OBJECTIVE : - To study the Fourier’s Law on linear and radial conduction heat transfer. Illustrate the transfer of heat by conduction in solid materials while varying the parameters affecting conduction. INTRODUCTION: Thermal conduction is a mode of heat transfer which occurs in a material due to the presence of temperature gradient. It is a transfer of energy energy from the more energetic particles to the adjacent less energetic particles. Generally, heat is defined as energy transfer due to the temperature gradients or difference between two points. eat energy can be transferred in three modes, which are conduction, convection, and radiation. !ne of the most common heat hea t transfer modes, which is conduction heat transfer, is defined as heat transferred by molecules that travel a very short distance "#$.%&'m( before colliding with another molecule and e)changing energy. In this e)periment, both linear and radial conduction heat transfer methods are studied. The entire system "insulated heater*specimen, air and laboratory enclosure( are at room temperature initially "t + $(. The heater generates uniform heat flu) as switched on. For linear conduction, an electrical elec trical heating element, which comprises of a heat input section fabricated from brass fitted with an electrical heater, is bonded to one end of a metal rod "heat source(. nother end of the rod, which is also made of brass, is e)posed to heat discharge "heat sin-(. The outer surface of the cylindrical rod is well insulated thus yielding o ne/ dimensional linear heat conduction in the rod once the heating element is switched on. Thermocouples are embedded in the rod, along its centerline. simple mimic diagram for heat conduction along a well/insulated cylindrical rod is shown as below0 For radial conduction, the electrical heating element is bonded to the center part of a circular brass plate "heat source(. The cooling water flows through the ed ge of the plate that acts as a heat sin- for heat discharge. d ischarge. The other surfaces of the plate are well insulated to simulate radial heat conduction from the plate center to its edge when the heating element is switched on. The brass plate has a radius, r plate + %$ mm and thic-ness, t + 1.2 mm. Thermocouples are embedded in the circular plate. simple mimic diagram for heat conduction along a well/ insulated circular plate is shown as below0 EQUIPMENT : The eat 3onduction 4tudy 5ench PROCEDURE : Part A – Linear Conduction aon! a "o#o!eneou$ and Co#%o$ite Bar& 6. The power cable for the 3ylindrical Test 7nit was connected to the display unit. 2. The 2&mm diameter brass specimen was clamped into the intermediate section of the linear module. The thermal paste was applied to the surfaces to ensure proper contact. 1. The thermocouples were inserted into their respective slots. 8. The e9uipment was turned on by turning the main power -nob cloc-wise. &. The water flow was set to 6.8L*min. %. 5y loo-ing at the display, the 3ylindrical Test 7nit was selected by pressing :43 and the pressing the F6 button. ;. The heater is switched on and the power is set to 6$ <. =. The temperatures were monitored through the display unit until the temperatures achieve steady state condition. >. The temperatures were recorded and the thermal conductivity obtained. 6$. The heater is switched off after recording the results and before changing the specimen. 66. 4teps 2 to 6$ were repeated by using 2&mm stainless steel and 6% mm diameter brass specimen. Part B – Radia Conduction aon! Circuar Meta Pate& 6. 2. 1. 8. &. The power cable for the ?adial Test 7nit was connected to the display unit. The thermocouples were inserted into their respective slots. The water flow was set to 6.8 L*min. The system was set to ?adial Test 7nit. The heater was switched on and the power was set to 6$ <. %. The temperatures were being monitored through the display unit until the temperatures reaches steady state condition. ;. The temperatures were recorded and the thermal conductivity obtained. =. The heater is switched off after the recording. The power was switched off after T6 is less than &$ ⁰3. RE'ULT': Linear Conduction: @ower "<( 4pecimen 6$ 2&mm diameter 5rass 6$ 6%mm diameter 5rass 6$ 2&mm diameter 4tainless 4teel 8=.6 8;.6 8&.= 81.6 2&.2 28.= 21.% 21.6 2$.8 8&.> 8&.1 88.1 1$.1 2&.& 28.& 21.> 21.6 ;6.8 8;.= 8; 8% 1=.% 16.2 2&.% 22.> 22.1 82.% T6 "⁰3( T2 "⁰3( T1 "⁰3( T8 "⁰3( T& "⁰3( T% "⁰3( T; "⁰3( T= "⁰3( Theoretical Thermal 3onductivity "<*m.B( -"<*m.B( 2&mm Aiameter 5rass 6%mm Aiameter 5rass 2&8.% 1$&.& 86.= ;=.1 >2.% 2;;.; 1$&&.$ 26=.2 81%.8 2%.6 6;1.% 6$6.= 1$&.& 1$&&.$ 2&mm Aiameter 4tainless 4teel 21&.$ 1=6.> 2=.1 8;.$ 18.1 11>.8 1$&&.$ Aistance "mm( $.$ 6&.$ 1$.$ 8&.$ %$.$ ;&.$ >$.$ 6$&.$ Radia Conduction : @ower "<( ?6 "⁰3( ?2 "⁰3( ?1 "⁰3( ?8 "⁰3( ?& "⁰3( ?% "⁰3( Theoretical Thermal 3onductivity "<*m.B( -"<*m.B( =%.$ ;1.& &&6.% 2&.6 %=.> (RAP"' : Linear Conduction 6$ 1;.& 12.= 11.$ 16.= 2;.6 2&.8 6$%.; Aistance "mm( 6$.$ 6&.$ 2&.$ 1&.$ 8&.$ &&.$ e)periment, the higher temperature gradient is created b y the heater and the lower gradient temperature is made by the cooling water. ?eferring to the results, it shows that the results appears to follows the Fourier’s Law of 3onduction as the temperature readings -eep decreasing as it goes from T6 to T=. 4ome of the percentage errors of the thermal conductivity value are 9uite large. It may due to the lac- of e9uipment and the lac- of awareness of the e9uipment’s usability. Last but not least, there are some precautions that need to be ta-en when doing this e)periment. Give the e9uipment some time before ta-ing the temperature readings. This is done to ma-e the system in steady state condition. In steady state condition, the temperature readings are stable and constant. This will give a better accu racy in the calculations. In addition, the connections of the thermocouples need to be firm. The reading will be affected by the surrounding temperature and it ma-es the e)periment inaccurate. CONCLU'ION: In conclusion, the Fourier’s Law of 3onductivity is certainly well studied on linear and radial conduction heat transfer and the values of thermal conductivity of certain materials had been calculated. The transfer of heat by conduction is well illustrated in this e)periment where heat is being transferred in solid material which is in metal bar and metal plate. Thus, the objective is achieved.