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Dante's Inferno Canto 10: Heretics Analysis

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Pedro Schmitt
Mrs Hathaway
World Literature
14 November 2019
Dante’s Inferno Canto 10: The Heretics
Canto X of the Inferno opens with a detailed description of Dante and Virgil walking
through the tombs of Epicurus, who did not believe in immortality and his followers. Dante can
incorporate literary devices in this Canto, along with his description of the encounter with some
known heretics.
In this Canto we read about Virgil and Dante in the 6th ring of the Inferno, where the
Heretics are found, these heretics are in burring graves. Farinata, a historical person who
according to Danteworld.laits.utexas “Farinata was an enemy to the party of Dante's ancestors” ,
and from Florence. The reason for this feud is the fact that Farinata supported the roman emperor
instead of the Pope, which according to Dante was a big deal in Italy at the time.
Farinata shows up from a grave, then Dante starts to talk to him about politics, and the future of
Florence, and Dante himself. While they were talking, a random soul called Cavalcante de'
Cavalcanti comes in and asks about his son. Dante gives a response, that leads Cavalcante to
believe his son Guido was dead. After finishing his conversation with Farinata, Dante requests
that he tell Cavalcante that his son is alive.
A predominant symbol in Canto X is the burning graves in which the souls are in.
Everyone in that circle was a heretic, due to the fact they followed teachings of Epicurus and
believed there was no life after death. The punishment of the grave seemed fitting, because that
was their believed “end”, instead of life after death. Dante also includes an allusion in this Canto
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“They will forever be locked up when they return here from Jehoshaphat with bodies that they
left up in the world” (10-12). In Joel 3:12 the Valley of Jehoshaphat is mentioned, and it is the
place where the last judgment will be held. An example of a simile is also present “Down here
we see like those with faulty vision who only see” (100-101). Farinata compares his ability to
only see the future and not the present, to a person who can only see from far away.
In closing the heretics were the first circle that committed a crime against God, not
themselves or another person. Dante furthers his hometown by writing about two men from his
city, in addition to the fact that Dante wants to get the message across that Epicurus and his
followers were heretics. Dante can include all of this in this canto, while still being able to juggle
numerous literature devices.