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Pathophysiology Exam 2 Review: Cancer, Infections, and More

1. Naming cancer
a. Diagnosed with primary bronchial carcinoma
2. Factors necessary for local tumor spread answers available here http://bit.ly/2QrAfcO
3. Staging procedure – what is it?
4. How come people with cancer are at higher risk for infection?
5. Characteristics of malignant tumor
6. TNM tumor classification system answers available here http://bit.ly/2QrAfcO
i. How big the tumor is and where it has spread to
7. Woman mid 30 diagnosed with cancer, testing reveals cancer has spread to regional
lymph node
8. Epstein Barr virus in immunocompromised patient– after months it has not gone away –
where has it likely developed? answers available here http://bit.ly/2QrAfcO
9. Person 30-40 enlarged lymph node in neck diagnosed with Hodgkin disease
10. 45 year old female diagnosed with cervical cancer, history
11. Sever stomach pain, testing reveals peptic ulcer in the stomach with presence of H. pylori
12. Skin cancer on head and neck, history of sunbathing
13. Recent diagnosis with cancer, history of construction worker
14. Characteristics of benign tumor answers available here http://bit.ly/2QrAfcO
15. Why unacceptable to give chemotherapy treatments late?
16. Patient at great risk for cancer of esophageal or liver
17. Foods that increase or decrease cancer risk
18. Overhear conversation about carcinoma in Situ answers available here
19. What is the most common malignancy in childhood?
20. Most common symptom or sign of bladder cancer answers available here
21. Priority patient, greatest risk for opportunistic infection
22. General adaptation of stress stages
23. Full of stress before situation
24. Catecholamines during stress reactions, fuel fight or flight response
25. Diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis
a. What virus is involved? answers available here http://bit.ly/2QrAfcO
26. Multiple myeloma with reports of severe pain, what is the cause of the pain?
27. Dog bite, what is given to prevent rabies infection?
28. HPV following unprotected intercourse, high risk for what?
29. Torn ligament injury
30. What does sarcopenia mean?
31. Tibia fracture with surgical alignment and cast, talking about increased pain in leg, leg is
pale and pulseless answers available here http://bit.ly/2QrAfcO
32. Diagnosed with osteoporosis, fell and fractured him, what kind of fracture?
33. Fracture that doesn’t go all the way through the bone shaft
34. Rhabdomyolysis - lab test
35. Osteoporosis cause answers available here http://bit.ly/2QrAfcO
36. Osteomyelitis
a. Inflammation of the bone caused by
37. Dermal pressure ulcer, first findings of developing pressure ulcer
38. Worst skin lesion answers available here http://bit.ly/2QrAfcO
39. Most important risk factor for skin cancer
40. Most common cause of dermal pressure ulcer
41. What process is expected during first 24 hours after serious burn?
42. Inflammation of tendon with microtears at insertion site at bone
43. Liver transplant taking immunosuppressant meds, painful vesicular eruptions on trunk,
had chicken pox when younger answers available here http://bit.ly/2QrAfcO
44. Individuals from what decent are at increased risk to develop keloids?
45. Thrombocytopenia is a platelet count less than
46. Why do people with liver disease often have coagulation disorders?
47. Diagnosis of leukemia, diseases associated with leukemia
48. Known causes of acute leukemia
49. First clinical manifestation of breast cancer
50. Abnormal hair growth on face in females answers available here http://bit.ly/2QrAfcO
51. Raised red lesions with brownish scale
52. Most painful burn
53. What is the rule of nines used for? answers available here http://bit.ly/2QrAfcO
54. 3 classifications of arthritis
55. Hypovolemia, early stages of burn directly related to what?
56. Rheumatoid arthritis differences answers available here http://bit.ly/2QrAfcO