Uploaded by angie noble

Personal Narrative Peer Revision Checklist

Personal Narrative peer revision checklist
Evaluator’s name: _______________________________ Author’s name: _______________________________________
2. Is the story limited to a particular time? (15 min. - 2hrs.)
3. Does the story have a nontraditional beginning?
4. Does the story have a clear beginning, middle, and end?
6. Does the story include strong visuals and sensory details?
7. Does the story include effective DIALOGUE?
8. Does the story reveal the thoughts/feelings/attitude of the writer?
9. Is the story long enough?
10. Is the story FREE of TABOOS? (except the use of I, we, us, etc.)
Does title engage the reader (and hint at the topic and tone)?
5. Does the story end with a logical conclusion that shows
why the memory is important/significant?
11. What is your favorite part of this writer’s story and why? __________________________________________________
12. One or two suggestions for the writer for improving this narrative: __________________________________________
13. If you answered “no” or “somewhat” to any of the ten questions above, explain some of you reasoning here.
14. Sum up your evaluation in one sentence to the writer that will help him/her with the final revision process.