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Scientific Inquiry Exam Lesson Plan for Middle School

Lesson Plan – End of Unit Exam
By the end of this session, students will be able:
 To determine the meaning of symbols, key terms and other science-specific words and phrases as
they are used in the context of Scientific Inquiry.
Time: 45 minutes
Materials: SmartBoard, Laptop
Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.4
Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a
specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
5 min
 Go over the agenda, goals, and objectives of the day.
 Review norms. Set guidelines for test taking.
25 min
 Pass out scantrons. Collect study guides.
 Students will be allotted 35 minutes to complete the exam.
Students who are unable to finish the exam in the allotted time
will be allowed to complete their exam during one lunch period
(they must remember to ask for a pass)
 Put 35 minute timer on the smartboard for student reference.
 Advise students to start with easy questions and then move on
to more difficult questions.
 Begin
 Actively proctor. Answer all questions in close proximity.
CoTeacher will also actively proctor.
15 min
 Collect exams and scantrons.
 Remind students who are not finished that they must collect a
lunch pass and report straight to A205