Title Objective Catalyst nature Catalyst preparation Catalyst preparation time Pre Heating Temperature Growth Temperature Scale up Growth temperature dependence of partially Fe filled MWCNT using chemical vapor deposition To study the effect of growth temperature on the CNT morphology grown from Fe thin film catalyst Pure metal catalyst Thermally evaporated Effect of growth temperature on the CVD grown Fe filled multiwalled carbon nanotubes using a modified photoresist To study the effect of growth temperature on the CNT morphology grown from Fe powder catalyst Chemically modified powder catalyst, Fe(acac)3 Spin coated after mixing with photoresist Pre-heating effect on the catalytic growth of partially filled carbon nanotubes by chemical vapor deposition The surface reconstruction of the Fe catalyst thin films due to high temperature processing in hydrogen prior to nanotube nucleation and its effect on the growth morphologies of partially filled carbon nanotubes Pure metal catalyst Thermally evaporated 3 Hours (Approx) 3 Hours (Approx) 1 hour (Approx) 650, 750, 850, and 950 C. 550, 650, 850 and 950 C 650, 750, 850, and 950 C. 550, 650, 850 and 950 C Difficult Easy 850 , 900 and 1000 C 850 C Difficult