a number of practical steps that can be taken to achieve an ergonomically positive
environment and, furthermore, to promote a safer learning environment. These are: 
Positioning of the person and equipment  Arranging a safe learning environment  Taking
regular breaks
Positioning Body positioning and the positioning of equipment are fundamental to ensuring a
comfortable and healthy interaction with computers. The following recommendations can help
to reduce the risk of health problems:  Sit up straight rather than slouch forward  Use
supports such as foot rests, wrist rests and adjustable chairs  Adjust equipment to the correct
height, distance and angl
Information Technology helps businesses, governments, and people increase their potency and
effectiveness. Speedy improvements in hardware and process ability force customers to
get new, relevant technology. On a market level, this speedy turnover creates demand. From a
firm's perspective but, this could lead to a lower client retention rate. Regardless,
organizations are continued to demand innovative technological solutions, going
away room for brand new entrants, notably those with a singular construct. Corporations
World Health Organization are ready to realize a distinct segment market - or one with low
competition - can find this business attractive. Barriers to entry remain high once coming
into existing markets, thus most potential entrants can realize the business unattractive.
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https://differentiatebetween.com/ http://cactus.io/ https://scripts.sil.org/
https://www.techopedia.com/ https://www.pdsttechnologyineducation.ie/