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Fitness Introduction: Lesson Plan for Health Education

NAME OF COURSE- Health Education
UNIT – Fitness
Lesson –Introduction to Fitness
Is physically fitness essential for life’s success?
What are the five components of physical fitness?
At the end of this lesson, students will BE ABLE TO:
1. Psychomotor: Properly demonstrate loco motor skills; participate in warm up activities and all
activities throughout the entire lesson.
Assessment: teacher observation on usage of cues and proper positioning
2. Cognitive: Students will develop the skills necessary to measure their own fitness and physical
Activity. Students will also maintain regular participation in physical activity and analyze
and evaluate their level of involvement in physical activity
Assessment: teacher will check to see if students understand the proper techniques needed for
proper execution of the skill by asking skill based questions.
3. Affective: show interest in partic ipating in the class, work together to achieve the goal.
Objective: SWBAT: respect other student’s area, body space and know the safety zones.
Demonstrate cooperation when working with a partner.
Assessment: while students are on task and working cooperatively, I will provide corrective
positive feedback.
NYS Learning
Knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness,
participate in physical activity, maintain personal health: perform basic
motor and manipulative skills, attain competency in a variety of
physical activities and proficiency in a few complex motor and sport
activities, and design personal fitness programs for health-related
Demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged
in physical activity. Understand that physical activity provides the
opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and
communication. Identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure
a safe and positive experience for all participants.
Be aware of and able to access opportunities available to them within
their community to engage in physical activity. Be informed consumers
and be able to evaluate facilities and programs. Be aware of some
career options in the field of physical education and sports.
Standard (RI.11-12.1)- Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to
support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text, including determining where the text leave
matters uncertain.
Standard ( CC.9-10.R.L.2) Key ideas and details: Determine a theme or
central idea of text and analyze in detail its development over the
course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined
by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
CCLS Standards
(5-8 mins)
Students will sit quietly in their seats as attendance is taken.
Do now: take out your journals and copy the aim of the lesson.
Why is physical fitness important?
Motivation/ explanation of lesson
(5 mins)
Fitness Education Goals
ƒ __ To prepare and motivate students to engage in physical activity outside of
school and throughout life
ƒ __To provide opportunities for students to develop healthy habits while
gaining an appreciation for its importance throughout life.
Guiding Theme
Today’s lesson will learn about the 5 components of fitness. Does anyone
know the components?
(32-35 mins)
Today we will learn what we need in order to attain physical fitness, one has to
concentrate on and improve these five basic components of physical fitness:
1. Cardiovascular Endurance-The efficiency and capability of your heart to
oxygen and nutrients to tissues.
2. Muscular Strength-The amount of force or strength that your muscles can
up and exert at a time.
3. Muscular Endurance-The ability of your muscle to undergo repeated
4. Body Composition- The ratio of body fat to body lean mass.
5. Flexibility- The ability of your muscles and joints to move through their full
range of motion
Introduce the components of fitness. Have students read article about
components of fitness. Discuss the components as a class and how we can
incorporate them into our daily lives.
At the end the line who is the most on task will receive 20 extra points towards
their weekly participation.
Distribute Handouts
Give students time to read the handouts and answer the question
Have a discussion about the components and why are they important
in our daily lives.
** Why would you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness?
** What are the benefits of improving your cardiovascular fitness?
**Why is body composition important?
** What are the dangers of having a not so good body compostion?
**What role does muscular strength play in your life?
In your groups discuss the following:
Imagine the you want to tone up your muscles but not loose weight, what
are some thing you could do during an exercise routine?
What is the importance of stretching and flexibility before or after a
What is the importance fitness?
3-5 mins
Go over all that was learned. Ask a student to reiterate the five components of
health and explain them.
Explain to the students what they will be going over in the next class
ASSESSMENTS: Teacher Q & A, Teacher Observation, Exit Slips
MATERIALS: Worksheets, journals
The five components of physical fitness
The 5 components of physical fitness are used in schools, gyms and health clubs to measure your level of physical fitness.
Total fitness is defined by how well your body performs in each of 5 categories.
Here's what you should know about the 5 components of physical fitness. The five components of physical fitness are:
Cardiovascular endurance, Muscle strength, Muscle endurance, Flexibility, Body composition
These 5 components measure your body's ability to use oxygen as fuel, your muscular strength and endurance, the
flexibility of your joints and your total body fat.A range of tests are used to measure these components. Once you've been
tested in all five components, a physical fitness regimen can be tailored to your specific needs.
Cardiovascular Endurance- Cardiovascular endurance refers to the ability of your heart and lungs to work together to fuel
your body with oxygen. The Cooper Run is most often used to test cardiovascular endurance. Aerobic conditioning, like
jogging, swimming and cycling, can help improve cardiovascular endurance.
Muscle Strength- Muscle strength refers to the amount of force a muscle can exert, in a single effort. Exercises like the
bench press, leg press or bicep curl might be used to measure muscle strength.
Muscle Endurance- Muscle endurance refers to the ability of a muscle to perform a continuous effort without fatiguing.
Cycling, step machines and sit up tests are often used to measure muscular endurance.
Flexibility- Flexibility refers to the ability of each joint to express its full range of motion. Flexibility can be tested by
stretching individual muscles or by performing exercises such as the lunge or the sit and reach.
Body Composition- Body composition refers to the amount of body fat you have, versus the amount of lean muscles, bones
and organs. There are several tests that can be used to measure body composition. The most reliable is underwater
weighing, but due to the size and expense of the equipment, this type of test isn't common. Many doctors, gyms and
health clubs use a pinch test instead.
Improving Individual Components- Once you've had your own 5 components of physical fitness measured, you can use this
information to form a fitness regimen tailored to your needs. If you're weak in cardiovascular endurance, you'll need
aerobic conditioning in the form of jogging, swimming, cycling or even sports. Strength training exercises can help
improve muscular strength; a strength training exercise that uses low weight and high reps can help improve muscular
Yoga and Pilates can help improve overall flexibility. Following good exercise practices can also help; warm up and stretch
before your workouts, then cool down and stretch after to keep your muscles from shortening. Flexibility often improves
rapidly with practice. The more you exercise, the lower your body mass index should become as you lose weight.
An effective fitness program includes all 5 components of physical fitness. While it's acceptable to emphasize exercises for
one or more weaker components, be sure not to neglect the others. Also, any strenuous exercise in one muscle group or
fitness component should be followed by 24 to 48 hours of rest for that area, to allow it to recover.
5 Components of Fitness _Worksheet
Name and define the 5 components of fitness
2. _____________ measures how long your heart and lungs can work efficiently.
3. Body Composition shows the relative amount of ______________ to ____________________________.
4. The amount of force a muscle can exert in one contraction measures your ________________________.
5. _________________ is the ability to lift weights for more repetitions.
6. The ability of body joints to move through their full range of ______________ is known
7. What do your muscles need during exercise?
8. List 4 activities that help build muscular strength
9. Name a test that measures muscular strength.